29 research outputs found

    Ida-Virumaa linnaregioonide valmisolek vene õppekeelega üldhariduskoolide gümnaasiumiastme üleminekuks eestikeelsele aineõppele

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    Eesti haridussüsteemi, Ida-Virumaa linnaregioonide kohaliku omavalitsuse üksuste ning munitsipaalkoolide olukorra ja kavandatud poliitikate analüütilised kirjeldusedKirjelduste sisu jaguneb tulenevalt Eesti haridussüsteemi ülesehitusest kolmeks suuremaks blokiks, mille siseselt käsitletakse seoses valmisolekuga üleminekuks järgmisi teemasid: 1) Hariduskorraldus kohaliku omavalitsuse üksustes, 2) Munitsipaalkoolide tegevus ja tingimused neis, 3) Riiklik hariduskorraldus

    Galileo. Cd-rom interactivo

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    Cd-rom interactiv

    Sotto Sorveglianza: privacy e nuove tecnologie MLS

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    Sotto Sorveglianza: privacy e nuove tecnologie ML

    Dal Trasporto Intelligente alle nuove soluzioni dell'InfoMobilità

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    Dal Trasporto Intelligente alle nuove soluzioni dell'InfoMobilit

    Una giornata mondiale all'insegna della geografia intelligente

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    Una giornata mondiale all'insegna della geografia intelligent

    Lombardia Informatica: una struttura al servizio della Regione

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    Lombardia Informatica: una struttura al servizio della Region

    Il Catasto nei Comuni

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    Il Catasto nei Comuni, lo stato del progetto in un'intervista ad Andrea Margaria in AM/FM

    HyperStrade: Quando il GIS incontra Internet e il Global Service

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    HyperStrade: Quando il GIS incontra Internet e il Global Servic

    Innovazione e tecnologie avanzate alla 2a Conferenza degli utenti Laser Scanner Leica Geosystems

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    This year the 2nd Leica Geosystems HDS User Conference, held on November 19 in Rome at the Sheraton Golf, located at the Parco dei Medici, has fueled the interest of professionals and emerging industry by disseminating and showcasing the new techniques and new instruments

    The Growing Use of GMES across Europe’s Regions

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    Una guida per i decisori politici sulle potenzialità e ibenefici derivanti dall’uso delle tecnologie di monitoraggiodella Terra nelle regioni Europee Abstract The Growing Use of GMES across Europe’s Regions” LaunchEvent at the European Parliament.NEREUS – Network of European Regions Using Space Technologiesand ESA – European Space Agency, are pleased to announce the launch of a joint publication with the title “TheGrowing Use of GMES across Europe’s Regions”, a collection of 67 illustrative articles on regional GMES applications. Addressed to a non-specialist audience, the collection illustrates the strategic value of the Programme for regional administrations and authorities in the context of territorial management and forward planning. The variety of existing andpotential regional uses across Europe shows how GMES not only contributes to better informed decision making but also how the data can be exploited to support sustainable environmental protection with a long term perspective. Quoting end user experiences, the publication gives a first-hand impression on the impact of GMES on regional development and policy implementation