516 research outputs found

    Low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a highly swept arrow wing configuration with several deflected leading edge concepts

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    The effectiveness of leading edge concepts for minimizing or controlling leading edge flow separation was studied. Emphasis was placed on low speed performance, stability, and control characteristics of configurations with highly swept wings. Simple deflection of the leading edge, a variable camber leading edge system, and a leading edge vortex flow system were among the concepts studied. The data are presented without analysis

    Reynolds number effects on pressure loss and turbulence characteristics of four tube-bundle heat exchangers

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    The aerodynamic characteristics of pressure loss and turbulence on four tube-bundle configurations representing heat-exchanger geometries with nominally the same heat capacity were measured as a function of Reynolds numbers from about 4000 to 400,000 based on tube hydraulic diameter. Two configurations had elliptical tubes, the other two had round tubes, and all four had plate fins. The elliptical-tube configurations had lower pressure loss and turbulence characteristics than the round-tube configurations over the entire Reynolds number range

    Low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a highly swept, untwisted uncambered arrow wing

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    An investigation was conducted in the Langley 4- by 7-Meter Tunnel to provide a detailed study of wing pressure distributions and forces and moments acting on a highly swept arrow-wing model at low Mach numbers (0.25). A limited investigation of the effect of spoilers at several locations was also conducted. Analysis of the pressure data shows that for the configuration with undeflected leading edges, vortex separation occurs on the outboard wing panel for angles of attack on the order of only 3 deg, whereas conventional leading-edge separation occurs at a nondimensional semispan station of 0.654 for the same incidence angle. The pressure data further show that vortex separation exists at wing stations more inboard for angles of attack on the order of 7 deg and that these vortices move inboard and forward with increasing angle of attack. The force and moment data show the expected nonlinear increments in lift and pitching moment and the increased drag associated with the vortex separation. The pressure data and corresponding force and moment data confirm that deflecting the entire wing leading edge uniformly to 30 deg is effective in forestalling the onset of flow separation to angles of attack greater than 8.6 deg; however, the inboard portion of the leading edge is overdeflected. The investigation further identifies the contribution of the trailing-edge flap deflection to the leading-edge upwash fields

    Longitudinal aerodynamics of a low-wing lift-fan transport including hover characteristics in and out of ground effect

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    A wind-tunnel investigation was conducted in the Langley V/STOL tunnel to determine the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a six-fan, tip-driven (remote) lift-fan VTOL transport throughout transition. The large midspan lift-fan pods and cruise fans were removed to determine their influence on the stability and control of the configuration. Data were obtained in the hovering mode for ranges of model height above ground. The data are presented without analysis or discussion

    Low-speed wind-tunnel tests of an advanced eight-bladed propeller

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    As part of a research program on advanced turboprop aircraft aerodynamics, a low-speed wind-tunnel investigation was conducted to document the basic performance and force and moment characteristics of an advanced eight-bladed propeller. The results show that in addition to the normal force and pitching moment produced by the propeller/nacelle combination at angle of attack, a significant side force and yawing moment are also produced. Furthermore, it is shown that for test conditions wherein compressibility effects can be ignored, accurate simulation of propeller performance and flow fields can be achieved by matching the nondimensional power loading of the model propeller to that of the full-scale propeller

    Experimental and theoretical aerodynamic characteristics of a high-lift semispan wing model

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    Experimental and theoretical aerodynamic characteristics were compared for a high-lift, semispan wing configuration that incorporated a slightly modified version of the NASA Advanced Laminar Flow Control airfoil section. The experimental investigation was conducted in the Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel at chord Reynolds numbers of 2.36 and 3.33 million. A two-dimensional airfoil code and a three-dimensional panel code were used to obtain aerodynamic predictions. Two-dimensional data were corrected for three-dimensional effects. Comparisons between predicted and measured values were made for the cruise configuration and for various high-lift configurations. Both codes predicted lift and pitching moment coefficients that agreed well with experiment for the cruise configuration. These parameters were overpredicted for all high-lift configurations. Drag coefficient was underpredicted for all cases. Corrected two-dimensional pressure distributions typically agreed well with experiment, while the panel code overpredicted the leading-edge suction peak on the wing. One important feature missing from both of these codes was a capability for separated flow analysis. The major cause of disparity between the measured data and predictions presented herein was attributed to separated flow conditions

    Evaluation of the Langley 4- by 7-meter tunnel for propeller noise measurements

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    An experimental and theoretical evaluation of the Langley 4- by 7- Meter Tunnel was conducted to determine its suitability for obtaining propeller noise data. The tunnel circuit and open test section are described. An experimental evaluation is performed using microphones placed in and on the tunnel floor. The reflection characteristics and background noise are determined. The predicted source (propeller) near-field/far-field boundary is given using a first-principles method. The effect of the tunnel-floor boundry layer on the noise from the propeller is also predicted. A propeller test stand used for part of his evaluation is also described. The measured propeller performance characteristics are compared with those obtained at a larger scale, and the effect of the test-section configuration on the propeller performance is examined. Finally, propeller noise measurements were obtained on an eight-bladed SR-2 propeller operating at angles of attack -8 deg, 0 deg, and 4.6 deg to give an indication of attainable signal-to-noise ratios

    Effect of Pylon Wake with and Without Pylon Blowing on Propeller Thrust

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    Pylon trailing edge blowing was investigated as a means of alleviating the effects of the pylon wake on a pusher arrangement of an advanced single-rotation turboprop. Measurements were made of steady-state propeller thrust and pylon wake pressures and turbulence levels with and without blowing. Results show that the pylon trailing edge blowing practically eliminated the pylon wake, significantly reduced the pylon wake turbulence, and had a relatively small effect on the steady-state propeller thrust. The data are presented with a minimum of analysis

    Wind-tunnel investigation of an externally blown flap STOL transport model including and investigation of wall effects

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    A wind-tunnel investigation was conducted in the Langley V/STOL tunnel and in a scaled version of the Ames 40- by 80-foot tunnel test section installed as a liner in the Langley V/STOL tunnel to determine the effect of test-section size on aerodynamic characteristics of the model. The model investigated was a swept-wing, jet-powered, externally blown flap (EBF) STOL transport configuration with a leading-edge slat and triple-slotted flaps. The model was an 0.1645-scale model of a 11.58-meter (38.0-ft) span model designed for tests in a 40- by 80-foot tunnel. The data compare the aerodynamic characteristics of the model with and without the tunnel liner installed. Data are presented as a function of thrust coefficient over an angle-of-attack range of 0 deg to 25 deg. A thrust-coefficient range up to approximately 4.0 was simulated, most ot the tests being conducted at a free-stream dynamic pressure of 814 Newtons/sq m (17 lb sq ft). The data are presented with a minimum of analysis

    Effect of solidity and inclination on propeller-nacelle force coefficients

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    A series of wind tunnel experiments were conducted to study the effect of propeller solidity and thrust axis inclination on the propeller normal force coefficient. Experiments were conducted in the Langley 14 by 22 foot Subsonic Tunnel with a sting mounted, counterrotation, scale model propeller and nacelle. Configurations had two rows of blades with combinations of 4 and 8 blades per hub. The solidity was varied by changing the number of blades on both rows. Tests were conducted for blade pitch setting of 31.34 deg, 36.34 deg, and 41.34 deg over a range of angle of attack from -10 deg to 90 deg and range of advance ratio from 0.8 to 1.4. The increase in propeller normal force with angle of attack is greater for propellers with higher solidity