232 research outputs found

    Evaluación ética de la memoria económica de los contratos de ensayos clínicos con medicamentos en España

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    Objetivos: Analizar el grado de homogeneidad de la memoria económica incluida en los contratos de centros sanitarios españoles participantes en ensayos clínicos (EC) con medicamentos para detectar puntos de potencial conflicto de interés en la investigación clínica. Material y métodos: Se ha analizado, mediante un autocuestionario, la memoria económica de 40 contratos, 31 correspondientes a centros sanitarios privados y públicos seleccionados al azar y 9 correspondientes a las comunidades autónomas con modelo de contrato único. Resultados: El equipo investigador, en el 97,5% de los casos (39 contratos), es el destinatario mayoritario de la remuneración económica por participar en un EC. El porcentaje aportado difiere según el centro, siendo mayor si es público (p=0,021) pero sin especificarse en el 50% de los contratos. En 38 de los 40 contratos analizados no se proporciona un listado de precios de las pruebas complementarias. En el 57,5%, (23 contratos), no se especifica si los gastos de los pacientes son abonados por el promotor. En el 77,5% (31 casos) no se especifica si los gastos derivados de reuniones relacionadas con el EC se incluyen en la memoria económica. Conclusiones: Existe una elevada heterogeneidad en el contenido de la memoria económica. La implantación de un modelo de memoria económica que incluyera una cantidad económica de remuneración fija por cada paciente reclutado por parte del promotor, para todos los centros participantes, podría disminuir las desigualdades entre centros, los conflictos de intereses, y además, incrementaría la trasparencia y la calidad de los EC.Abstract: Objectives: To analyze the homogeneity of the economic report of the contracts of Spanish medical centers participating in clinical trials with medicinal products for detecting points of potential conflict of interest in clinical research. Material and methods: We analyzed, through a selfautoquestionnaire, the budgetary information of the 40 contracts, 31 of them corresponding to public and private healthcare centers, randomly selected, and 9 corresponding to the Spanish regions who have only a model contract. Results: The investigator team is the recipient majority (97.5% of cases) the economic remuneration for participating in a clinical trial. The percentage differs according to the center considered, being greater in the public setting (p=0.021) but no specified in 50% of the contracts. In 38 of the 40 contracts analyzed a price list of tests is not provided. In 57.5% of the patients are paid by the promoter. In 17.5% failed to mention that the comparative drug to be supplied free of charge. And, 77.5% did not specify whether the costs of meetings relating to the clinical trial or not to include in the expenses of the promoter. Conclusions: There is a high heterogeneity in the content of the budgetary information. The implementation of a single contract model would reduce the inequalities between schools, conflict of interest and increase transparency and quality of the clinical trial

    Effect of restricting silage feeding prepartum on time of calving, dystocia and stillbirth in Holstein-Friesian cows

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    A study was carried out to investigate the effect of restricting silage feeding on time of calving and calving performance in Holstein-Friesian cows. In the treatment group (n = 1,248 cows, 12 herds) silage feeding commenced in the evening (17:00 to 20:00 h), after a period of restricted access (2 to 10 h) while in the control group ad-libitum access to silage was provided over the 24 h period (n = 1,193 cows, 12 herds). Daytime and nighttime calvings were defined as calvings occurring between the hours of 06:30 and 00:29 and between 00:30 and 06:29, respectively. Restricting access to silage resulted in less calvings at night compared to cows with ad-libitum access to silage (18 vs 22%, P < 0.05). Cows with restricted access to silage had a higher percentage of difficult calvings (11 vs 7%, P < 0.001) and stillbirths (7 vs 5%, P < 0.05) compared to cows in the control group. The percentage of calvings at night was lower (13%) when access to silage was restricted for 10 h compared to 2, 4 or 6 h (22, 18, 25%, respectively) (P < 0.001). Calf sire breed, calf gender or cow parity did not influence time of calving. In conclusion, offering silage to pregnant Holstein-Friesian cows in the evening, after a period of restricted access, reduced the incidence of nighttime calvings, but increased the incidence of dystocia and stillbirth

    A visual interface for model-fitting

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    Trojan Squares-II

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