60 research outputs found

    On the absence of structure factors in concentrated colloidal suspensions and nanocomposites

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    Small-angle scattering is a commonly used tool to analyze the dispersion of nanoparticles in all kinds of matrices. Besides some obvious cases, the associated structure factor is often complex and cannot be reduced to a simple interparticle interaction, like excluded volume only. In recent experiments, we have encountered a surprising absence of structure factors (S(q) = 1) in scattering from rather concentrated polymer nanocomposites [A.-C. Genix et al, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019) 17863]. In this case, quite pure form factor scattering is observed. This somewhat ``ideal'' structure is further investigated here making use of reverse Monte Carlo simulations in order to shed light on the corresponding nanoparticle structure in space. By fixing the target ``experimental'' apparent structure factor to one over a given q-range in these simulations, we show that it is possible to find dispersions with this property. The influence of nanoparticle volume fraction and polydispersity has been investigated, and it was found that for high concentrations only a high polydispersity allows reaching a state of S = 1. The underlying structure in real space is discussed in terms of the pair-correlation function, which evidences the importance of attractive interactions between polydisperse nanoparticles. The calculation of partial structure factors shows that there is no specific ordering of large or small particles, but that the presence of attractive interactions together with polydispersity allows reaching an almost ``structureless'' state

    Tuning Structure and Rheology of Silica-Latex Nanocomposites with the Molecular Weight of Matrix Chains: A Coupled SAXS-TEM-Simulation Approach

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    The structure of silica-latex nanocomposites of three matrix chain masses (20, 50, and 160 kg/mol of poly(ethyl methacrylate)) are studied using a SAXS/TEM approach, coupled via Monte Carlo simulations of scattering of fully polydisperse silica nanoparticle aggregates. At low silica concentrations (1 vol. %), the impact of the matrix chain mass on the structure is quantified in terms of the aggregation number distribution function, highest mass leading to individual dispersion, whereas the lower masses favor the formation of small aggregates. Both simulations for SAXS and TEM give compatible aggregate compacities around 10 vol. %, indicating that the construction algorithm for aggregates is realistic. Our results on structure are rationalized in terms of the critical collision time between nanoparticles due to diffusion in viscous matrices. At higher concentrations, aggregates overlap and form a percolated network, with a smaller and lighter mesh in the presence of high mass polymers. The linear rheology is investigated with oscillatory shear experiments. It shows a feature related to the silica structure at low frequencies, the amplitude of which can be described by two power laws separated by the percolation threshold of aggregates

    Micromechanisms of fracture propagation in glassy polymers

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    While most glassy polymers are nominally brittle at macroscopic scales, they are known to exhibit plastic deformation in indentation, scratching, and microcutting when the loaded region is sufficiently small. The same applies to the micrometer size process zone at the tip of a propagating crack. While the presence and approximate size of this microscale plastic zone is well described by the Dugdale model, the prediction of the toughness of these materials is not possible without accounting for the details of the local large strain field and the work hardening behaviour of these polymers, which can be inferred from their response to compressive tests. Strain localization mechanisms such as crazing or shear banding should also be taken into account to properly model toughness. Finally, viscoplastic creep plays a major role in determining the dependence of the toughness on crack propagation velocity, as well as the important difference between the initiation and propagation toughness, which is responsible for the occurrence of a characteristic stick-slip propagation under some loading conditions. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    How Tuning Interfaces Impacts the Dynamics and Structure of Polymer Nanocomposites Simultaneously

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    Fundamental understanding of macroscopic properties of polymer nanocomposites (PNCs) remains difficult due to the complex interplay of microscopic dynamics and structure, namely interfacial layer relaxations and three-dimensional nanoparticle arrangements. The effect of surface modification by alkyl methoxysilanes at different grafting densities has been studied in PNCs made of poly(2-vinylpyridine) and spherical 20 nm silica nanoparticles (NPs). The segmental dynamics has been probed by broadband dielectric spectroscopy, and the filler structure by small-angle X-ray scattering and reverse Monte Carlo simulations. By combining the particle configurations with the interfacial layer properties, it is shown how surface modification tunes the attractive polymer-particle interactions: bare NPs slow down the polymer interfacial layer dynamics over a thickness of ca. 5 nm, while grafting screens these interactions. Our analysis of interparticle spacing and segmental dynamics provides unprecedented insight into the effect of surface modification on the main characteristics of PNCs: particle interactions and polymer interfacial layers

    Albe 1998 - La grande Motte 2009 : quelles avanc\'ees en diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles en 10 ans ?

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    The importance of neutron scattering techniques for the characterization of samples in soft condensed matter has been demonstrated all along the present book. The fine understanding of the physical properties is closely linked to progress in the field of instrumentation. This chapter describes the advances over the last decade in technical domains, such as neutron detection, electronics and sample environment. The news software for data reduction and analysis are also discussed before to conclude with the ILL and LLB projects for new instruments

    Aggregate Formation of Surface-Modified Nanoparticles in Solvents and Polymer Nanocomposites

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    International audienceA new method based on the combination of small-anglescattering, reverse Monte Carlo simulations, and an aggregate recognition algorithm is proposed to characterize the structure of nanoparticle suspensions in solvents and polymer nanocomposites, allowing detailedstudies of the impact of different nanoparticle surface modifications.Experimental small-angle scattering is reproduced using simulated annealing of configurations of polydisperse particles in a simulation box compatible with the lowest experimental q-vector. Then, properties of interest likeaggregation states are extracted from these configurations and averaged. This approach has been applied to silane surface-modified silica nanoparticles with different grafting groups, in solvents and after casting into polymer matrices.It is shown that the chemistry of the silane function, in particular mono- or trifunctionality possibly related to patch formation, affects the dispersion state in a given medium, in spite of an unchanged alkylchain length. Our approach may be applied to study any dispersion or aggregation state of nanoparticles. Concerningnanocomposites, the method has potential impact on the design of new formulations allowing controlled tuning of nanoparticle dispersion

    Modeling of Intermediate Structures and Chain Conformation in Silica-Latex Nanocomposites Observed by SANS During Annealing

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    The evolution of the polymer structure during nanocomposite formation and annealing of silica-latex nanocomposites is studied using contrast-variation small angle neutron scattering. The experimental system is made of silica nanoparticles (Rsi \approx 8 nm) and a mixture of purpose-synthesized hydrogenated and deuterated nanolatex (Rlatex \approx 12.5 nm). The progressive disappearance of the latex beads by chain interdiffusion and release in the nanocomposites is analyzed quantitatively with a model for the scattered intensity of hairy latex beads and an RPA description of the free chains. In silica-free matrices and nanocomposites of low silica content (7%v), the annealing procedure over weeks at up to Tg + 85 K results in a molecular dispersion of chains, the radius of gyration of which is reported. At higher silica content (20%v), chain interdiffusion seems to be slowed down on time-scales of weeks, reaching a molecular dispersion only at the strongest annealing. Chain radii of gyration are found to be unaffected by the presence of the silica filler