340 research outputs found

    Responsabilité juridique, incertitude scientifique et santé publique : de la science au droit

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    La théologie comme science et la vocation de savant d’après Max Weber

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    L’œuvre de Claude Bernard et l’idée de la médecine prédictive

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    La philosophie de Spinoza, l’éthique et la vérité

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    Medium Term Outlook for Canadian Agriculture International and Domestic Markets

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    The purpose of this document is to describe the features of the MTO covering the period 2010 to 2020. The MTO is a plausible future for the international and domestic agri-food sectors based on current policies in Canada and other countries as of Fall 2010. It serves as a benchmark for discussion and scenario analysis. The outlook makes specific assumptions and outlines their implications. Since it assumes that policies remain unchanged from existing legislation, the outlook is not a forecast of future events. In particular there are no assumptions made regarding the outcome of the Doha round of trade negotiations. It also assumes no impact from climate change and from policy to mitigate climate change nor significant animal disease outbreaks or unusual climatic conditions over the period of the outlook. The starting point of the MTO is world agricultural commodities price projection based on the OECD/FAO Agricultural Outlook for 2009/2019 adjusted with more recent information. The Canadian macro-economic forecasts are from the Conference Board of Canada outlook published in September 2010. In addition, short-term price forecasts have been updated using United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) projections released in October 2010. For example, droughts in some southern hemisphere countries and China as well as the foot and mouth outbreak in South Korea have not been taken into account.Outlook, Agriculture, Cereals, Oilseeds, Bio-fuels, Livestock, Red meats, Milk, Dairy products, Chicken, Turkey, Eggs, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Economic Analysis of the Liberalization of Red Meat Markets in the Pacific Region from 1988 to 2007

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    The liberalization of red meat (beef and pork) markets since 1988 is a good example of government action that has led to significant gains for the Canadian and American agri-food industries. Japan, South Korea and Mexico are the main countries that have liberalized their red meat markets since 1988. This industry has also benefited from the agreement between Canada and the United States. It has also made gain from the liberalization of the pork market in Australia and the Philippines, and the beef market in Indonesia. This analysis captures the impact on the price received by farmers as well as on Canadian production in the absence of these increased market access. The combination of lower prices and lower production would have caused annual average decreases in farm cash receipts drawn from the cattle and hog market equal to C776millionandC776 million and C486 million, respectively, for a grand total of C25.7billionoverthis20−yearperiod(1988−2007)fortheentireagricultureindustry.Additionally,thevalueaddedoftheredmeatprocessingindustrywouldhavedroppedbyanaverageofC25.7 billion over this 20-year period (1988-2007) for the entire agriculture industry. Additionally, the value added of the red meat processing industry would have dropped by an average of C432 million per year, for a total loss of C8.6billion.Finally,thevalueofexportsoftheredmeatsupplychainwouldhavedroppedbyanaverageofC8.6 billion. Finally, the value of exports of the red meat supply chain would have dropped by an average of C1.044 billion per year, for a grand total of C$21 billion over this 20-year period.liberalization, benefits, red meats, pork, beef, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, Livestock Production/Industries,

    La judiciarisation des patients psychiatriques : éléments de réflexion et applications pratiques

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    Parmi les solutions possibles en réponse aux gestes violents des patients psychiatriques, la judiciarisation demeure une alternative souvent méconnue qui peut pourtant s'avérer bénéfique et efficace. Comment choisir de façon éclairée, la judiciarisation face à la violence de certains patients ? Lorsque l'on opte pour cette voie, comment s'applique-t-elle et quelles sont les démarches à suivre ? Pour répondre à ces questions, il nous est apparu essentiel d'engager d'abord une réflexion plus globale sur l'utilisation de la sanction en psychiatrie. Nous évoquons ensuite les avantages et les inconvénients du processus de judiciarisation. Finalement, nous présentons les modalités d'application de la judiciarisation telles qu'elles ont été conçues et réfléchies à la clinique de dangerosité de l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal.Prosecution of psychiatric patients: elements of reflections and practical applications Among possible solutions in response to violent behaviours of psychiatric patients, prosecution might not be an alternative as well-known. This measure may be potentially beneficial for patients. How can prosecution be chosen as an option when faced with violent patients? When this option is considered, how should it be applied and what are the different steps to follow? To answer these questions, it appeared essential to first proceed to a comprehensive reflection on the recourse of sanction in psychiatry. We then describe advantages and disadvantages of the judicial process. Finally, we illustrate applications as they were conceived and elaborated at the Clinique de dangerosité de l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal.La judiciarisación de patientes siquiátricos: Elementos de reflexión y aplicacíones practicas Entre las soluciones posibles para responder a los gestos violentos de los patientes siquiátricos, la judiciarisación queda una alternativa frecuentemente desconocida la cual puede sin embargo revelarse benéfica y eficaz. ¿Como escoger de manera iluminada la judiciarisación frente a la violencia de ciertos patientes? Cuando se opta por este camino, ¿como se aplica y cuales son los pasos a seguir? Para responder a estas preguntas, nos pareció esencial empeñar primero una reflexión más global sobre la utilisación de la sanción en siquiatría. Después, evocamos las ventajas y los inconvenientes del proceso de judiciarisación. Finalmente, presentamos las modalidades de aplicación de judiciarisación tal como han sido conceptualisadas y reflexionadas en la clinica de peligrosidad del Instituto Philippe Pinel de Montréal

    Les troubles du comportement, la compétence sociale et la pratique d’activités physiques chez les adolescents

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    Les problèmes de comportement constituent une préoccupation importante en milieu scolaire. Un des principaux moyens d’intervention utilisés est l’entraînement aux habiletés sociales. L’efficacité de ce type d’initiatives est modeste en ce qui a trait au transfert, au maintien et à la généralisation de l’apprentissage de nouveaux comportements. L’objectif de cette étude est de comparer les profils d’élèves, avec et sans troubles du comportement, autour de différentes variables associées aux habiletés sociales, à l’adaptation psychosociale, à la pratique d’activités physiques et à certaines habitudes de vie à la santé. En partant des résultats de l’analyse, les auteurs proposent de nouvelles pistes d’intervention dans le cadre de programmes d’entraînement aux habiletés sociales s’adressant aux élèves en difficulté de comportement.Behaviour problems are an important concern in the school milieu. One of the principal means of intervention is that of social skills training. These types of initiatives have resulted in only modest efficacy regarding the transfer, the maintenance and the generalization of learning new behaviours. The object of this study is to compare profiles of students with and without behaviour problems with regards to different variables associated with social skills, to psychosocial adaptation, to the practice of physical activities, and to certain healthy life habits. From an analysis of the results, the authors propose new directions for intervention within the frame of social skill training programs for students with behaviour difficulties.Los problemas de comportamiento representan una preocupación importante en el ámbito escolar. Uno de los principales medios de intervención utilizados es la incitación a las habilidades sociales. La eficacia de este tipo de iniciativas es poco significante referente a la transferencia, al mantenimiento y a la generalización del aprendizaje de comportamientos nuevos. Este estudio tiene por objetivo comparar los perfiles de alumnos, con y sin trastornos de comportamiento, en torno a distintas variables asociadas a las habilidades sociales, a la adaptación psicosocial, a la práctica de actividades físicas y a ciertos hábitos de vida relacionados con la salud. A partir de los resultados del análisis, los autores proponen nuevas pistas de intervención a través de programas de entrenamiento a las habilidades sociales, dirigidos a alumnos con problemas de comportamiento
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