45 research outputs found

    Évaluer le potentiel en économie d'énergie du centre scolaire et de l'église de la commune de Chippis

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    L’objectif principal de ce travail est d’effectuer un audit énergétique sur l’ancien centre scolaire et l’église de Chippis. Il convient cependant de noter que ce travail sera un préaudit énergétique et servira de support d’introduction pour un éventuel audit approfondi. Ce projet permettra d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments étudiés, une analyse complète de solutions envisageables sera proposée

    Réduire les influences environnementales de la mobilité logistique des cars postaux, pour la région de Sierre, Vercorin et le Val d'Anniviers, par la mobilité électrique

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    Transports Sierre-Anniviers et Régions Sàrl (TSAR) est le seul transporteur public à desservir le Val d’Anniviers. Il a par conséquent un rôle important tant au niveau de l’offre de transport que sur l’intégration des enjeux environnementaux de la région. Ce travail de Bachelor a pour objectif de permettre à la société de réduire les influences environnementales liées à son exploitation, à travers l’adoption d’un moyen de propulsion alternatif pour ses cars. Par ailleurs, cette démarche est en parfaite concordance avec les objectifs de la Politique Touristique d’Anniviers et ceux de CarPostal qui est le concessionnaire de la firme

    Audit énergétique du Centre sportif de Combremont de la commune de Riddes

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    L’objectif de ce travail est la réalisation d’un audit énergétique du Centre sportif de Combremont à Riddes. Le but étant d’analyser les consommations électriques et thermiques de l’établissement en vue d’apporter des recommandations d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique. Tout d’abord, une analyse de l’éclairage du site sera effectuée. Puis, les déperditions thermiques de l’enveloppe de la bâtisse seront déterminées. Une observation des différentes installations techniques sera faite afin de déceler le potentiel de réduction de la consommation en énergie. Enfin, une étude sur la faisabilité d’une production d’électricité et d’eau chaude sanitaire grâce aux panneaux solaires sera menée

    Multi-Method Approach to Compare the Socio-Demographic Typology of Residents and Clusters of Electricity Load Curves in a Swiss Sustainable Neighbourhood

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    A sustainable neighbourhood was built Switzerland by one of the leaders in this field. Half of the 400 apartments have been equipped with smart meters delivering big data on energy consumption (electricity, water, heating…). The company would like to know if it is possible to link socio-demographic typology of residents with energy consumption patterns. To answer this question we present in this article a multi-method approach combining qualitative analysis, frequently used in marketing (multiple correspondence analyses), and quantitative analysis from applied statistics to answer this question. First, we have conducted a survey among the residents of the sustainable neighbourhood to gather socio-demographic data, and then we have proposed a marketing typology of residents. In parallel, we have analysed load curves with statistical models (clustering factors, hermano beta models, coincidence factors, som, expert practice) to see if there are patterns of energy consumption and to determine groups of similar load curves. Then we have compared the discrepancies in the composition of the groups between both methods. This study is based on a single case study generating a new research hypothesis: the typology of residents based on socio-demographic data can be linked to energy consumption pattern of a household. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Développement d’un nouveau modèle économique pour la société GrimSolar SA détenue en majorité par la Commune de Grimisuat

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    Ce travail a été réalisé sur mandat de l’entreprise GrimSolar SA. Son but est de développer de nouvelles solutions dans la production d’énergie solaire afin d’optimiser la rentabilité des installations. Sa motivation est de proposer des mesures concrètes visant à améliorer le chiffre d’affaires de la société et de rentabiliser les investissements consentis. Les recherches se basent essentiellement sur les impacts de la dernière loi sur l’énergie (LEne). Ces modifications permettent de nouvelles stratégies de développement qui engendreront de nouveaux modèles économiques

    Industrialization of solar water heaters in Rwanda

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    Entre 2015 et 2017, l'IPRC-Karongi a construit plsusieurs systèmes de chauffe-eau solaire par thermosiphon. Le but de ce projet est d'apporter des solutions d'optimisation du procédé de fabrication et de préparer une certification officielle

    Evolution of the Pricing Strategy in the Photovoltaic Market

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    With less than 2% of new renewable energy production, Switzerland is a poor performer in international comparison. A study carried out for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy showed constraints explaining this low number. One of these is a need for companies to optimize their sales process. GROUP-IT has responded to these needs by developing an approach of grouped tendering of solar panel installations. This article looks at how solar panel installation companies are improving their pricing strategy over time, and how to measure this evolution. In this study, we worked in two steps. A first grouped tendering collected about 2,500 offers. At the end of the tendering process, each company that participated received feedback, with the aim of improving the process. A second tendering collected 637 offers. The interpolation between the CHF/kWp ratio and the total investment in CHF was then calculated for each company. Cross-sectional analysis shows that the average of R-square is closer to one in the second phase, which can be interpreted as a better consistency in the construction and in the pricing of the bids. The increase of minimum values shows that the companies furthest away from the theoretical model have made significant progress. Our study therefore shows that with proper support, the solar panel installation companies are more competitive and can help accelerate energy transition. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Stochastic resonance in collective exciton-polariton excitations inside a GaAs microcavity

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    We report the first observation of stochastic resonance in confined exciton-polaritons. We evidence this phenomena by tracking the polaritons behavior through two stochastic resonance quantifiers namely the spectral magnification factor and the signal-to-noise ratio. The evolution of the stochastic resonance in function of the modulation amplitude of the periodic excitation signal is studied. Our experimental observations are well reproduced by numerical simulations performed in the framework of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation under stochastic perturbation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Nonlinear relaxation and selective polychromatic lasing of confined polaritons

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    Polaritons have often been proposed as promising candidates for the realization of all-optical devices due to the easy manipulation and control of their density and spin. In this paper we present a relaxation mechanism for confined polaritons and its application in a device based on polariton lasing in which the incoming monochromatic beam can be channeled into several polariton lasers at different wavelengths. Polaritons are injected in a 3 mu m diameter trap by an incoming beam slightly detuned with respect to a confined state, and the resulting optical bistability is then imprinted on the lower confined states through an efficient relaxation mechanism which combines phonon interaction and bosonic stimulation. Above threshold, all the confined states behave like lasers and the onset of coherence is demonstrated by spectral narrowing. Moreover, the initial polarization of the laser is conserved during the relaxation process allowing for spin logic operations. In this paper we demonstrate that, due to the nonlinear behavior, it is possible to switch ON and OFF the lasing from the confined states of the trap by tailoring the input beam. All the experimental findings are validated and very well reproduced in the framework of the generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation