13 research outputs found

    Antihuman Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Activity of Rare Earth Metal Complexes of 4-Hydroxycoumarins in Cell Culture

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    The cerium Ce(III), lanthanum La(III), and neodymium Nd(III) complexes with 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one (warfarin) (W) and 3,3′-benzylidenebis[4-hydroxycoumarin] (1) were synthesized and studied for the first time for cytotoxicity (on MT-2 cells) and as anti-HIV agents under acute and chronic infection. The complexes were characterized by different physicochemical methods: mass spectrometry, (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, and IR spectroscopy. The spectra of the complexes were interpreted on the basis of comparison with the spectrum of the free ligands. Anti-HIV effect of the complexes/ligands was measured in MT-2 cells by microtiter infection assay. Detection of endogenous reverse transcriptase (RT) activity and RT processivity by PCR indicative for proviral DNA synthesis demonstrated that anti-HIV activity has not been linked to early stages of viral replication. No effect on late steps of viral replication has been found using cells chronically producing HIV-1(LAI) virus. La(W) demonstrated anti-HIV activity (IC50=21.4 μM) close to maximal nontoxic concentration. Nd(W), Ce(1), and Nd(1) demonstrated limited anti-HIV potency, so none of the complexes seems appropriate to be used in clinic. Further targeting of HIV-1 inhibition by La(W) is under progress

    A review of career devoted to biophotonics-in memoriam to Ekaterina Borisova (1978-2021)

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    Regretfully, because of her sudden demise, Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Borisova is no longer amongst us. COVID-19 pulled away a brilliant scientist during the peak of her scientific career (see Fig. 1). All authors would like to express deepest condolences and sincere support to her family, friends, relatives and colleagues! We, therefore, rightfully commemorate her dedicated and devoted contribution to biophotonics, her readiness to always support, help, motivate and inspire all her colleagues and collaborators

    Surgical Approach to Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing in Childhood /// Хирургичен подход про обструктивни нарушения на дишането по време на сън в детска възраст

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    [EN] The prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) in childhood and its significant negative health effects have led to increased interest over the last decades in the diagnosis and treatment of this group of diseases. For this reason SDB causes interest in the knowledge of pathophysiology, morbidity, diagnosis and treatment of this condition. A comparative analysis of various surgical tonsillectomy and tonsillotomy techniques has been made in terms of relevance, efficacy, safety and tissue effects, re- hypertrophy was evaluated and the efficacy and safety of the surgical treatment of obstructive breathing disorders in paediatric age was analyzed. An optimized algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of children with SDB has been developed in routine clinical practice. The literature review revealed the importance of the SDB problem in children and clearly defined the place of surgical methods in the complex approach to the treatment of this pathology. It has been found that every routine examination of a child in a GP, paediatrician or otorhinolaryngologist requires an active and directed search for symptoms of SDB. Recently available and reliable SDB diagnostic methods have proven to include night sleep audio / video recording, pulsoxymetrie, and upper respiratory tract endoscopy during drug-induced sleep. Combining night-time pulse oximetry with night sleep audio / video recording has a very good success rate in assessing the severity of breath disturbance during sleep. It has also been found that knowing the level of obstruction and pattern of airway collapse is essential for the choice of therapeutic behaviour. The most common levels of obstruction of upper respiratory tract in children with SDB are nasopharynx and oropharynx. In the absence of a clear level of obstruction in the physical examination and in absence of adenotonsillar hypertrophy, an endoscopy of upper airways was demonstrated during drug-induced sleep. With regard to surgical techniques, it has been established that tonsillotomy and adenoidectomy with tonsillotomy are effective surgical treatment for SDB correction in children. Tonsillotomy has fewer post-operative complications, is better tolerated than classic tonsillar surgery, which allows the application of a very low age group of patients and expand the possibilities for its application.[BG] Широкото разпространение на обструктивните нарушения на дишането по време на сън (Sleep disordered breathing - SDB) и значимите им негативни последици върху здравето водят до засилен интерес през последните десетилетия към диагностиката и лечението на тази група заболявания. По тази причина SDB в детската възраст предизвиква интерес в познаването на патофизиологията, морбидността, диагностиката и лечението на това състояние. За постигане на поставените в дисертационния труд цели се осъществи обзор на актуалните методи за диагностика и оперативно лечение на SDB с техните индикации, предимства и недостатъци. Направи се сравнителен анализ на различни хирургични техники на тонзилотомия по отношение на приложимост, ефективност, безопасност и тъканни ефекти, направи се оценка на рехипертрофията и се анализира ефикасността и безопасността на хирургичното лечение на обструктивните разстройства на дишането в педиатрична възраст. Създаде се оптимизиран алгоритъм за диагностика и лечение на деца със SDB приложим в рутинната клинична практика. Литературният обзор показа значимост на проблема SDB при деца и ясно дефинира мястото на хирургичните методи в комплексния подход на лечението на тази патология. Установи се че при всеки рутинен преглед на дете при общопрактикуващ лекар, педиатър или оториноларинголог е необходимо активно и насочено търсене на симптоми на SDB. Доказа се, че съвременните достъпни и достоверни методи за диагностика на SDB включват аудио/видеозаписите на нощен сън, пулсоксиметрията и ендоскопията на горните дихателни пътища по време на медикаментозно индуциран сън. Комбинирането на нощна пулсоксиметрия с аудио/видеозапис на нощен сън има много добър успех за оценка тежестта на нарушеното дишане по време на сън. Установи се още, че познаването на нивото на обструкция и модела на колапс на дихателните пътища е от съществено значение за избора на терапевтично поведение. Най-често нивата на обструкция при деца със SDB са назо- и орофаринкс. При неустановено ниво на обструкция при физикалния преглед и при неубедителна аденотонзиларна хипертрофия е показана ендоскопия на горните дихателни пътища по време на медикаментозно индуциран сън. По отношение на хирургичните техники се установи че тонзилотомията самостоятелно и в комбинация с аденоидектомия е ефективно оперативно лечение по отношение на корекция на SDB при деца. Тонзилотомията има по-малко възможни следоперативни усложнения, толерира се по-добре от класическата тонзиларна хирургия, което позволява прилагането ù на много ниска възрастова група пациенти и разширява възможностите за приложението ù. Различният хирургичен инструментариум оставя характерни специфични промени в тъканите, характеризиращи се с различна дълбочина на увредата и съдооклузиращ ефект. Не се установява категорично предимство на един или друг апаратен метод за тонзилотомия

    Effects of eucalyptus oil on ciliary beat frequency of nasal mucosa

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    IntroductionEucalyptus oil comes from the dried leaves of the eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus globulus) native to Australia. The main ingredient of eucalyptus oil, cineole, has a significant role in the treatment of sinusitis. AimThe aim of this study was to test the influence of cineole on nasal mucosa leading to the treatment of sinusitis.Materials and MethodsPeople with acute sinusitis were recruited to take part in a double-blind study. Patients were assigned to receive either cineole at the amount of 200mg (3 times per day), or a placebo (3 times a day). Digital high-speed imaging was used to evaluate the influence of eucalyptus oil on the ciliary activity of nasal brushings. The essential oil was tested at a concentration of 0.2 and 2%.ResultsThe results showed that patients who received cineole recovered significantly faster than those given a placebo. Eucalyptus oil is said to function in a way similar to menthol by acting on receptors in the nasal mucous membranes, leading to a reduction in the symptoms of nasal congestion. Through digital imaging it was evaluated that the presence of Eucalyptus oil resulted in an increase in the ciliary beat frequency.ConclusionEucalyptus oil thins mucus so it can drain more easily, reduces inflammation and destroys pathogens

    Tracheostomy in pediatric age - surgical techniques and complications

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    Introduction: With the recent advance in pediatrics the understanding of pediatric tracheostomy has deepened as well. The average number of tracheostomies performed annually on children has risen, which is also related to the development of anesthesiology and intensive pediatric care. Indications for the procedure have become more precise and new techniques are being introduced to diminish the risk of complications. The open tracheostomy technique in pediatric patients differs from the one performed on adults. The aim of the present study is to review the latest surgical techniques for tra­cheostomy in children.Materials and Methods: The information is collected as a summary of several articles using the key­words: tracheotomy, children, surgeon techniques, obstruction, and starplasty tracheotomy. The worldwide current experience of surgical techniques has been reconfirmed by Otorhinolaryngology clinic `Saint Marina` Hospital Varna.Results: The main objective of the surgical techniques for tracheostomy in children is to minimize the risk of early post-operative complications. The most common tracheotomy-related cause of mor­tality in children has been reported to be cannula obstruction, followed by accidental decannulation. The most common post-operative complications include pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, sub­cutaneous emphysema, wound complications and bleeding. The surgical techniques generally applied are Open tracheostomy and percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy. However, over the last decades, a new design for open pediatric tracheostomy has gained superiority, known as Starplasty tracheosto­my, based on the geometry of a 3-dimensional Z-plasty.Conclusion: The search for a technique for pediatric tracheostomy with lowest possible risk of post­operative complications is still ongoing. In view of the research data gathered it can be concluded that Starplasty tracheostomy, being the most widely applied procedure in recent years, has proved to be a safe and trustworthy alternative to the traditional open techniques. This technique has been recog­nized as the most preferred and recommended type of tracheostomy in early childhood

    Review of social integration of deaf and hard-of-hearing people in Bulgaria

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    Introduction: This study aims to emphasize the importance of social equality and its influence over the development of young people with hearing disabilities in Bulgaria. Children with congenital deaf­ness are likely to have delays in language development resulting in depression in their early life, while acquired deafness might generate isolation and excessive levels of anxiety due to the accumulating limitations of the surrounding circle.Materials and methods: We conducted an electronic pool targeting two social groups, differentiating the participants in one of them into four categories: first group - deaf children under the age of 18; their hearing friends and classmates; members of families with deaf children; second group - hearing people without relation to anyone with hearing disabilities. The results were analysed and sorted in charts according to the individual characteristics of the participants from different groups.Results: The survey reveals that at this stage, Bulgaria is in the process of improving the existing methods of integration. Results are that regardless of the high percentage of social acceptance and care among the family members and friends of the children with hearing disabilities, the rest of the participants show low level of preparedness to interact with deaf people. This obligates the deaf in Bulgaria to live in small groups isolated from the rest of the society, which could lead to cognitive im­pairment.Conclusion: According to social research of the European Union of the Deaf in 2004 there were 120 000 people in Bulgaria with hearing disabilities, but only 50 000 of them were able to communi­cate through sign language. Our study confirms that the percentage of people practicing the Bulgari­an sign language is still less than 1%, resulting in persisting low levels of social integration of deaf and hard-of-hearing. Concluding from the relation between social tolerance and the level of physical and mental development, raising awareness among the hearing is extremely important

    Experimental model to study co-infection of human immunodeficiency virus-type 1 (HIV-1IIIB) and influenza virus in cell culture

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    People living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) demonstrate highly expressed immune deficiency and are vulnerable to exogenous viral infections (co-infections), including influenza. We were interested in developing an in vitro model to examine HIV-1 and influenza virus (Flu) co-infection based on HIV-1 sialoglycoprotein (Sgp) synthesis and virus replication in double-infected cells. A convenient and reproducible experimental model for studying the sialylation of HIV-1 glycoprotein 120 (Gp120) by direct radioactive precursors of sialic acid synthesis, [14C]N-acetylmannosamine) in cell culture was successfully introduced for investigation of co-infection. The co-infection provoked desialylation of viral Sgps, followed initially by decreased and later on, by increased HIV replication. Monoclonal antibodies (Mab) to the main Gp120 V3 neutralization epitope but not to broadly reactive Mab against Gp120 recognize and neutralize the newly exposed epitopes. A hypothesis was outlined that exogenous neuraminidase (NA) (Flu virus) changes the configuration of HIV-1 Gp120 through desialylation resulting in the exposure of a novel antigen. The proposed model could contribute to better understanding of pathogenesis of Flu co-infection in people living with HIV. In vivo, Flu co-infection most probably leads to desialylation of both HIV and the cell surface, thus facilitating the escape of HIV from immune control. The findings described here reflect the interaction between components of two viruses – NA of Flu virus and Sgps on HIV-1 surface without considering the cell surface. The hypothesis could be extended to other exogenous co-infections with agents containing NA in HIV-infected people

    How I do it: modified lichtenberger-brown tracheoesophageal puncture procedure

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    Abstract Background Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) with use of a prosthesis is nowadays a standard for voice restoration after laryngectomy. Different TEP approaches exist. Methods We retrospectively reviewed our series of patients who underwent TEP by a novel technique, based partially on the Lichtenberger endo-extralaryngeal needle carrier. The instrument is covered with a protective Nelaton catheter and introduced via the mouth to the neopharynx/esophagus. No rigid endoscope is used for visualization of the TEP site. The tip is palpated through the stoma at the posterior tracheal wall and incision is done to the catheter tip. The prosthesis is introduced through the mouth and the neopharynx in a retrograde fashion. Results In 14 laryngectomees with postoperative radiation voice prosthesis was successfully placed with this technique. A total of 18 procedures were performed. One misplacement occurred. No other early or late complications were observed or any other TEP or prosthesis related problems. Conclusions The rationale of our technique is to simplify the procedure, avoid risk-bearing approaches and instruments such as rigid endoscopes, simplify the armamentarium and reduce tissue trauma. The initial clinical experience in 18 TEPs confirmed it usefulness in both standard and anatomically challenging situations. Trial registration The current study obtained the ethical approval from the Faculty of Medicine at Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov"—Varna, Bulgaria (Protocol 087/24.10.2019 (retrospectively registered). Graphical abstrac