69 research outputs found

    Patrimonio culturale e identitĂ  dei luoghi: un binomio vincente per la competitivitĂ  territoriale.

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    2016 - 2017The aim of the present thesis was to highlight how the competitiveness of the actors operating in a territory depends strictly on the heritage culture and the identity of the place it self, well-settled concepts in literature but still need empirical validation. Therefore, the first part of the present work illustrates some theoretical references to the concept of identity and landscape, both complex and polysyllabic notions, whose meanings can be fully understood only by adopting a point of view Multidisciplinary. On the Identity some points of convergence are shown on which they agree the main disciplines that are employed, from anthropology to psychology and sociology. This is a concept that recalls at the same time the idea of equality and that of difference, it is a construct in constant becoming and never given forever, it is a process that has a social nature, developing in the interaction with the other members of the group that you are part of. As far as the notion of landscape is concerned, the centrality within the geography has been brought to light, which has thoroughly explored both the objective and "material" dimensions – its being a set of physical elements – both subjective and "intangible", linked To the sphere of values and meanings attributed to it. Precisely this ambivalence makes it an object of study fascinating as complex, difficult to harness according to analytical criteria, especially with regard to the aspects related to Perception. ... [edited by Author]XVI n.s. (XXX ciclo

    Genovino C.,(2019) Patrimonio culturale e identità dei luoghi: un binomio vincente per la competitività territoriale , Articolo in Rivista 2/2018 , Esperienze d’Impresa ,Franco Angeli ISSN 1971-5293

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    Obiettivo del presente articolo è quello di evidenziare come la competitività degli attori che operano in un territorio dipenda strettamente dal patrimonio culturale e dall’identità del luogo stesso, concetti sedimentati in letteratura, ma che necessitano di una ulteriore validazione empirica. La review della letteratura, infatti, focalizzandosi sui costrutti di place heritage, place image e place identity, ne evidenzia l’influenza sulla place reputation, che, a sua volta, riverbera i suoi effetti sulla place competitiveness e sulla capacità competitiva dei retailer operanti in una specifica area geografica. Successivamente, le ipotesi di ricerca sono state validate attraverso un’analisi sul campo che ha interessato un campione di 85 soggetti, intervistati in store. Lo studio, attraverso un modello di equazioni strutturali, intende sottolineare come la reputazione di un territorio – e le sue componenti – possa impattare sulle performance dei suoi attori, influenzandone la capacità competitiva

    Access to drug metabolites via C-H functionalization: Copper-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of N,N-dimethylalkylamines in complex pharmaceuticals

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    We aim the power of C-H bond functionalization at a problem of major practical consequence-namely, scalable access to drug metabolites and their analogs. In this context, we pursue the development of simple C-H oxidation methods that tolerate a wide range of functional groups and structural features found in pharmaceuticals ('chemotransformations'). In this Letter, we focus on N,. N-dimethylamines as they are frequently found in pharmaceuticals and undergo CYP-mediated N-demethylation reactions in vivo. The direct access to these in vivo metabolites, from the parent drugs, has remained a significant synthetic challenge for which a broad solution had not previously been found. We here show that a simple copper-oxygen catalytic system provides a scalable route to complex N-demethylated drug metabolites

    Cultural heritage e territorio tra identitĂ  e reputazione

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    Obiettivo del presente libro è quello di evidenziare come la competitività degli attori che operano in un territorio dipenda strettamente dal patrimonio culturale e dall’identità del luogo stesso, concetti sedimentati in letteratura, ma che necessitano di una ulteriore validazione empirica. La review della letteratura, infatti, focalizzandosi sui costrutti di place heritage, place image e place identity, ne evidenzia l’influenza sulla place reputation, che, a sua volta, riverbera i suoi effetti sulla place competitiveness e sulla capacità competitiva dei retailer operanti in una specifica area geografica
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