139 research outputs found

    Improved gradient descent algorithms for time-delay rational state-space systems: Intelligent search method and momentum method

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    This study proposes two improved gradient descent parameter estimation algorithms for rational state-space models with time-delay. These two algorithms, based on intelligent search method and momentum method, can simultaneously estimate the time-delay and parameters without the matrix eigenvalue calculation in each iteration. Compared with the traditional gradient descent algorithm, the improved algorithms come with two advantages: having quicker convergence rates and less computational efforts, particularly meaningful for those large scale systems. A simulated example is selected to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms

    Erratum: Measurement of angular and momentum distributions of charged particles within and around jets in Pb + Pb and pp collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector [Phys. Rev. C 100 , 064901 (2019)]

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    Veins of solid bitumen occur in Cretaceous sandstones at the northwest margin of the Junggar Basin, China. The bitumen has a low aromaticity and a composition comparable to gilsonite. The bitumen contains abundant steranes and terpanes, and beta-carotane, although most n- and i-alkanes have been removed, which is characteristic of the local crude oil. The sterane and triterpane maturity parameters show that the bitumen, local crude oil, and source rocks are all mature. Bitumen-wallrock relationships suggest that the host sandstone was not completely consolidated at the time of emplacement of the bitumen veins, although bitumen emplacement was a relatively late diagenetic event. The burial history for the northwest Junggar Basin shows that hydrocarbon generation from the assumed upper Permian source rocks commenced in late Triassic/early Jurassic times and suggests that rapid hydrocarbon generation may have resulted in overpressure contributing to the bitumen emplacement
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