73 research outputs found

    The role of contrast in deletion processes

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    A physics-based model of swarming jellyfish

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    We propose a model for the structure formation of jellyfish swimming based on active Brownian particles. We address the phenomena of counter-current swimming, avoidance of turbulent flow regions and foraging. We motivate corresponding mechanisms from observations of jellyfish swarming reported in the literature and incorporate them into the generic modelling framework. The model characteristics is tested in three paradigmatic flow environments.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figure

    Threshold adaptation, temporal integration and frequency discrimination-learning in hearing impaired children

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    This paper is a review of a study to evaluate the usefulness of a laboratory approach to auditory training with hearing impaired children

    A Swarm Coherence Mechanism for Jellyfish

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    We present a theory of jellyfish swarm formation and exemplify it with simulations of active Brownian particles. The motivation for our analysis is the phenomenon of jellyfish blooms in the ocean and clustering of jellyfish in tank experiments. We argue that such clusters emerge due to an externally induced phase transition of jellyfish density, such as convergent flows, which is then maintained and amplified by self-induced stimuli. Our study introduces three mechanisms relevant for a better understanding of jellyfish blooming that have not been taken into account before which are a signaling tracer, jellyfish-wall interaction and ignorance of external stimuli. Our results agree with the biological fact that jellyfish exhibit an extreme sensitivity to stimuli in order to achieve favorable aggregations. Based on our theoretical framework, we are able to provide a clear terminology for future experimental analysis of jellyfish swarming and we pinpoint potential limitations of tank experiments

    Exploring citizen science in post-socialist space: Uncovering its hidden character in the Czech Republic

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    Citizen science is a relatively new phenomenon in the Czech Republic and currently a general overview of existing citizen science projects is not available. This presents the challenge to uncover the 'hidden' citizen science landscapes. The main objective of this paper is to explore the (public) representation of citizen science (CS) projects and to describe their heterogeneity. The study aims to answer the question of what type of projects in the Czech Republic meet the definition of citizen science. Based on a specific methodological data-base search approach, we compiled a set of CS projects (N = 73). During the classification process, two general citizen science categories were identified. The first group (N = 46) consists of "pure" CS projects with a prevalence towards the natural sciences, principally ornithology, and thus corresponding to general European trends. Citizens usually participate in such research in the form of data collection and basic interpretation, and a high level of cooperation between academia and NGOs was detected. The second group of "potential" CS projects (N = 27) entails various forms of public participation in general, frequently coordinated by NGOs. Based on these results, we discuss the position of citizen science in the Czech Republic, including socially-oriented citizen science. Further research is strongly encouraged to achieve a more in-depth insight into this social phenomenon.INTER-COST project: Geographical aspects of Citizen Science: Mapping trends, scientific potential and societal impacts in the Czech Republic [LTC18067

    Fokus und Ellipse : eine generative Analyse des Pseudogappings und anderer elliptischer Strukturen

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    The dissertation provides a generative analysis of Pseudogapping and other ellipsis phenomena, notably Sluicing, Gapping, VP Ellipsis, and NP Ellipsis. The major claim of the proposed analysis is that these ellipsis structures can receive a uniform account, and are derived by means of syntactic focus movement of the remnant and/or a deletion operation at the level of phonological form (PF). The dissertation also provides novel data of constructions that resemble English Pseudogapping, including data from the Scandinavian languages, French, and Portuguese.Die vorliegende Dissertation bietet eine Analyse der Pseudogapping-Konstruktion und anderer Ellipsen-PhĂ€nomene im Rahmen der generativen Grammatik (Minimalist Program). Die zentrale Hypothese, die in der Dissertation vertreten wird, ist, dass die Derivation von elliptischen Strukturen (Pseudogapping, Sluicing, Gapping, VP-Ellipse und NP-Ellipse) auf einer syntaktischen Fokusbewegung des Remnants und/oder der anschließenden Tilgung des redundanten Materials auf der PF-Ebene beruht. Die Dissertation enthĂ€lt ĂŒberdies bisher unbekannte Daten/Beispiele von Pseudogapping-Ă€hnlichen Strukturen in anderen Sprachen (Portugiesisch, Französisch und skandinavische Sprachen)

    Aphorismen ĂŒber demokratisches Staatsrecht

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    von F. Genge

    Rare presentation of neurofibromatosis and Turner syndrome in a pediatric patient

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is classically defined by the presence of multiple café-au-lait macules as one of the diagnostic criteria. Turner syndrome (TS) can also present with café-au-lait macules along with short stature. Our patient is the fifth reported with both NF1 and TS and the first who has been on growth hormone for short stature associated with TS
