94 research outputs found

    Immunolocalization of CGRP, NPY and PGP 9.5 in guinea pig skin

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    By means of immunoperoxidase and immune-alkaline phosphatase methods the immunoreactivities to neuropeptides: neuropeptide Y (NPY), calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) and a pan-neuronal marker, the protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), were evaluated in guinea pig deep dorsal skin specimens. CGRP immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) and NPY-immunoreactive (NPY-IR) nerve fibres were dispersed in the papillary dermis and sometimes inside the hair roots and among the sebaceous gland cells. Such localized nerve fibres have not so far been described. In the subcutaneous layer nerve trunks were found composed of CGRP-IR and NPY-IR nerve fibres. Some of these indicated vestigial or negative immunoreactivity to PGP 9.5

    Evaluation of dried compost for energy use via co-combustion with wood

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    ArticleThere is still a question of utilization of compost of unsatisfactory quality. This article deals with energy utilization of untreated compost. The energy utilization of raw compost as a fuel is not directly possible without further processing. Separation might be necessary due to large amount of mineral content (soils and other inert substances). This article is focused on the analysis of the basic fuel characteristics of compost. Proximate and elemental analyses were performed and stoichiometric combusti on was calculated. Finally, the sample was co - burned with wood biomass in a fixed grate combustion device and the gaseous emissions were determined in dependence on the amount of combustion air supplied. The emissions were expressed in graphs against exces s air coefficient and flue gas temperature. Elemental analysis of the compost sample shows high percentage of ash up to 61.70% wt. on dry basis causing low average calorific value of 8.51 MJ kg - 1 on dry basis. For combustion tests, the heating value was in creased by addition of wood chips to reach an average calorific value of the mixture to 13.4 MJ kg - 1 . The determined stoichiometric parameters can help in optimization of diffusion controlled combustion of composts or similar materials. In combustion of th e mixture of compost and wood biomass an optimum of emission parameters was found not exceeding the emission limits. Measured emission concentrations show the possibility of optimizing the combustion processes and temperatures while lowering CO emissions v ia the regulation of combustion air

    SMA Therapy in Poland: New Hopes and Challenges

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    Abstract: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetically inherited disease whose symptoms appear in children at a fairly early age. The main cause of the disease is a mutation of the SMN1 gene, which causes the lack of production of SMN This results in the disappearance of motoneurons, which consequently leads to the disappearance of the patient's ability to move and his death. An important element of coping with the disease is its early detection in newborn screening, because the earlier we start the drug, the greater the chance that the patient will maintain motor efficiency. The article describes treatment options for children in Poland, i. e. the use of such drugs as Nusinersen, which increases the amount of SMN protein, gene therapy Onasemnogen aeparvovec, which increases the amount of SMN gene, Ridisplam, which increases the amount of SMN protein, and salbutamol, which helps patients to breathe. The article also provides information about new drug therapies for the treatment of SMA and the stage of clinical trials at which they are currently being developed. It is important to look for new solutions in the treatment of SMA. Objective: To familiarize the readers of the article with the problems of SMA treatment in Poland, as well as to broaden their knowledge of new available drugs for the treatment of this disease

    Wyniki monitorowania neurofizjologicznego operacji kanału kręgowego

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    Background and purpose Spine surgery carries the risk of neurological complications. Neurophysiological intraoperative monitoring (NIOM) plays some role in preventing adverse events. NIOM is a young technique, and because of its costs and additional personnel it requires constant evaluation of indications. Nowadays, it is generally assumed that if available, NIOM should be used in every intracanal surgical procedure. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and indications for NIOM in spine surgery in relation to procedure location. Material and methods Effectiveness of NIOM in spinal canal surgery was evaluated by comparison of the number of neurological complications in patients treated surgically with and without NIOM. A total of 74 consecutive patients were surgically treated for spinal canal pathology at the Department of Neurosurgery, 10th Military Hospital in Bydgoszcz. Thirty-eight patients operated on with the use of NIOM were compared to a historic population of 36 patients treated before the introduction of NIOM. The number of patients with neurological complications was analyzed in three groups based on surgical location: extradural, intradural extramedullary, and intramedullary procedures. Differences between groups were tested with the Fisher exact test. Results The number of neurological complications was significantly lower in the intramedullary procedure group with NIOM. There was no significant difference in the number of complications in patients undergoing intra- or extradural extramedullary procedures with versus without NIOM. Conclusions NIOM decreases the risk of neurological complications in spinal cord surgery, but not in extramedullary spinal canal procedures.Wstęp i cel pracy Operacje kanału kręgowego są obarczone wyjątkowo dużym ryzykiem powikłań neurologicznych. Jedna z najważniejszych metod zmniejszania ryzyka powikłań operacji to śródoperacyjne monitorowanie neurofizjologiczne (neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring – NIOM). Jest to technika młoda i ze względu na koszty aparatury oraz dodatkowego personelu konieczna jest ocena jej skuteczności i ustalenie wskazań do jej stosowania. Obecnie zakłada się, że jeżeli technika NIOM jest dostępna, to powinna być zastosowana w każdego rodzaju operacjach kanału kręgowego. Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności i zasadności NIOM w operacjach kanału kręgowego w odniesieniu do zakresu procedury. Materiał i metody Skuteczność NIOM w operacjach kanału kręgowego oceniono poprzez porównanie liczby powikłań neurologicznych po zabiegach z użyciem NIOM i bez zastosowania NIOM. Badaniem objęto 74 kolejnych chorych operowanych w zakresie kanału kręgowego w Klinice Neurochirurgii 10. Wojskowego Szpitala w Bydgoszczy. Wyniki leczenia 38 chorych operowanych z wykorzystaniem NIOM porównano z wynikami w historycznej grupie kontrolnej, którą stanowiło 36 kolejnych chorych operowanych przed wprowadzeniem tej techniki. Oceniono liczbę powikłań neurologicznych po operacjach w trzech grupach – zewnątrz-oponowych, wewnątrzoponowych, zewnątrzrdzeniowych oraz wewnątrzrdzeniowych. Istotność różnic oceniano przy zastosowaniu testu dokładnego Fishera. Wyniki Po operacjach rdzenia kręgowego stwierdzono istotnie mniejszą liczbę powikłań w grupie chorych operowanych z wykorzystaniem NIOM. Nie stwierdzono istotnej różnicy pomiędzy wynikami operacji prowadzonych zewnątrzrdze-niowo – wewnątrzoponowo ani zewnątrzoponowo. Wnioski Śródoperacyjne monitorowanie neurofizjologiczne podczas operacji rdzenia kręgowego zmniejszyło liczbę powikłań neurologicznych, ale w przypadku operacji zewnątrz-rdzeniowych nie wpłynęło istotnie na neurologiczny wynik leczenia

    PCOS as a generational disease - risks to mother and children

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    INTRODUCTION: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the dominant endocrine and metabolic disorder in young women. The incidence has increased significantly over the years and now affects approximately 6-20% of women of childbearing age. AIM: The aim of the work is to present the current state of knowledge about PCOS, to show what complications it brings and to present the disease as a multi-generational problem. TECHNICAL CONDITION. DESCRIPTION: It is widely accepted that hyperandrogenism plays a fundamental role in the development of most of the reproductive and metabolic disorders associated with PCOS. Excess androgens have a detrimental effect on the metabolic homeostasis of women with PCOS, acting on various metabolic tissues. PCOS is associated with reduced fertility or infertility. Women should be aware of factors affecting fertility, especially the effects of obesity and age. After pregnancy, women with PCOS have a significantly increased risk of pregnancy-related complications, including gestational diabetes, high blood pressure disorders, preterm and caesarean delivery, and pre-eclampsia.The offspring of women with PCOS may have an increased risk of birth defects and hospitalization in childhood. According to the DOHaD theory, the unfavorable uterine environment caused by mothers with PCOS, consisting in changes in fetal metabolism, may increase the susceptibility of the offspring to diseases in adulthood, according to the DOHaD theory. In addition, the offspring of PCOS are prone to a range of metabolic diseases in early adulthood, which will also affect the health of their children. CONCLUSION: The effects of endocrine disorders affect women with PCOS as well as their offspring. Diet, weight maintenance, physical activity, anti-androgenic drugs and metformin are recommended to reduce symptoms in mothers and their children. Breaking the vicious circle of intergenerational transmission remains a huge challenge

    Diagnostic and therapeutic process of respiratory disorders during sleep

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    Introduction and purpose Sleep apnea is a disturbance of sleep that affects about 10% of adult population and is not easily detected due to unspecific symptoms. The aim of this literature review is to present, respectively, obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea symptoms and integrate the available data in the literature regarding the pathogenesis and treatment methods. Materials and methods A review of literature was performed using PubMed and Google Scholar database. The search criteria included keywords such as sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea treatment, central sleep apnea treatment. State of knowledge Sleep disturbances that involve breathing can be categorized as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea. First one is associated with the obstruction of the upper airways and the second one – with malfunctioning breathing generator in the pontomedullary breathing pacemaker. Symptoms are unspecific which makes diagnostic process difficult. However, the right diagnosis and treatment may prevent patients from developing many cardiovascular diseases. Treatment options for OSA include: CPAP, reducing body weight, changing sleep position, braces and surgeries; for CSA: CPAP and acetazolamide. Conclusions OSA and CSA need to be further investigated in order to find more precise ways of diagnosis and treatment, as these diseases remain underreported. It is worth noting, that these conditions predispose to serious diseases, e.g. stroke. Therefore, developing new treatment techniques would beneficial for the health of population

    The role of the gut microbiota and the use of new therapies in Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    Introduction: Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract with a multifactorial nature of the disease. IBS affects 11% of the population, with the gut microbiota playing an important role in the pathophysiology. Purpose: The aim of this article is to present the course of irritable bowel syndrome, the role of the gut microbiota in pathophysiology, and new therapeutic approaches, including probiotics, based on the current state of knowledge. Conclusions: IBS is a syndrome whose exact pathophysiology is not fully understood. The state of the gut microbiota has a huge impact on the course of the disease, but also on the functioning of the whole body. New therapies currently in use, i.e. probiotics, are showing promising results, but more research is needed to find the golden mean to treat the disease. Methods: Data for the article were retrieved using PubMed setting the time descriptors to 2013-2023. Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the more common functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It manifests as recurrent abdominal pain, discomfort and bloating accompanied by bowel movements without a direct underlying cause. From multicentre clinical studies, it is known that disorders of various mechanisms within the brain-gut axis, altered gastrointestinal motility and visceral hypersensitivity are the underlying causes. In addition, many scholars are of the opinion that disturbances in the gut microbiota play a key role in the pathogenesis of IBS

    Hashimoto's disease - the role of factors and diet in the course of the disease

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    Introduction: Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disorder that develops as a result of a pathological reaction of the patient's immune system, which consequently destroys the body's own healthy cells and tissues. Genetic, environmental and immunological factors influence its development. The disease may initially be asymptomatic. The exact aetiology of the disease is unknown. The worldwide incidence is approximately 10-12%. Purpose: This paper aims to present the influence of genetic factors, environmental factors, trace elements, and diet on the development and course of Hashimoto's disease based on the current state of knowledge. Conclusions: Hashimoto's disease is a multifactorial disease, but the relevance of all factors presented in the development and progression has not yet been confirmed. To date, a special diet for patients has not been created. Further research is needed to better understand the pathogenesis of the disease in order to help patients control HT. Methods: Data for the article were retrieved using PubMed setting the time descriptors to 2013-2023

    The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 infection on the risk of developing preeclampsia

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    Introduction and purpose:    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the health, life and quality of life of many people around the world. It caused huge changes in the daily functioning of entire societies. Pregnant women are a unique group of people who are particularly at risk. They are accompanied by fear for their health, but also fear of the impact of the disease on their offspring. The pandemic has also caused new challenges for mothers-to-be that have not occurred so far. In this paper, we would like to present the current state of knowledge on the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the risk of developing pre-eclampsia.   State of knowledge:   We analyzed studies showing the impact of COVID-19 infection on the health of pregnant women, especially on the risk of developing pre-eclampsia. Data from many studies are contradictory. Some studies do not indicate a significant impact of coronavirus infection on the development of pre-eclampsia. Some of them confirm a higher incidence of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 infection.   Conclusions:   Despite the experience gained, there are still many unknowns. Thanks to research, we have more and more knowledge about the course of COVID-19 in pregnant women and its impact on their lives. Many observations are still needed to formulate clear conclusions about the impact of COVID-19 on the risk of developing pre-eclampsia. It is also necessary to continue to educate women, encourage compliance with the recommendations of doctors and the World Health Organization to prevent the spread of coronavirus