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    Lulëzimi i teknologjisë kohëve të fundit ka krijuar epokën digjitale. Rritja shpërthyese në teknologjitë kompjuterëve, të informacionit dhe të teknologjive të tjera digjitale ka një ndikim të madh në mënyrat se si kompanitë i sjellin vlerat te klientët e tyre. Epoka digjitale u ka siguruar specialistëve të marketingut mënyrat të reja ngacmuese për të mësuar rreth klientëve dhe për t`i ndjekur ata, me synime për të krijuar produkte dhe shërbime në përputhje individuale të tyre. Prandaj, ky trend çdo ditë e më shumë po bëhet e domosdoshme për çdo veprimtari. Marketingu digjital i trendit të cilin do ta diskutojmë u mundëson bizneseve dhe organizata që web-faqet e tyre të renditen sa më lartë në makinat e kërkimit duke gjeneruar në këtë mënyrë shumë më shumë trafik në përmbajtjen e web-faqes. Tema që do të analizohet në vazhdim ka të bëjë me Search Engine Optimization, në të cilën do të analizohet kryesisht ndërlidhja e SEO me marketingun digjital. Në këtë hulumtim do të shfrytëzohen kryesisht të dhënat dytësore nga literatura e ndryshme online dhe web-faqet përkatëse. Pjesa e parë do të përfshi informacione të përgjithshme të SEO, dhe ndërlidhja e saj me marketingun digjital. Ndërsa në pjesën tjetër do të paraqesim mënyrën e duhur për të organizuar kampanja SEO në mënyrë që të arrihen rezultate të pritura të shoqëruar me ilustrime sqaruese e statistika përkatëse, dhe ky hulumtim do të përmbyllet me konkluzione të cilat janë arritur si pasojë e analizës së fakteve dhe diskutimeve të ndryshme rreth ndërlidhjes së SEO dhe marketingut digjital

    The non-majority communities' rights in Kosovo: implementation of the right to employment and education

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    International and national legislation guarantees the right to employment and education for every citizen, including members of non-majority communities. As a multi-ethnic state, Kosovo has very advanced legislation to guarantee access to employment and education for members of its non-majority communities. This study aimed to examine the actual level of enforcement of these two rights by members of non-majority communities. Relevant scientific works, local and international legislation, and statistical data on the level of access to the labor market and the education system of non-majority communities in Kosovo were consulted for this study. The research results show that access to the labor market and the education system varies across communities and has not continuously increased in 2015-2021. The situation has particularly affected the RAE community, which has the highest percentage of unemployment (over 90%) and the lowest access to pre-university education (below 5%). Therefore, this article recommends that relevant stakeholders take measures to ensure the proper enforcement of access to employment and education rights for non-majority communities in Kosovo

    Data_Sheet_1_Quality of life and quality of education among physiotherapy students in Europe.docx

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    BackgroundThe study of physiotherapy is challenging and can affect the students’ well-being and quality of life. The aim of this study was to describe and compare factors that could affect well-being among students across Europe.MethodsIn this descriptive cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire survey, students of bachelor’s physiotherapy programs from 23 European faculties, from 8 countries, were interviewed on mental health and stress burden, sleep quality, dietary habits, and physical activity.ResultsAlthough 75% of students rated their quality of life positively and 47% were satisfied with their mental health, 65% showed higher levels of stress and 51% described impaired sleep quality. The minimum physical activity of 150 min weekly was described by 79% of students, within which 67% engaged in strengthening twice a week. Students with a higher stress load/worse psychological health also showed worse sleep quality and lower amount of physical activity, women were significantly worse off. In terms of physical activity and sleep quality, students from Finland and Kosovo achieved the best results, while students from Italy, Greece, and Portugal achieved the worst. Students from Italy indicated the greatest dissatisfaction with the organisation of the study system and communication with teachers, while in Kosovo students rated the communication and study organisation the highest. All students had a problem with adhering to nutritional habits. Students from Italy and Spain, with the lowest body mass indexes and weight averages, were closest to the nutrition recommendations.ConclusionWe demonstrated that physiotherapy students are burdened with stress, suffer from sleep disorders, and do not follow the recommendations regarding nutrition nor physical activity. There are significant differences between universities and countries in some aspects.</p