1,455 research outputs found

    Disability Onset Among Working Parents: Earnings Drops, Compensating Income Sources and Health Insurance Coverage

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    Examines the incidence of work-limiting disability by income level, demographics, and job characteristics; the impact on earnings and family finances; and the role of employer-sponsored insurance in decisions whether to reduce hours or to leave jobs

    Pushing the Bounds of Typology: Jewish Carnality and the Eucharist in Jörg Ratgeb\u27s Herrenberg Altarpiece

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    Jörg Ratgeb’s Herrenberg Altarpiece (1518-1519) depicts well-established examples of Christian iconography, but appears to reconfigure and intensify traditional subjects and subject matter through the inclusion of overt anti-Judaic references. In this paper, my focus is the strong anti-Judaic subject matter of the Herrenberg Altarpiece and the local context in which, and for which, it was created. The anti-Jewish representations are investigated by exploring Christian perceptions of biblical and contemporary Jews, identifying social tensions in Swabia that may have influenced how Jews were depicted, and recognizing the ways in which the trope of Jewish wantonness may have served a politico-religious agenda in the region. Given the Eucharistic overtones of the altarpiece, I also argue that anxieties in Christian practice concerning the presence of Christ’s true body and blood in the consecrated Eucharist could be, and often were, exacerbated by Christian perceptions of Jews and “judaizing.

    Plant capacity costs

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    Plant facilities represent an investment that leads to continuing cost for taxes, interest, depreciation and maintenance. These costs are, for the most part, fixed. Consequently, the higher the volume of pro­duction attained with given facilities, the lower is the cost per unit of such overhead; conversely, as production falls off there are fewer units over which to spread overhead and unit costs rise. Thus idle capacity may result in unabsorbed overhead. Idle capacity may result from managerial inefficiency; therefore, executives should watch the extent to which capacity is utilized. The knowledge of idle capacity may enable corrective steps to be taken; advance information as to prospective idle capacity may make possible its prevention

    Buckling Testing and Analysis of Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Arc Segments of a Full-Scale Fairing Barrel Part 4: Six-ply Out-of-Autoclave Facesheets

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    Four honeycomb sandwich panel types, representing 1/16th arc segments of a 10-m diameter barrel section of the Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle (HLLV), were manufactured and tested under the NASA Composites for Exploration program and the NASA Constellation Ares V program. Two configurations were chosen for the panels: 6-ply facesheets with 1.125 in. honeycomb core and 8-ply facesheets with 1.000 in. honeycomb core. Additionally, two separate carbon fiber/epoxy material systems were chosen for the facesheets: in-autoclave IM7/977-3 and out-of-autoclave T40-800b/5320-1. Smaller 3 ft. by 5 ft. panels were cut from the 1/16th barrel sections. These panels were tested under compressive loading at the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). Furthermore, linear eigenvalue and geometrically nonlinear finite element analyses were performed to predict the compressive response of each 3 ft. by 5 ft. panel. This manuscript summarizes the experimental and analytical modeling efforts pertaining to the panels composed of 6-ply, T40-800b/5320-1 facesheets (referred to as Panels D). To improve the robustness of the geometrically nonlinear finite element model, measured surface imperfections were included in the geometry of the model. Both the linear and nonlinear models yield good qualitative and quantitative predictions. Additionally, it was correctly predicted that the panel would fail in buckling prior to failing in strength. Furthermore, three-dimensional (3D) effects on the compressive response of the panel were studied

    The Stellar Halos of Massive Elliptical Galaxies II: Detailed Abundance Ratios at Large Radius

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    We study the radial dependence in stellar populations of 33 nearby early-type galaxies with central stellar velocity dispersions sigma* > 150 km/s. We measure stellar population properties in composite spectra, and use ratios of these composites to highlight the largest spectral changes as a function of radius. Based on stellar population modeling, the typical star at 2 R_e is old (~10 Gyr), relatively metal poor ([Fe/H] -0.5), and alpha-enhanced ([Mg/Fe]~0.3). The stars were made rapidly at z~1.5-2 in shallow potential wells. Declining radial gradients in [C/Fe], which follow [Fe/H], also arise from rapid star formation timescales due to declining carbon yields from low-metallicity massive stars. In contrast, [N/Fe] remains high at large radius. Stars at large radius have different abundance ratio patterns from stars in the center of any present-day galaxy, but are similar to Milky Way thick disk stars. Our observations are thus consistent with a picture in which the stellar outskirts are built up through minor mergers with disky galaxies whose star formation is truncated early (z~1.5-2).Comment: ApJ in press, 12 pages, 6 figure

    The Impact of Covid-19 on Nigerian Education System

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    At a time when the Nigerian schools are on a temporary closure following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper looked inwards and reflected on the nature of the education system and revealed its myriads of problems. The COVID-19 pandemic indeed had a huge impact on the educational system in Nigeria. It brought about the cessation of all learning activities in Nigeria except for private universities and secondary schools that swiftly switched to virtual learning platforms. It also illuminated the digital divide between the Nigerian student and his counterparts in other climes. COVID-19 pandemic outbreak also offered an opportunity for the nation to realise the poor status of its educational system. Some of the major problems that have confronted the Nigerian education system, as revealed by this paper, include poor funding, inadequate and dilapidating infrastructure, inadequate teaching facilities, poor teachers' welfare, poor research funding, poor quality of teachers, unconducive learning environment, and the like. The study recommends for the exhibition of sufficient political will by the political leadership for the transformation of the education system as well as the sustained commitment of other stakeholders such policymakers and educational administrators for the transformation of the system to give it its rightful place in our national life
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