1,164 research outputs found
Recent epidemiologic trends in periodontitis in the USA
The most important development in the epidemiology of periodontitis in the USA during the last decade is the result of improvements in survey methodologies and statistical modeling of periodontitis in adults. Most of these advancements have occurred as the direct outcome of work by the joint initiative known as the Periodontal Disease Surveillance Project by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Periodontology that was established in 2006. This report summarizes some of the key findings of this important initiative and its impact on our knowledge of the epidemiology of periodontitis in US adults. This initiative first suggested new periodontitis case definitions for surveillance in 2007 and revised them slightly in 2012. This classification is now regarded as the global standard for periodontitis surveillance and is used worldwide. First, application of such a standard in reporting finally enables results from different researchers in different countries to be meaningfully compared. Second, this initiative tackled the concern that prior national surveys, which used partial‐mouth periodontal examination protocols, grossly underestimated the prevalence of periodontitis of potentially more than 50%. Consequently, because previous national surveys significantly underestimated the true prevalence of periodontitis, it is not possible to extrapolate any trend in periodontitis prevalence in the USA over time. Any difference calculated may not represent any actual change in periodontitis prevalence, but rather is a consequence of using different periodontal examination protocols. Finally, the initiative addressed the gap in the need for state and local data on periodontitis prevalence. Through the direct efforts of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Periodontology initiative, full‐mouth periodontal probing at six sites around all nonthird molar teeth was included in the 6 years of National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys from 2009‐2014, yielding complete data for 10 683 dentate community‐dwelling US adults aged 30 to 79 years. Applying the 2012 periodontitis case definitions to the 2009‐2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys data, the periodontitis prevalence turned out to be much greater than previously estimated, namely affecting 42.2% of the population with 7.8% of people experiencing severe periodontitis. It was also discovered that only the moderate type of periodontitis is driving the increase in periodontitis prevalence with age, not the mild or the severe types whose prevalence do not increase consistently with age, but remain ~ 10%‐15% in all age groups of 40 years and older. The greatest risk for having periodontitis of any type was seen in older people, in males, in minority race/ethnic groups, in poorer and less educated groups, and especially in cigarette smokers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Periodontology initiative reported, for the first time, the periodontitis prevalence estimated at both local and state levels, in addition to the national level. Also, this initiative developed and validated in field studies a set of eight items for self‐reported periodontitis for use in direct survey estimates of periodontitis prevalence in existing state‐based surveys. These items were also included in the 2009‐2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys for validation against clinically determined cases of periodontitis. Another novel result of this initiative is that, for the first time, the geographic distribution of practicing periodontists in relation to the geographic distribution of people with severe periodontitis is illustrated. In summary, the precise periodontitis prevalence and distribution among subgroups in the dentate US noninstitutionalized population aged 30‐79 years is better understood because of application of valid periodontitis case definitions to full‐mouth periodontal examination, in combination with reliable information on demographic and health‐related measures. We now can monitor the trend of periodontitis prevalence over time as well as guide public health preventive and intervention initiatives for the betterment of the health of the adult US population.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153044/1/prd12323.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153044/2/prd12323_am.pd
Enfermedad de Creutzfeld Jakob, desafío diagnóstico : reporte de dos casos en la ciudad de Mendoza
La enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (ECJ) es una afección neurodege-nerativa rápidamente progresiva y mortal producida por priones. Es la más común de las encefalopatías espongiformes. La hipótesis prevalente sugiere que se inicia y propaga por conversión de una proteína priónica normal (PrP) en una isoforma conformacional anormal (PrPreS), que se acumula en el cerebro causando destrucción neuronal. Se reporta el caso de dos pacientes asistido en el Servicio de Neurología del Hospital Lagomaggiore de la ciudad de Mendoza en el período de 2 años: mujer de 49 años con cuadro de deterioro cognitivo rápidamente progresivo asociado a trastorno de la marcha y ataxia de 2 meses de evolución; y varón de 54 años con conductas inapropiadas y desorientación temporo-espacial de 20 días de evolución. Ambos con EEG compatible y proteína 14.3.3 positiva, falleciendo semanas después del diagnóstico.
Se discute ambos casos, los cuales representaron un desafío diagnóstico dada la baja frecuencia y escaso reconocimiento de esta entidad en nuestro medio, debiendo debe ser considerado en pacientes que evolucionan a una demencia rápidamente progresiva.Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rapidly progressive and fatal neurodegenerative disease caused by prions. It is the most common of spongiform encephalopathies. The most accepted hypothesis suggests that it initiates and propagates through conversion of normal prion protein (PrP) in an abnormal conformational isoform (PrPres), which accumulates in the brain causing neuronal destruction. The cases of two patients assisted in the Department of Neurology of Hospital Lagomaggiore city of Mendoza in 2-year period are reported: A 49-year old female patient with symptoms of rapidly progressing cognitive impairment associated with gait disturbance and ataxia of 2 months of progression; and a 54-year old male with misconduct and temporo-spatial disorientation of 20 days of evolution. In both cases, EEG was compatible with CJD and 14.3.3 protein was positive, dying weeks after diagnosis. Both cases are discussed, which represented a diagnostic challenge given the low frequency and little recognition of this entity in our environment, must be considered in patients who develop a rapidly progressive dementia.Fil: Galiana, Graciana Lourdes.
Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Farfan Alé, F..
Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: De Monte, M..
Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Sánchez, C..
Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Torres, A..
Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Ianardi, S..
Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Genco, J..
Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Genco, D..
Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Castellino, G..
Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina
Forecasting Effusive Dynamics and Decompression Rates by Magmastatic Model at Open-vent Volcanoes
Effusive eruptions at open-conduit volcanoes are interpreted as reactions to a disequilibrium induced by the increase in magma supply. By comparing four of the most recent effusive eruptions at Stromboli volcano (Italy), we show how the volumes of lava discharged during each eruption are linearly correlated to the topographic positions of the effusive vents. This correlation cannot be explained by an excess of pressure within a deep magma chamber and raises questions about the actual contributions of deep magma dynamics. We derive a general model based on the discharge of a shallow reservoir and the magmastatic crustal load above the vent, to explain the linear link. In addition, we show how the drastic transition from effusive to violent explosions can be related to different decompression rates. We suggest that a gravity-driven model can shed light on similar cases of lateral effusive eruptions in other volcanic systems and can provide evidence of the roles of slow decompression rates in triggering violent paroxysmal explosive eruptions, which occasionally punctuate the effusive phases at basaltic volcanoes
Risk Indicators for Periodontitis in US Adults: NHANES 2009 to 2012
Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142205/1/jper1174.pd
Cost-benefit analysis of applied research infrastructure : Evidence from health care
The present study aims at offering empirical evidence to improve existing knowledge and theory building on research infrastructure evaluation. Through an inductive case study research strategy, an innovative cost-benefit analysis framework has been used to assess the impact of an applied research infrastructure. The case study is the National Hadrontherapy Centre for Cancer Treatment (CNAO) located in Pavia (Italy). CNAO is an applied research facility specialised in hadrontherapy, an advanced oncological treatment showing clinical advantages as compared to traditional radiotherapy, at the same time being more expensive as it exploits non-commercial accelerators technology and sophisticated control and dose delivery systems. The analysis shows that with a fairly high probability the Centre provides a positive net contribution to society's welfare. Source of benefits are mainly health treatments to patients, for whom gains in terms of longer or better lives are guaranteed as compared to a counterfactual situation where they are treated with conventional therapies or they have no alternatives. Such benefits are the direct consequences of the application to end users of the knowledge developed in the Centre with research activities and are quantified and assessed on the basis of conventional cost-benefit analysis (CBA) approaches for health benefits. Additional benefits generated by the Centre are typical of research infrastructures in different scientific domains and refer to technological spillovers (namely creation of spin-offs, technological transfer to companies in the supply chain and to other similar facilities), knowledge creation (production of scientific outputs), human capital formation (training of doctoral students, technicians and professionals in the field of hadrontherapy) and cultural outreach (students, researchers and wider public visiting the facilities). Evidences show that the adopted CBA framework is a promising avenue as compared to existing alternative methodologies informing decision-making. Further research is however needed to fine tune the methodology, in particular for what concerns technological spillovers and knowledge creation benefits
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