3 research outputs found

    First terahertz-range experiments on pump – probe setup at Novosibirsk free electron laser

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    A single-color pump-probe system has been commissioned at the Novosibirsk free electron laser. The laser emits a tunable monochromatic terahertz radiation. To prove the proper system operation, we investigated the time-resolved absorption of a sample of n-type germanium doped with antimony, which was previously investigated at the FELBE facility, in the temperature range from 5 to 40 K. The measured relaxation time amounted to about 1.7 ns, which agreed with the results obtained at the FELBE. The results of pump-probe measurements of non-equilibrium dynamics of hot electrons in the germanium crystal at cryogenic temperatures are presented for wavelengths of 105, 141 and 150 μm

    Influence of Intense THz Radiation on Spin State of Photoswitchable Compound Cu(hfac)<sub>2</sub>L<sup>Pr</sup>

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    The family of magnetoactive compounds Cu­(hfac)<sub>2</sub>L<sup>R</sup> exhibits thermo- and photoswitching phenomena promising for various applications. Photoswitching of the Cu­(hfac)<sub>2</sub>L<sup>Pr</sup> compound can be observed at temperatures below 20 K and is accompanied by transition to metastable structural state. Reverse conversion to stable structure could not be induced by light of near-IR–vis–UV regions up to date. The far-IR spectra of metastable and stable structural states are different and show characteristic absorption lines in the range of 170–240 cm<sup>–1</sup>. These frequencies are accessible by NovoFEL – high-power THz free-electron laser user facility in Novosibirsk. We investigate selective influence of THz radiation on relaxation processes from metastable to stable structural state, which can be monitored by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). For this purpose, the experimental station based on X-band EPR spectrometer has been constructed by the THz beamline of NovoFEL and equipped with multimodal THz waveguide allowing to fed radiation directly into the EPR resonator. It has been found that irradiation of studied compound with high-power THz light causes significant but nondestructive increase of its temperature. Apart from this effect, no resonant influence of THz irradiation on relaxation processes has been observed. The experimental results have been rationalized taking into account vibrational relaxation times of the studied compound. Further experiments based on pulse heating by THz radiation have been proposed