53 research outputs found

    Entre syntaxe, prosodie et discours : les topiques sujets en français parlé

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    International audienceEn français parlĂ©, un SN en tĂȘte de phrase peut ĂȘtre repris par un pronom co-rĂ©fĂ©rent dans la construction verbale qui le suit (ma mĂšrei ellei est nĂ©e en avril). Du point de vue syntaxique, ce sujet est ‘disloqué’ en dehors du champ de la rection verbale ; du point de vue prosodique, il est assorti d’une frontiĂšre prosodique majeure, et du point de vue pragmatique, il joue le rĂŽle de topique de phrase par excellence. Cette description a Ă©tĂ© remise en cause par certains auteurs. Sur le plan morphosyntaxique, on a affirmĂ© qu’en français parlĂ© les propriĂ©tĂ©s du clitique ne seraient pas celles d’un pronom, mais d’un affixe verbal, et donc que le sujet ne serait pas disloquĂ© (Berrendonner 1993, Zribi-Hertz 1994). Quant Ă  la prosodie, on a remarquĂ© que le SN disloquĂ© n’est pas toujours suivi d’une frontiĂšre majeure (Fradin 1990). Selon certains auteurs (e.g. Lacheret-Dujour & François 2004) le degrĂ© de force de la frontiĂšre serait inversement proportionnel au niveau d’activation du topique dans le discours. Selon d'autres (e.g. Frascarelli & Hinterholzl 2007) une prosodie particuliĂšre serait associĂ©e Ă  l'interprĂ©tation contrastive du topique. Dans notre article, nous testons ces hypothĂšses avec une analyse pragmatique et prosodique des SN avec ou sans reprise dans des sĂ©quences extraites de deux corpus de français parlĂ© spontanĂ©. Le codage pragmatique consiste en classifier les topiques en actifs, semi-actifs, non plus actifs (rĂ©introduits) et contrastifs. Quant au codage prosodique, il consiste en la dĂ©tection automatique des proĂ©minences accentuelles sur la base des variations de f0 et durĂ©e et de la prĂ©sence des pauses. Les rĂ©sultats montrent qu’il y a un rapport significatif entre frontiĂšre prosodique forte et topique rĂ©introduit dans les sujets avec reprise, mais pas dans les sujets sans reprise. Il y a donc un chevauchement, au moins dans une partie de nos donnĂ©es, entre marquage prosodique, syntaxique et pragmatique. Quant Ă  la fonction de la prosodie, elle semble ĂȘtre de marquer un changement de topique, ainsi que de signaler une structuration particuliĂšre du discours, oĂč le topique courant est liĂ© Ă  un discours prĂ©cĂ©dent ensuite repris. En revanche, la proĂ©minence prosodique n'est pas associĂ©e de façon significative au contraste. D’autre part, l'interprĂ©tation contrastive n'est associĂ©e non plus, dans nos donnĂ©es, Ă  la prĂ©sence du clitique

    Malar J

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    BACKGROUND: Resistance to all available anti-malarial drugs has emerged and spread including artemisinin derivatives and their partner drugs. Several genes involved in artemisinin and partner drugs resistance, such as pfcrt, pfmdr1, pfK13 or pfpm2, have been identified. However, these genes do not properly explain anti-malarial drug resistance, and more particularly clinical failures observed in Africa. Mutations in genes encoding for Plasmodium falciparum proteins, such as P. falciparum Acetyl-CoA transporter (PfACT), P. falciparum UDP-galactose transporter (PfUGT) and P. falciparum cyclic amine resistance locus (PfCARL) have recently been associated to resistance to imidazolopiperazines and other unrelated drugs. METHODS: Mutations on pfugt, pfact and pfcarl were characterized on 86 isolates collected in Dakar, Senegal and 173 samples collected from patients hospitalized in France after a travel in African countries from 2015 and 2016 to assess their potential association with ex vivo susceptibility to chloroquine, quinine, lumefantrine, monodesethylamodiaquine, mefloquine, dihydroartemisinin, artesunate, doxycycline, pyronaridine and piperaquine. RESULTS: No mutations were found on the genes pfugt and pfact. None of the pfcarl described mutations were identified in these samples from Africa. The K784N mutation was found in one sample and the K734M mutation was identified on 7.9% of all samples for pfcarl. The only significant differences in ex vivo susceptibility according to the K734M mutation were observed for pyronaridine for African isolates from imported malaria and for doxycycline for Senegalese parasites. CONCLUSION: No evidence was found of involvement of these genes in reduced susceptibility to standard anti-malarial drugs in African P. falciparum isolates

    Methylene blue as an antimalarial drug

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    Le paludisme est la maladie parasitaire la plus meurtriĂšre Ă  l’échelle mondiale. La rĂ©sistance aux traitements Ă  base de dĂ©rivĂ©s d’artĂ©misinine commence Ă  ĂȘtre observĂ©e. La bithĂ©rapie est vouĂ©e Ă  ĂȘtre remplacĂ©e par une trithĂ©rapie. Le bleu de mĂ©thylĂšne (BM), molĂ©cule synthĂ©tisĂ©e en 1876, fut briĂšvement utilisĂ© comme antipaludique Ă  la fin du 19Ăšme siĂšcle, avant d’ĂȘtre abandonnĂ© pour toxicitĂ© Ă  cause de sa synthĂšse. La synthĂšse d’un BM pur par un nouveau procĂ©dĂ© chimique Ă  faible coĂ»t et son efficacitĂ© observĂ©e sur tous les stades sanguins du parasite, ainsi que sur les gamĂ©tocytes et leur transmission au moustique en font une molĂ©cule antipaludique prometteuse. Il a par ailleurs Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© dans quelques modĂšles murins de paludisme et dans des essais cliniques. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© le comportement de souches de Plasmodium falciparum provenant d’Afrique vis Ă  vis du BM pour en dĂ©terminer le seuil au-delĂ  duquel un parasite peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme rĂ©sistant au BM. De nombreux gĂšnes dĂ©cris comme liĂ©s Ă  de la rĂ©sistance Ă  d’autres molĂ©cules ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s pour Ă©valuer les mĂ©canismes potentiels de rĂ©sistance au BM ainsi que les rĂ©sistances croisĂ©es avec d’autres antipaludiques pour Ă©viter d’associer des molĂ©cules entrainant la mĂȘme rĂ©sistance. Nous avons prouvĂ© que le BM pur Ă©tudiĂ© est efficace avec des concentrations similaires Ă  l'artĂ©misinine, qu’il n’y a pas de rĂ©sistance croisĂ© avec 10 antipaludiques utilisĂ©s en thĂ©rapeutique, que le seuil de diminution de sensibilitĂ© au BM est de 35nM, que naturellement 5% des souches sauvages ont un phĂ©notype de sensibilitĂ© rĂ©duite au BM et que l’association amodiaquine-BM prĂ©vient le neuropaludisme chez la souris.Malaria is the more frequent and deadly parasitic disease in the world. Artemisinin combined therapy is the main treatment recommended by WHO. Plasmodium falciparum parasite became resistant to all of the ACT a few years ago. WHO recommends to switch as soon as possible to tri therapies to avoid resistance phenomena. That’s why we thought about methylene blue (MB), an old human synthesized drug that used to treat malaria at the end of the 19th century. It has been withdrawed due to the presence of impurities during its synthesis, but now pure MB exists. Due to its low cost, its safe synthesis and its efficacy against blood stages of parasite, gametocytes and mosquito transmission, MB is a promising antimalarial drug. Its efficacy has been shown in murin models and clinical trials. We studied African strains in vitro susceptibility to MB to determine the cut-off of reduced sensibility. We also conducted MB pressure parasitic culture to generate resistant strain and study their genome. We studied the genome of the African strains to find links between mutations on already described genes involved in antimalarial drug resistance and check for crossresistance with MB. We showed that pure MB is efficient with similar concentration as artemisinin derivatives, there is no cross resistance with 10 molecules currently used in malaria treatment. We also found that the cut-off for reduced susceptibility to MB is 35nM, and that 5% of isolates present a reduced susceptibility profile naturally. Moreover, no genes involved in antimalarial drug resistance have been found associated with MB reduced susceptibility. The combination of MB and amodiaquine prevents cerebral malaria in mice

    Extra-Sentential Elements, Prosodic Restructuring, and Information Structure. A Study of Clitic-Left Dislocation in Spontaneous French

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to discuss the hypothesis according to which prosodic prominence and pragmatic salience are closely related. To do so, we focus on French clitic-left dislocated subjects, namely those constructions where the subject occupies a position in the left periphery and co-refers with a resumptive clitic pronoun within the main clause. Scholars have made the hypothesis that the different degree of prominence of the pitch accent on the last syllable of the dislocated NP depends on the degree of salience in the discourse: the more the topic referent is salient, the less the pitch accent is prominent. We semi-automatically process 101 sentences extracted from spontaneous speech corpora for prosodic and pragmatic analysis. A comparison of the two coding suggests that the mapping between prominence and salience is not that straightforward in spoken French, as it only concerns the class of shift topics. From this we conclude that if prosodic prominence plays any pragmatic role, it is not that of signaling salience, but rather a particular organization of discourse

    Extra-Sentential Elements, Prosodic Restructuring, and Information Structure. A Study of Clitic-Left Dislocation in Spontaneous French

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to discuss the hypothesis according to which prosodic prominence and pragmatic salience are closely related. To do so, we focus on French clitic-left dislocated subjects, namely those constructions where the subject occupies a position in the left periphery and co-refers with a resumptive clitic pronoun within the main clause. Scholars have made the hypothesis that the different degree of prominence of the pitch accent on the last syllable of the dislocated NP depends on the degree of salience in the discourse: the more the topic referent is salient, the less the pitch accent is prominent. We semi-automatically process 101 sentences extracted from spontaneous speech corpora for prosodic and pragmatic analysis. A comparison of the two coding suggests that the mapping between prominence and salience is not that straightforward in spoken French, as it only concerns the class of shift topics. From this we conclude that if prosodic prominence plays any pragmatic role, it is not that of signaling salience, but rather a particular organization of discourse

    Entre syntaxe, prosodie et discours : les topiques sujets en français parlé

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    En français parlĂ©, un SN en tĂȘte de phrase peut ĂȘtre repris par un pronom co-rĂ©fĂ©rent dans la construction verbale qui le suit (ma mĂšre elle est nĂ©e en avril). Du point de vue syntaxique, ce sujet est ‘disloqué’ en dehors du champ de la rection verbale ; du point de vue prosodique, il est assorti d’une frontiĂšre prosodique majeure, et du point de vue pragmatique, il joue le rĂŽle de topique de phrase par excellence. Cette description a Ă©tĂ© remise en cause par certains auteurs. Sur le plan morphosyntaxique, on a affirmĂ© qu’en français parlĂ© les propriĂ©tĂ©s du clitique ne seraient pas celles d’un pronom, mais d’un affixe verbal, et donc que le sujet ne serait pas disloquĂ© (Berrendonner 1993, Zribi-Hertz 1994). Quant Ă  la prosodie, on a remarquĂ© que le SN disloquĂ© n’est pas toujours suivi d’une frontiĂšre majeure (Fradin 1990). Selon certains auteurs (e.g. Lacheret-Dujour & François 2004) le degrĂ© de force de la frontiĂšre serait inversement proportionnel au niveau d’activation du topique dans le discours. Selon d'autres (e.g. Frascarelli & Hinterholzl 2007) une prosodie particuliĂšre serait associĂ©e Ă  l'interprĂ©tation contrastive du topique. Dans notre article, nous testons ces hypothĂšses avec une analyse pragmatique et prosodique des SN avec ou sans reprise dans des sĂ©quences extraites de deux corpus de français parlĂ© spontanĂ©. Le codage pragmatique consiste en classifier les topiques en actifs, semi-actifs, non plus actifs (rĂ©introduits) et contrastifs. Quant au codage prosodique, il consiste en la dĂ©tection automatique des proĂ©minences accentuelles sur la base des variations de f0 et durĂ©e et de la prĂ©sence des pauses. Les rĂ©sultats montrent qu’il y a un rapport significatif entre frontiĂšre prosodique forte et topique rĂ©introduit dans les sujets avec reprise, mais pas dans les sujets sans reprise. Il y a donc un chevauchement, au moins dans une partie de nos donnĂ©es, entre marquage prosodique, syntaxique et pragmatique. Quant Ă  la fonction de la prosodie, elle semble ĂȘtre de marquer un changement de topique, ainsi que de signaler une structuration particuliĂšre du discours, oĂč le topique courant est liĂ© Ă  un discours prĂ©cĂ©dent ensuite repris. En revanche, la proĂ©minence prosodique n'est pas associĂ©e de façon significative au contraste. D’autre part, l'interprĂ©tation contrastive n'est associĂ©e non plus, dans nos donnĂ©es, Ă  la prĂ©sence du clitique

    Extra-Sentential Elements, Prosodic Restructuring, and Information Structure. A Study of Clitic-Left Dislocation in Spontaneous French

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to discuss the hypothesis according to which prosodic prominence and pragmatic salience are closely related. To do so, we focus on French clitic-left dislocated subjects, namely those constructions where the subject occupies a position in the left periphery and co-refers with a resumptive clitic pronoun within the main clause. Scholars have made the hypothesis that the different degree of prominence of the pitch accent on the last syllable of the dislocated NP depends on the degree of salience in the discourse: the more the topic referent is salient, the less the pitch accent is prominent. We semi-automatically process 101 sentences extracted from spontaneous speech corpora for prosodic and pragmatic analysis. A comparison of the two coding suggests that the mapping between prominence and salience is not that straightforward in spoken French, as it only concerns the class of shift topics. From this we conclude that if prosodic prominence plays any pragmatic role, it is not that of signaling salience, but rather a particular organization of discourse

    Methylene Blue-Based Combination Therapy with Amodiaquine Prevents Severe Malaria in an Experimental Rodent Model

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    Untreated malaria can progress rapidly to severe forms (<24 h). Moreover, resistance to antimalarial drugs is a threat to global efforts to protect people from malaria. Given this, it is clear that new chemotherapy must be developed. We contribute new data about using methylene blue (MB) to cure malaria and cerebral malaria in a combined therapy with common antimalarial drugs, including mefloquine (MQ) and amodiaquine (AQ). A C57BL6/J mouse model was used in an experimental cerebral malaria model. Mice were infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA on Day 0 (D0) and the treatment started on D3 (nearly 1% parasitaemia) with AQ, MQ or MB alone or in combination with AQ or MQ. AQ, MQ and MB alone were unable to prevent cerebral malaria as part of a late chemotherapy. MB-based combination therapies were efficient even if treatment began at a late stage. We found a significant difference in survival rate (p < 0.0001) between MBAQ and the untreated group, but also with the AQ (p = 0.0024) and MB groups (p < 0.0001). All the infected mice treated with MB in combination with AQ were protected from cerebral malaria. Partial protection was demonstrated with MB associated with MQ. In this group, a significant difference was found between MBMQ and the untreated group (p < 0.0001), MQ (p = 0.0079) and MB (p = 0.0039). MB associated with AQ would be a good candidate for preventing cerebral malaria
