79 research outputs found

    Глубокий кистозный колит: обзор литературы и клинический случай

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    Colitis cystica profunda is a rare nonmalignant disease, characterized by an inflammation of mucous coat of intestine and formation of submucous cysts. The clinical picture of this pathology and oncological diseases of colon and rectum is similar. It is very difficult and important to differentiate this disease from colorectal cancer to protect the patient from unjustified mutilating surgery. Nowadays either in Russian and foreign scientific literature there are single reports dedicated to this disease. In our opinion the publication of this clinical case and analysis of scientific literature devoted to this subject is currently important.In this article there is a short review of modern state of problem of diagnostics and treatment of colitis cystica profunda. Also there is an own rare clinical observation of a patient who was diagnosed with colitis cystica profunda.Глубокий кистозный колит — редкое доброкачественное заболевание, характеризующееся воспалением слизистой оболочки кишки и образованием подслизистых кист. Клиническая картина данной нозологии и онкологических заболеваний толстой и прямой кишки схожа. На практике крайне сложно и важно отличить данное заболевание от колоректального рака, чтобы уберечь пациента от неоправданной калечащей операции. На сегодняшний день как в отечественной, так и в зарубежной научной литературе встречаются единичные сообщения, посвященные данному заболеванию. На наш взгляд, публикация данного клинического случая и анализа научной литературы по данной теме является актуальной.В статье приводится краткий обзор современного состояния проблемы диагностики и лечения глубокого кистозного колита. Также представлено собственное редкое клиническое наблюдение пациента с диагнозом глубокого кистозного колита

    Фотодинамическая терапия при раке полового члена

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    In this article we submit the case report of a patient with cT1N0M0 penile cancer diagnosis. The patient underwent two courses of photodynamic therapy (PDT) using Fotoditazin photosensitizer (PS) and ATKUS-2 diode laser. The PS was administered at a dose of 1 mg/kg of body weight 2 hours prior to the PDT session. The irradiation parameters were: 662 nm laser wavelength, 200 mW/cm2 power density and 250 J/cm2 energy density. In the presented clinical observation, we demonstrated that PDT is an effective and safe treatment method in patients with non-invasive penile cancer. The use of photodynamic therapy allowed preserving the physiological urination, sexual function and achieving a good cosmetic effect.В данной статье представлено клиническое наблюдение за пациентом, имеющим диагноз: рак полового члена сT1N0M0, которому было проведено 2 курса фотодинамической терапии (ФДТ) с использованием фотодитазина и диодного лазера «АТКУС-2». Фотодитазин в дозе 1 мг/кг массы тела вводили пациенту за 2 ч до начала сеанса ФДТ. Параметры облучения: длина волны излучения 662 нм, плотность мощности 200 мВт/см2, плотность энергии облучения 250 Дж/см2. В представленном клиническом наблюдении нами продемонстрировано, что ФДТ является эффективным и безопасным методом лечения у пациентов с неинвазивным раком полового члена. Использование ФДТ позволило сохранить физиологическое мочеиспускание, половую функцию и достичь хорошего косметического эффекта

    3D Multi-Cell Simulation of Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis

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    We present a 3D multi-cell simulation of a generic simplification of vascular tumor growth which can be easily extended and adapted to describe more specific vascular tumor types and host tissues. Initially, tumor cells proliferate as they take up the oxygen which the pre-existing vasculature supplies. The tumor grows exponentially. When the oxygen level drops below a threshold, the tumor cells become hypoxic and start secreting pro-angiogenic factors. At this stage, the tumor reaches a maximum diameter characteristic of an avascular tumor spheroid. The endothelial cells in the pre-existing vasculature respond to the pro-angiogenic factors both by chemotaxing towards higher concentrations of pro-angiogenic factors and by forming new blood vessels via angiogenesis. The tumor-induced vasculature increases the growth rate of the resulting vascularized solid tumor compared to an avascular tumor, allowing the tumor to grow beyond the spheroid in these linear-growth phases. First, in the linear-spherical phase of growth, the tumor remains spherical while its volume increases. Second, in the linear-cylindrical phase of growth the tumor elongates into a cylinder. Finally, in the linear-sheet phase of growth, tumor growth accelerates as the tumor changes from cylindrical to paddle-shaped. Substantial periods during which the tumor grows slowly or not at all separate the exponential from the linear-spherical and the linear-spherical from the linear-cylindrical growth phases. In contrast to other simulations in which avascular tumors remain spherical, our simulated avascular tumors form cylinders following the blood vessels, leading to a different distribution of hypoxic cells within the tumor. Our simulations cover time periods which are long enough to produce a range of biologically reasonable complex morphologies, allowing us to study how tumor-induced angiogenesis affects the growth rate, size and morphology of simulated tumors

    Долгосрочные онкологические и функциональные результаты робот-ассистированной радикальной простатэктомии

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    Prostate cancer (РСа), being one of the leading causes of cancer mortality in men in Russia and in a number of other countries of the world, remains an urgent problem for modern oncourology, and the choice of surgical method is an important task for a surgeon. Such a pronounced interest in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) in patients is driven by good tolerance and effectiveness of these surgical interventions, despite the fact that radical prostatectomy is considered to be the "gold standard" for treatment of patients with clinically localized РСа with regard to European Association of Urology data. The long-term oncological and functional results and the quality of life of patients after RARP deserve close attention and thorough study. According to the data presented in this article, it is obvious that RARP is the preferred method for surgical treatment of РСа, since oncological and functional results in the long-term follow-up are comparable to the results after radical prostatectomy, and according to some authors, these results are superior to the results of radical prostatectomy. The results of the study will allow to continue further introduction of RARP into clinical practice and its popularization as a method of surgical treatment of patients with localized PCa, which will reduce the length of hospital stay of patients, accelerate their medical and social rehabilitation, and improve the quality of medical care.The amount of data on the study of distant oncological and functional results of RARP as well as its superiority over other treatment methods is limited in medical literature, which prompted us to conduct our own research. Currently the urological clinic of the A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry continues work aimed at studying the longterm results of RARP in the first patients in Russia.Рак предстательной железы (РПЖ), являясь одной из ведущих причин онкологической смертности у мужчин в России и ряде других стран, остается актуальной проблемой современной онкоурологии, а выбор метода хирургического лечения - важной задачей для хирурга. Выраженный интерес к робот-ассистированной радикальной простатэктомии (РАРП) обусловлен хорошей переносимостью и эффективностью этого оперативного вмешательства, несмотря на то что радикальная простатэктомия является «золотым стандартом» лечения пациентов с клинически локализованным РПЖ, по данным Европейской ассоциации урологов. Отдаленные онкологические и функциональные результаты и качество жизни пациентов после РАРП заслуживают пристального внимания.Согласно приведенным в настоящей статье данным, очевидно, что РАРП считается предпочтительным методом хирургического лечения РПЖ. При этом онкологические и функциональные результаты в долгосрочном наблюдении сопоставимы с результатами радикальной простатэктомии, а по данным некоторых авторов, превосходят их. Результаты проведенного исследования позволят продолжить внедрение в клиническую практику и популяризировать РАРП как метод хирургического лечения пациентов с локализованным РПЖ, что сократит продолжительность пребывания больных в стационаре, ускорит медицинскую и социальную реабилитацию пациентов, повысит качество оказания медицинской помощи пациентам.Ограниченное количество данных в медицинской литературе, посвященных изучению отдаленных онкологических, функциональных результатов РАРП, побудило нас к проведению собственного исследования. В настоящее время в урологической клинике Московского государственного медико-стоматологического университета им. А.И. Евдокимова продолжается работа, направленная на изучение отдаленных результатов РАРП у первых пациентов в России

    A Multi-cell, Multi-scale Model of Vertebrate Segmentation and Somite Formation

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    Somitogenesis, the formation of the body's primary segmental structure common to all vertebrate development, requires coordination between biological mechanisms at several scales. Explaining how these mechanisms interact across scales and how events are coordinated in space and time is necessary for a complete understanding of somitogenesis and its evolutionary flexibility. So far, mechanisms of somitogenesis have been studied independently. To test the consistency, integrability and combined explanatory power of current prevailing hypotheses, we built an integrated clock-and-wavefront model including submodels of the intracellular segmentation clock, intercellular segmentation-clock coupling via Delta/Notch signaling, an FGF8 determination front, delayed differentiation, clock-wavefront readout, and differential-cell-cell-adhesion-driven cell sorting. We identify inconsistencies between existing submodels and gaps in the current understanding of somitogenesis mechanisms, and propose novel submodels and extensions of existing submodels where necessary. For reasonable initial conditions, 2D simulations of our model robustly generate spatially and temporally regular somites, realistic dynamic morphologies and spontaneous emergence of anterior-traveling stripes of Lfng. We show that these traveling stripes are pseudo-waves rather than true propagating waves. Our model is flexible enough to generate interspecies-like variation in somite size in response to changes in the PSM growth rate and segmentation-clock period, and in the number and width of Lfng stripes in response to changes in the PSM growth rate, segmentation-clock period and PSM length

    Transarterial Chemoembolization of Metastatic Liver Lesions in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

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    Aim. To evaluate the efficacy of transarterial chemoembolization in patients with metastases of colorectal cancer in the liver.Materials and methods. A study aimed at investigating the effect of selective transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) of the hepatic artery on liver metastases in colorectal cancer was conducted at the Oncology Centre of the RZhD Central Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after N.A. Semashko, Moscow. The research basis included data for 10 patients, who had undergone chemoembolization of the hepatic arteries using Biosphere microspheres 50– 100 µm — 25 mg and doxorubicin 50 mg.Results. Both immediate and long-term results of up to 12 months were evaluated using the RECIST 1.1 scale. A partial response was achieved after 4 TACE treatments in 22.2 % of cases. The stabilization of the oncological process in the liver was observed after 9 TACE treatments in 50 % of cases. Disease progression was noted after 5 procedures in 27.8 % of cases.Conclusions. Transarterial chemoembolization of metastatic liver lesions in patients with colorectal cancer can be used according to certain indications in specialized centres providing endovascular treatment services

    Colitis cystica profunda: literature review and case report

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    Colitis cystica profunda is a rare nonmalignant disease, characterized by an inflammation of mucous coat of intestine and formation of submucous cysts. The clinical picture of this pathology and oncological diseases of colon and rectum is similar. It is very difficult and important to differentiate this disease from colorectal cancer to protect the patient from unjustified mutilating surgery. Nowadays either in Russian and foreign scientific literature there are single reports dedicated to this disease. In our opinion the publication of this clinical case and analysis of scientific literature devoted to this subject is currently important.In this article there is a short review of modern state of problem of diagnostics and treatment of colitis cystica profunda. Also there is an own rare clinical observation of a patient who was diagnosed with colitis cystica profunda

    Photodynamic therapy of penile cancer

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    In this article we submit the case report of a patient with cT1N0M0 penile cancer diagnosis. The patient underwent two courses of photodynamic therapy (PDT) using Fotoditazin photosensitizer (PS) and ATKUS-2 diode laser. The PS was administered at a dose of 1 mg/kg of body weight 2 hours prior to the PDT session. The irradiation parameters were: 662 nm laser wavelength, 200 mW/cm2 power density and 250 J/cm2 energy density. In the presented clinical observation, we demonstrated that PDT is an effective and safe treatment method in patients with non-invasive penile cancer. The use of photodynamic therapy allowed preserving the physiological urination, sexual function and achieving a good cosmetic effect