1,189 research outputs found

    Structural perfection of Hg1−xCdxTe Grown by THM

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    The defect structure of single crystals of Hg1-xCdxTe grown by the travelling heater method (THM) has been investigated using X-ray double crystal topography and a chemical etching technique. The structural perfection is found to depend on the ratio of growth and solidus temperature Tg/Ts

    Polarimetric Imaging of the Massive Black Hole at the Galactic Center

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    The radio source Sgr A* in the Galactic center emits a polarized spectrum at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths that is strongly suggestive of relativistic disk accretion onto a massive black hole. We use the well-constrained mass of Sgr A* and a magnetohydrodynamic model of the accretion flow to match both the total flux and polarization from this object. Our results demonstrate explicitly that the shift in the position angle of the polarization vector, seen at wavelengths near the peak of the mm to sub-mm emission from this source, is a signal of relativistic accretion flow in a strong gravitational field. We provide maps of the polarized emission to illustrate how the images of polarized intensity from the vicinity of the black hole would appear in upcoming observations with very long baseline radio interferometers (VLBI). Our results suggest that near-term VLBI observations will be able to directly image the polarized Keplerian portion of the flow near the horizon of the black hole.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publciation in ApJ Letter

    The Linear Polarization of Sagittarius A* II. VLA and BIMA Polarimetry at 22, 43 and 86 GHz

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    We present a search for linear polarization at 22 GHz, 43 GHz and 86 GHz from the nearest super massive black hole candidate, Sagittarius A*. We find upper limits to the linear polarization of 0.2%, 0.4% and 1%, respectively. These results strongly support the conclusion of our centimeter wavelength spectro-polarimetry that Sgr A* is not depolarized by the interstellar medium but is in fact intrinsically depolarized.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 13 pages, 2 figure

    Detection of Circular Polarization in the Galactic Center Black Hole Candidate Sagittarius A*

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    We report here the detection of circular polarization in the Galactic Center black hole candidate, Sagittarius A*. The detection was made at 4.8 GHz and 8.4 GHz with the Very Large Array. We find that the fractional circular polarization at 4.8 GHz is mc=0.36±0.05m_c=-0.36 \pm 0.05% and that the spectral index of the circular polarization is α=0.6±0.3\alpha=-0.6 \pm 0.3 (mcναm_c \propto \nu^{\alpha}). The systematic error in mcm_c is less than 0.04% at both frequencies. In light of our recent lower limits on the linear polarization in Sgr A*, this detection is difficult to interpret with standard models. We consider briefly whether scattering mechanisms could produce the observed polarization. Detailed modeling of the source and the scattering medium is necessary. We propose a simple model in which low energy electrons reduce linear polarization through Faraday depolarization and convert linear polarization into circular polarization. Circular polarization may represent a significant new parameter for studying the obscured centimeter wavelength radio source in Sgr A*.Comment: ApJL accepted, 11 pages including 1 figur

    The Linear Polarization of Sagittarius A* I. VLA Spectro-polarimetry at 4.8 and 8.4 GHz

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    Synchrotron radiation from active galactic nuclei (AGN) is often highly polarized. We present a search for linear polarization with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 4.8 GHz and 8.4 GHz from the nearest AGN, Sagittarius A*. As a part of this study we used spectro-polarimetric data that were sensitive to a rotation measure (RM) as large as 3.5 x 10^6 rad m^-2 at 4.8 GHz and 1.5 x 10^7 rad m^-2 at 8.4 GHz. The upper limit to the linear polarization of Sgr A* over a broad range of RM is 0.2% at both frequencies. We also present continuum observations with the VLA at 4.8 GHz which give an upper limit of 0.1% for RMs less than 10^4 rad m^-2. We conclude that depolarization is unlikely to occur in the Galacter Center scattering medium. However, it is possible for depolarization to occur in the accretion region of Sgr A* if the outer scale of turbulence is small enough. We also consider the implications of a very low intrinsic polarization for Sgr A*.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, August 20, 1999, Vol 521 #

    Aperture synthesis observations of the molecular ring in the galactic center

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    Reported are 88 GHz aperture synthesis observations of HCN J=1 yields 0 emission and absorption in the central 5 pc of the Galaxy. The data, taken by the Hat Creek mm-interferometer at 5" to 10" spatial and 4 km/s spectral resolution, show a complete, clumpy ring of molecular gas surrounding the ionized central 2 pc of the Galaxy. The ring is the inner edge of a larger disk extending to about 5 pc. Comparison with sub-mm line data suggests that the HCN 1-0 line is slightly optically thick and originates in subthermally populated gas. The clumpy line emission distribution reflects a combination of hydrogen volume and column density variations. The new data clearly show a close physical relation between the molecular and the ionized gas in the central cavity. The western arc appears to be the ionized inner surface of the molecular ring, and the northern arm and bar may be streamers of ionized gas falling from the ring toward the center. The dominant large scale velocity pattern of the majority of the molecular gas in the inner 5 pc is rotation. No overall radial motion of the ring greater than about 20 km/s is apparent. The rotation is perturbed in several ways; (1) there is a very large local velocity dispersion, (2) the ring shows changes in position angle and inclination (warps), (3) there is a bright, redshifted cloud which appears to be located in the western part of the ring but does not participate in the rotation. These characteristics and the high degree of clumpiness indicate a non-equilibrium configuration of short (less than or approx. 10 to the 4th power to 10 to the 5th power y) dynamical lifetime. The warping and tilting of the structure and the short dynamical lifetime make an accurate determination of equilibrium rotation velocity uncertain

    Warping the young stellar disc in the Galactic Centre

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    We examine influence of the circum-nuclear disc (CND) upon the orbital evolution of young stars in the Galactic Centre. We show that gravity of the CND causes precession of the orbits which is highly sensitive upon the semi-major axis and inclination. We consider such a differential precession within the context of an ongoing discussion about the origin of the young stars and suggest a possibility that all of them have originated in a thin disc which was partially destroyed due to the influence of the CND during the period of ~6Myr.Comment: proc. conf. "The Universe Under the Microscope - Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution", 21-25 April 2008, Bad Honnef, German

    Detection of shocked atomic gas in the Kleinmann-Low nebula

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    The 63 micrometer (3)p(1)-(3)P(2) fine structure line emission of neutral atomic oxygen at the center of the Orion nebula with a resolution of 30" is presented. There are three main emission peaks. One is associated with the region of strongest thermal radio continuum radiation close to the Trapezium cluster, and probably arises at the interface between the HII region and the dense Orion molecular cloud. The other two line emission peaks, associated with the Kleinmann Low nebula, are similar in both distribution and velocity to those of the 2 micrometer S(1) line of molecular hydrogen and of the high velocity wings of rotational CO emission. The OI emission from the KL nebula can be produced in the shocked gas associated with the mass outflows in this region and is an important coolant of the shocked gas

    The 158 micron (CII) mapping of galaxies: Probing the atomic medium

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    Using the MPE/UCB Far-infrared Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FIFI) on the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO), we have made large scale maps of (CII) in the spiral galaxies NGC 6946, NGC 891, M83 and the peculiar elliptical Cen A, thus allowing for the first time, detailed studies of the spatial distribution of the FIR line emission in external galaxies. We find that the (CII) emission comes from a mixture of components of interstellar gas. The brightest emission is associated with the nuclear regions, a second component traces the spiral arms as seen in the nearly face on spiral galaxies NGC 6946 and M83 and the largest star forming/H2 regions contained within them, and another extended component of low brightness can be detected in all of the galaxies far from the nucleus, beyond the extent of CO emission

    NIR Spectroscopy with the VLT of a sample of ISO selected Hubble Deep Field South Galaxies

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    A new population of faint galaxies characterized by an extremely high rate of evolution with redshift up to z~1.5 has recently been discovered by ISO. These sources are likely to contribute significantly to the cosmic far-IR extragalactic background. We have carried out near-infrared VLT-ISAAC spectroscopy of a sample of ISOCAM galaxies from the Hubble Deep Field South. The rest-frame R-band spectral properties of the ISO population resembles that of powerful dust-enshrouded active starburst galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in "ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe", eds. D. Lemke, M. Stickel, K. Wilke, typos correcte