238 research outputs found

    Remote sensing and GIS in marine fisheries management

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    This chapter outlines the use of modelled and satellite remote sensing (SRS) data in supporting the research, technology-develop ment and management of marine fishery resources. Numerical models are useful for studying fish and other aquatic invertebrate larval transport. SRS data are used to locate fish stocks, locate areas of reef stress and delineate areas of high productivity in the wake of cyclone paths. Coupling SRS with models helps to manage fishery resources on an ecosystem

    Changes in primary productivity and impacts in fisheries

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    Fixation of inorganic carbon to organic carbon in the ocean is driven purely by phytoplankton. Phytoplankton carbon fixation plays an important role in maintaining the quasi-steady state level of atmospheric CO2. Relative contribution of marine primary productivity to global photosynthetic production is between 10 and 50 percent. The magnitude ranges from 20 to 55 Gt of C/ year (Ryther, 1969; Walsh, 1984; Martin 1992). Ocean-atmospheric coupled climate models predict changes in the ocean circulation and hypothesize that changes in the ocean circulation will stimulate phytoplankton biomass production in the nutrient depleted areas in the open ocean (Roemmich and Wunsch, 1985). The effect on atmospheric CO2 is uncertain because the relationship between the enhanced primary production and air-sea exchange of CO2 is not understood. The challenge is to study the magnitude and variability of primary productivity, its time scales and changes in atmospheric forcing and upscale it into secondary and tertiary productivity

    Making a Career Choice: From Confusion to Confidence

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    While choosing a career тАУ listen to your mind and conscienceтАж NOTHING else. Set ambitions matching to your mental makeup and then think big / try to do the impossible. There are elaborate theoretical texts available for future reading. But the present chapter will give you some insights on developing yourself in mind and knowledge for achieving the most fulfilling career

    Empowering the marine fisheries sector with related research and development technologies - CMFRIтАЩ s initiatives and plans

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    Sustainable fisheries m anagement options, if implemented properly, indicate possible enhancem ent of harvestable potential in Indian EEZ to a possible extent of 6 million tonnes or more. Opportunities in open sea cage culture and related developments in the field of mariculture during the last 5 years show a way forward in open sea mariculture practices and propose a production ideal to the tune of 4 m illion tonnes in the coming years from m ariculture sector alone. High m ariculture production in countries like China is due to production of sea weeds and molluscs, but, the Indian sea food market comprises mainly of fin fishes of edible standards. If properly implemented, there are possibilities that the marine fish production may be enhanced to the tune of 10 million tonnes (6 million tonnes from capture and 4 million tonnes from mariculture) by 2050. The present review reiterates the need to revalidate the on-going management measures scientifically and pragmatically to enhance the marine fish production in a sustainable manner

    Marine fishery resources and food security

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    It is being increasingly recognized that marine ecosystems have manifold services, much beyond what we have been using so far. Aquatic resources are now regarded as major contributors to provisioning services that include health-food supply and pharmaceutical products. There are tremendous opportunities to advantageously make use of the rich biodiversity; and the provisioning, regulatory, cultural and supporting services of our seas to meet the emerging demands of humankind

    Python: A tool for analysis and visualization for remotely sensed datasets

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    Python is a programming language which helps you to tell the computer what you want to do with the data that you have

    Application of geophysical data sets to resolve ecosystem challenges

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    Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS) datasets are often used in empirical or semi-analytical validated models, either to extrapolate regional datasets in space or to generate derived geo-physical products. A simple example for this can be the summation of thermal signals from different wavelengths for generation of SST. In a similar way, some of the most useful and relevant environmental properties in fisheries research such as sea surface salinity (SSS), Wind Speed (WS) and Wind Direction (WD), sea surface height (SSH), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and Chl-a derived primary production (PP) are available online as processed and unprocessed geo-physical datasets. These datasets can be used to advantage in various fisheries research and management programmes

    Classification techniques for remotely sensed data

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    Hyperspectral imaging sensors measure the radiance of the materials within each pixel area at a very large number of contiguous spectral wavelength bands. So, they can generate hundreds of images of a scene on the real surface. The radiance is converted into hyperspectral data cube digital form. The spectral information available in a hyperspectral image (cube) may serve to classify the nature of the target object because every material had a unique fixed spectrum and could be used as a spectral signature of the material and perhaps provide additional information for further processing and exploitation. Hyperspectral data contain extremely rich spectral attributes, which offer the potential to discriminate more detailed classes with classification accuracy

    Role of calculus in marine sciences

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    Calculus has two parts: differential and integral calculus. Historically, differential calculus was concerned with finding lines tangent to curves and with calculating extrema (i.e., maxima and minima) of curves. Integral calculus has its roots in attempting to determine the areas of regions bounded by curves or in finding the volumes of solids. The two parts of calculus are closely related: The basic operation of one can be considered the inverse of the other. This result is known as the fundamental theorem of calculus and goes back to Newton and Leibniz, who were the first to understand its meaning and to put it to use in solving difficult problem

    Marine resources of islands: status and approaches for sustainable exploitation/conservation with special emphasis to Andaman and Nicobar

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    Island ecosystem is unique but with a great diversity. Marine resource potential of Andaman and Nicobar Islands (ANI) is underutilized. The sensitive ecosystems of corals and Mangroves are facing threats as a result of changing climate. Potential fishery resources need to be exploited in sustainable manner for income and employment generation of islanders. Primary data on resources of Bay Islands are collected resorting to standard survey methods and secondary data are used as supporting data for analyzing the trend and potential of fisheries in ANI. The paper is depicting in details the major marine resources and their status in Bay Islands and approaches for their sustainable exploitation and conservation
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