234 research outputs found

    Analysis of strain localization with a nonlocal plasticity model

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    In the present paper a nonlocal plasticity model is described, intended to reproduce the mechanical behaviour of stiff fine-grained soils, including the objective simulation of strain localization; the phenomenon of accumulation of deformations in narrow zones in the form of shear bands or fractures. A number of analyses have been performed to assess the developed formulation. Relevant aspects have been addressed such as the thickness of the shear band, its orientation, and the onset of localization in a boundary value problem (BVP). Results provide useful insigths into relevant aspects of the numerical simulation of strain localization

    Coupled THM analysis of long-term anisotropic convergence in the full-scale micro tunnel excavated in the Callovo-Oxfordian argillite

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    The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the convergence measurements of the ALC1604 in situ heating test carried out in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone formation (COx) in the Meuse/Haute-Marne underground research laboratory (MHM URL). The concept of the test consists of horizontal micro-tunnel, equipped with a steel casing. The micro-tunnel is excavated in the direction of the horizontal principal major stress (sH). In situ observations showed anisotropic convergence with the maximum and minimum values in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. Coupled THM numerical analyses have been carried out to provide a structured framework for interpretation, and to enhance understanding of THM behaviour of Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. However, a special mechanical constitutive law is adopted for the description of the time-dependent anisotropic behaviour of the COx. The simulation of the test using this enhanced model provides a satisfactory reproduction of the THM long-term anisotropic convergence results. It also provides a better understanding of the observed test response.Postprint (published version

    Thermo-hydro-mechanical simulation of a full-scale steel-lined micro-tunnel excavated in the callovooxfordian claystone

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    The paper presents an interpretation of the full-scale ALC1604 in situ heating test carried out in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone (COx) in the Meuse/Haute-Marne underground research laboratory (MHM URL). The MHM URL is a site-specific facility planned to study radioactive waste disposal in the COx. The thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of the host rock is significant for the design of the underground radioactive waste disposal facility and for its long-term safety. When subjected to thermal loading, the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone of low permeability (~10-20-10-21 m2) exhibits a strong pore pressure response that significantly affects the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of the material. The observations gathered in the in situ test have provided an opportunity to examine the integrated thermo-hydromechanical (THM) response of this sedimentary clay. Coupled THM numerical analyses have been carried out to provide a structured framework for interpretation, and to enhance understanding of THM behaviour of COx. Numerical analyses have been based on a coupled theoretical formulation that incorporates a constitutive law specially developed for this type of material. The law includes a number of features that are relevant for a satisfactory description of the hydromechanical behaviour. By performing the numerical analysis, it has been possible to incorporate anisotropy of material parameters and of in situ stresses. The performance and analysis of the in situ tests have significantly enhanced the understanding of a complex THM problem and have proved the capability of the numerical formulation to provide adequate predictive capacity

    Artificial ground freezing of a volcanic ash: laboratory tests and modelling

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    The use of artificial ground freezing (AGF) to form earth support systems has had applications worldwide. These cover a variety of construction problems, including the formation of frozen earth walls to support deep excavations, structural underpinning for foundation improvement and temporary control of ground water in construction processes. On one hand, the main advantage of AGF as a temporary support system in comparison to other support methods, such as those based on injections of chemical or cement grout into the soil, is the low impact on the surrounding environment as the refrigerating medium required to obtain AGF is circulated in pipes and exhausted in the atmosphere or re-circulated without contamination of the ground water. On the other hand, the available methods may vary significantly in their sustainability and complexity in terms of times and costs required for their installation and maintenance. The ability to predict the effects induced by AGF on granular materials is therefore crucial to assessing construction time and cost and to optimising the method. In this work, the thermo-hydro-mechanical processes induced by artificial freezing of a soil body are studied using a constitutive model that encompasses frozen and unfrozen behaviour within a unified effective-stress-based framework. It makes use of a combination of ice pressure, liquid water pressure and total stress as state variables. The model is validated and calibrated using the results of a series of laboratory tests on natural samples of a volcanic ash (Pozzolana) retrieved during construction of Napoli underground, where the technique of AGF was used extensively to stabilise temporarily the ground and control the ground water

    Triaxial tests on frozen ground: formulation and modelling

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    Artificial Ground Freezing (AGF) is a controllable process that can be used by engineers to stabilise temporarily the ground, provide structural support and/or exclude groundwater from an excavation until construction of the final lining provides permanent stability and water tightness. In this work, the process of ground freezing is studied using a constitutive model that encompasses frozen and unfrozen behaviour within a unified effective-stress- based framework and employs a combination of ice pressure, liquid water pressure and total stress as state variables. The parameters of the constitutive model are calibrated against experimental data obtained from samples retrieved during construction of Napoli underground, in which AGF was extensively used to excavate in granular soils and weak fractured rock below the ground water table.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of the micro to macro response of clays to compression

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    An investigation of clay microstructure and its evolution under 1D and isotropic compression is presented for different clays. Data from the literature are compared to original results on two Italian clays, obtained using SEM, image processing, MIP and on-purpose swelling tests. The effects of composition and loading history on clay microstructure, as well as its changes along the compression path (pre- and post-gross-yielding) are analysed and a conceptual model of microstructure evolution is proposed for the clays under study. NC clays at early virgin compression, either natural or reconstituted, are found to possess an open fabric of random-low orientation, complying with a prevailing inter-aggregate and a smaller intra-aggregate porosity, whose size and distribution depend on composition. Under 1D compression, either in the field or in the laboratory, the inter-aggregate porosity is lost, at a rate dependent on composition and loading history, and the dominant intra-aggregate micro-pore is progressively reduced. Accordingly, perfectly oriented stacks of domains are recognised which, though, embed preserved random particle arrangements even at large pressures, resulting in an increase of average orientation up to the reach of a steady orientation degree. Isotropic compression causes faster microstructure evolution, although large pressures are required to change 1D-induced fabric orientation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Artificial ground freezing of a volcanic ash: Laboratory tests and modelling

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    The use of artificial ground freezing (AGF) to form earth support systems has had applications worldwide. These cover a variety of construction problems, including the formation of frozen earth walls to support deep excavations, structural underpinning for foundation improvement and temporary control of ground water in construction processes. On one hand, the main advantage of AGF as a temporary support system in comparison to other support methods, such as those based on injections of chemical or cement grout into the soil, is the low impact on the surrounding environment as the refrigerating medium required to obtain AGF is circulated in pipes and exhausted in the atmosphere or re-circulated without contamination of the ground water. On the other hand, the available methods may vary significantly in their sustainability and complexity in terms of times and costs required for their installation and maintenance. The ability to predict the effects induced by AGF on granular materials is therefore crucial to assessing construction time and cost and to optimising the method. In this work, the thermo-hydro-mechanical processes induced by artificial freezing of a soil body are studied using a constitutive model that encompasses frozen and unfrozen behaviour within a unified effective-stress-based framework. It makes use of a combination of ice pressure, liquid water pressure and total stress as state variables. The model is validated and calibrated using the results of a series of laboratory tests on natural samples of a volcanic ash (Pozzolana) retrieved during construction of Napoli underground, where the technique of AGF was used extensively to stabilise temporarily the ground and control the ground water

    Characterisation of the multi-scale fabric features of high plasticity clays

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    An investigation of the microstructural features of a high-plasticity clay, in both its natural conditions and reconstituted in the laboratory, is described. Scanning electron microscopy is used here to characterise the fabric at different magnifications, while image processing of the micrographs delivers a quantitative assessment of the fabric orientation. The results of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and swelling tests, as reported in a previous study by the authors, are used to characterise the bonding nature and strength, as well as mercury intrusion porosimetry to investigate clay porosimetry. Despite their identical composition, the natural and the reconstituted clay have experienced different deposition and loading history, generating different microstructural features that are shown to underlie their differences in state. For both clays, one-dimensional (1D) compression to medium–high pressures is seen to determine a well-oriented medium magnification fabric. However, larger-scale observations and the corresponding image processing results reveal non-uniform local fabric features, hence making fabric characterisation dependent on the scale of analysis and bringing about the issue of identifying the clay micro-scale representative element volume relating to the clay macro-behaviour. The micro-REV is identified for the clays under study and its connection with the macro-behaviour characterised. The microstructural evolution induced by 1D compression to very high pressures is shown to concern mainly the clay porosity and porosimetry, the fabric orientation being steady, thus explaining the isotropic hardening observed in laboratory tests.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Analysis of unsaturated materials hydration incorporating the effect of thermo-osmotic flow

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    The geological disposal of a high level radioactive waste relies in a system composed of engineered and geological barriers. The soils and rocks involved in the design of this type of solution are generally initially unsaturated and subject to complex thermal, hydraulic and mechanical (THM) coupled phenomena triggered by the simultaneous heating and hydration of the barrier materials under confined conditions. Mathematical THM formulations are typically used to analyze the behavior and long term performance of the barriers system. These types of formulations generally do not include some coupled processes, for example thermo-osmosis (i.e. the movement of liquid water induced by gradient of temperature), because they are considered not significant when compared against the main or direct processes (e.g., Darcy’s, Fourier’s and Fick’s laws). In this work, the potential effects of thermo-osmotic phenomenon is studied in detail. Typical flow equations are modified to include thermo-osmotic flows and then they are implemented in numerical simulators. Two case studies are analyzed. The first one focuses on a simple and already proposed model to study the behavior of a geological barrier for nuclear waste when subjected to heating and hydration. The other case corresponds to the study of an engineered clay barrier material in the laboratory subjected to hydraulic and thermal gradients similar to the ones expected in real repository conditions. In both cases the analyses with and without thermo-osmotic flows are compared. From these comparisons it is observed that the effect of thermo-osmosis can be quite significant. Thermo-osmotic effects also assisted to explain the apparent low wetting observed in the hydration of a clayey barrier material

    An approach to enhance efficiency of DEM modelling of soils with crushable grains

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    In this study oedometric compression tests of hydrocarbon coke, Fontainebleau sand and silica sand are simulated in three dimensions using breakable particles. The method adapts a rigorous breakage criterion for elasto-brittle spheres to represent failure of grains isolated between platens or within granular masses. The breakage criterion allows for the effect of particle bulk and contact properties to be treated separately. A discrete fragmentation multigenerational approach is applied as a spawning procedure. The number of particles quickly increases during the simulation, but is kept manageable by systematic fine exclusion and upscaling. Fine exclusion leads to mass losses between generations, but that loss is accounted for outside the mechanical model. Sensitivity analysis shows that it is enough to keep 53% of the crushed particle mass within the mechanical model to correctly reproduce experimental macroscopic behaviour. Practical upscaling rules are proposed for (a) contact stiffness, (b) breakage criteria and (c) grain size distribution, and validated simulating the same test, reducing by half the initial number of particles. The results are promising as both the mechanical and grading evolution are well captured with two orders of magnitude savings in computing efficiency