27 research outputs found
Combining Ability and Heterosis for Yield and Fiber Quality Properties in Cotton (G. hirsutum L.) obtained by Half Diallel Mating Design
The objective of this study was to investigate the general combining ability (GCA) of parents and specific combining ability (SCA) of hybrids and also the genetic behavior for studied characteristics in the population obtained by 7x7 half diallel quantitative analysis method involving four MAR (Multi Adversity Resistance) and three commercial cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties. The twenty one F1 and seven parents were planted as a randomized complete block design with four replications in 2004. The general combining ability (GCA) variance effects of the parents and the specific combining ability (SCA) variance effects of the hybrids and the gene effects were estimated by using the half diallel analysis method 2, model 1, described by Griffing. In the populations ginning percentage, fiber length, fiber fineness and fiber elongation properties were influenced by additive; seed cotton yield, fiber strength and fiber uniformity ratio were influenced by non-additive gene effects. Significant and positive heterosis values were observed except in fiber uniformity for seed cotton yield, fiber strength, fiber fineness, fiber elongation and ginning percentage respectively. It was determined that ‘Sayar 314’ for seed cotton yield and fiber length, ‘Tamcot CD3H’ for fiber uniformity ratio, ‘Tamcot Sphinx’ for fiber strength, ‘Tamcot Luxor’ for ginning percentage and fiber elongation, ‘Tamcot HQ95’ for fiber fineness were the best parent cotton cultivars and also having the best (GCA) general combining abilities. It was also determined that ‘Maraş 92’ x ‘Tamcot HQ95’ for fiber fineness, ‘Stoneville 453’ x ‘Tamcot Sphinx’ for seed cotton yield, ‘Tamcot HQ95’ x ‘Tamcot Sphinx’ for ginning percentage and fiber elongation, ‘Maraş 92’ x ‘Sayar 314’ for fiber length, ‘Maraş 92’ x ‘Tamcot HQ95’ and ‘Tamcot CD3H’ x ‘Tamcot Sphinx’ for fiber strength, ‘Sayar 314’ x ‘Stoneville 453’ for fiber uniformity ratio hybrid combinations were the most promising crosses with the highest specific combining ability
Combining Ability Estimates and Heterosis for Yield and Fiber Quality of Cotton in Line x Tester Design
The objective of this study was to facilitate the selection in cotton breeding program and estimate the general combining ability (GCA) of the parents and specific combining ability (SCA) of hybrids considered for the development of high yielding and better fiber quality in early generations. The study was carried out at the Southeastern Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute during 2006 and 2007 cotton growing season. Seven cotton lines (which are known as high quality) and three testers (which are known as well adapted and high yielding) were crossed in a line x tester mating design in 2006. Ten genotypes and 21 F1 hybrids were planted in the randomized complete block design with three replications at the same experimental area in 2007. The variance due to GCA and SCA were highly significant for all the traits studied. This indicated that both additive and non-additive gene effects were responsible for the investigated characters. From the trial it was found that in the population, fiber length, fiber fineness and fiber elongation were influenced by additive gene effects while seed cotton yield, fiber yield, ginning percentage, fiber strength and fiber uniformity were influenced by non-additive gene effects. Among the parents FiberMax 832, Teks, Stoneville 453 and MaraÅŸ 92 for seed cotton yield and fiber yield; AÅŸkabat 71 and Giza 45 for fiber length and fiber strength; AÅŸkabat 71 for fiber fineness and fiber uniformity were detected with higher general combining ability. Most of the parents except AÅŸkabat 71, Giza 45 and MaraÅŸ 92 exhibited GCA for ginning percentage. SCA was significant for FiberMax 832 x Stoneville 453, Tam 94 L 25 x MaraÅŸ 92 and Teks x Stoneville 453 hybrid combinations for yield with acceptable fiber quality
Relationship between Yield, Fiber Length and other Fiber-Related Traits in Advanced Cotton Strains
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between yield, fiber length and other fiber related traits in advanced cotton strains, derived from a cotton breeding program. The experiments were conducted in the Southeastern Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute’s experimental area according to randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications during 2007 and 2008 cotton growing season. In the study, 9 advanced cotton strains and 2 check varieties (‘GW-Teks’ and ‘Stoneville 468’) were used as plant materials. The results of the statistical analysis indicated that the advanced cotton strains had significant differences in terms of the investigated characteristics when compared to the check varieties. The highest seed cotton yield (4087.0 kg ha-1) and fiber yield (1632.2 kg ha-1) were obtained from ‘SET-34’ cotton strain which had acceptable fiber quality properties. However, the highest fiber length (32.33 mm) was obtained from ‘ERA-85’. The correlation analysis indicated that there were significant negative correlations between fiber length and seed cotton yield, lint yield and ginning percentage, while there were positive and significant correlations between fiber length and fiber strength
Orthopedic Treatment of Skeletal Class III Malocclusions With Maxillary Deficiency
Objective:The purpose of this study was to compare the treatment effects of a double-plate appliance (DPA) and a double-plate appliance and facemask combination (DPA-FM) in correcting Class III malocclusions.Materials and Methods:The material consisted of lateral cephalometric radiographs of 40 children with skeletal and dental Class III malocclusion. In the first treatment group, 13 patients (mean age: 10 years 3 months) were treated with DPA. In the second treatment group, 15 patients (mean age: 10 years 9 months) were treated with DPA-FM. In the third group, 12 patients (mean age: 10 years 6 months) were observed without treatment for 9 months. Statistical evaluation was made by ANOVA, Duncan, and paired t tests.Results:The increases in SNA and ANB angles were significantly greater in the DPA-FM group than in the DPA group. The proclination of upper incisors (U1/NA) and retroclination of lower incisors (L1/NB) were significantly greater in the DPA group than in the DPA-FM group. The retroclination of lower incisors (L1/NB) in the DPA group showed a significant difference compared with the control group. The increase in ANS-Me length was significantly greater in the DPA-FM group than in the control group.Conclusion:The DPA-FM treatment was more effective in sagittal correction of the maxilla than the DPA treatment. The dental contribution to Class III treatment seemed to be greater in the DPA group, but in this group vertical skeletal changes were more satisfying
OSAS, toplumda sık görülen, birçok sistemik etkisi bulunan önemli bir uyku bozukluğudur. Hipertansiyondan uykuda ani ölümlere kadar en önemli komplikasyonları kardiyovasküler sistemde görülmektedir. Bu nedenle OSAS„lı hastalara erken tanı koymak ve tedavi etmek, mortalite ve morbiditeyi de azaltacaktır. Aynı zamanda, kalp hastalığı olmayan OSAS‟lı hastalarda kardiyovasküler hastalık riskini gösterebilecek bir parametre bulunabilirse, bu hastaları erken dönemde OSAS‟ın kardiyovasküler mortalite ve morbiditesinden korumak mümkün olabilir. Bu nedenle OSAS‟ın kardiyovasküler sisteme etkileri ve bunları erken dönemde saptayabilecek laboratuar yöntemleri üzerine birçok çalışma yapılmıştır.
Sunulan çalışmada kardiyovasküler hastalıklarda kullanılan biyokimyasal bir parametre olan pro-BNP düzeyleri OSAS ve kontrol gruplarında ölçülerek, kardiyovasküler hastalık gelişme riskini belirlemeye katkısının araştırılması hedeflenmiştir. Gazi Üniverstitesi Göğüs Hastalıkları Uyku Bozuklukları Merkezi‟nde Kasım 2009-Şubat 2010 tarihleri arasında yapılan çalışmaya OSAS şühesi olan toplam 55 hasta alınmış, tüm hastalara PSG yapılmıştır. PSG sonucuna göre 30 olgu OSAS tanısı konularak hasta grubuna, OSAS tanısı konulmayan 25 olgu ise kontrol grubuna alınmıştır. PSG sabahı tüm olguların pro-BNP düzeyleri ölçülmüştür. OSAS grubundaki hastaların 4 haftalık CPAP tedavisi sonrası pro-BNP düzeyleri tekrar ölçülmüştür. Yapılan ölçümler sonunda OSAS grubunda pro-BNP düzeylerinin kontrol grubuna göre artmış olduğu bulunmuştur. Aynı zamanda OSAS grubunda CPAP tedavisi öncesi ve sonrasıpro-BNP düzeyleri karşılaştırıldığında tedavi sonrası pro-BNP düzeylerinin düştüğü saptanmıştır.
Bu sonuçlarla; pro-BNP herhangi bir kalp hastalığı bulunmayan OSAS‟lı olgularda kardiyovasküler disfonksiyonun erken bir belirteci olarak kullanılabilir ve böylece bu hastalarda kardiyovasküler hastalığın kliniği, mortalitesi ve morbiditesi ortaya çıkmadan risk yönetimi gerçekleştirilebilir.OSAS is an important sleep disorder with many systemic effects, which is frequently seen in society. The most significant complications occur in the cardiovascular system, varying from hypertension to sudden death in sleep. Thus, getting an early diagnosis in patients with OSAS, and treatment will abate the mortality and morbidity. It will also be possible to protect these patients from the cardiovascular mortality and morbidity of OSAS at early stages if any parameters that show the risk of cardiovascular disease can be found. Therefore, a great deal of research has been conducted on the effects of OSAS on cardiovascular system, and on the laboratory methods that will determine those effects.
In the present study, pro-BNP levels, a biochemical parameter used in cardiovascular diseases, are measured in OSAS and control groups, and whether it contributes to determining the risk of emergence of cardiovascular disease has been examined. A total of 55 patients examined with OSAS doubt participated in the study,which was conducted between November 2009-February 2010 at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pulmonary Medicine Sleep Disorders Center. PSG was applied to all the patients. Based on the PSG results, 30 cases were diagnosed as OSAS and included in the patient group; and 25 cases, which are not diagnosed as OSAS, were included in the control group. In the morning of PSG application, pro-BNP levels of all the cases were measured. The pro-BNP levels of patients in OSAS group were measured again after a 4-week CPAP treatment. Measurements have revealed that pro-BNP levels have increased in OSAS group when compared to the control groups. At the same time, when
pro-BNP levels before and after CPAP treatment are compared to each other in OSAS group, it has been found that pro-BNP levels have decreased after treatment.
Based on these results; pro-BNP can be used as an early indicator of cardiovascular disfunction in OSAS cases without any heart disease so that the risk management could be handled before the clinic, mortality and morbidity of cardiovascular disease arises in these patients.
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Determination of Heterotic Effects in Breeding of Multi Adversity Resistance in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
WOS: 000279315000001This study was carried out to determine heterosis and heterobeltiosis values of F(1) hybrid combinations obtained from Multi Adversity Resistance breeding program and selection of promising hybrids in early generations, and to find out contributions of parents to the heterosis and heterobeltiosis values and ensuring usage of these promising parents in the next cotton breeding programs. In this study, 4 cotton varieties (Tamcot CD 3H, Tamcot HQ 95, Tamcot Sphinx and Tamcot Luxor), developed by Multi Adversity Resistance breeding program, 3 commercial cotton varieties (Maras 92, Stoneville 453 and Sayar 314) and 21 F(1) hybrids obtained by 7 x 7 half diallel quantitative analysis method. Investigation was conducted in the South East Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute's experimental area. The results of the study indicated that there were significant heterotic effects for most of investigated characteristics. F1 hybrids had higher values than parents in terms of investigated characteristics. The seed cotton yield had the highest heterosis and heterobeltiosis values. From the study; 3x6 (Stoneville 453 x Tamcot Sphinx), 3x4 (Stoneville 453 x Tamcot CD 3H) and 2x7 (Sayar 314 x Tamcot Luxor) hybrid combinations were determined as the most promising hybrids in terms of all of investigated characteristics. Contributions of parents to the heterosis and heterobeltiosis values for all investigated characters were detected. The results showed that Stoneville 453, Tamcot Luxor and Tamcot Sphinx had the most contribution to the seed cotton yield, respectively
Correlations and Path Coefficient Analysis Between Leaf Chlorophyll Content Yield and Yield Components in Cotton (G.hirsutum L.) under Drought Stress Conditions
In this study 20 genotypes, including 2 cultivars and 18 advanced cotton lines were grown under induced drought stress conditions. Twenty cotton genotypes were evaluated in terms of leaf chlorophyll content, number of boll per plant, boll weight, seed cotton weight per boll, number of monopodial branches, number of sympodial branches, 100 seed weight, plant height, ginning out turn and seed cotton yield. According to results of analysis of variance there were significant differences among the genotypes in terms of leaf chlorophyll content, seed cotton weight per boll, 100 seed weight, plant height and ginning out turn. There were significant correlations between leaf chlorophyll content, seed cotton yield (r= 0.231*) and ginning out turn (r= 0.320**), however positive but non- significant correlations were observed among leaf chlorophyll content and other investigated characteristics except for plant height and 100 seed weight. Phenotypic correlations were also partitioned into path coefficients, keeping seed cotton yield as the resultant variable and other components as causals. Path analysis revealed that leaf chlorophyll content, plant height, number of monopodial branches, ginning out turn and 100 seed weight had direct effect on seed cotton yield under drought stress conditions. Partitioning through path coefficient analysis revealed that leaf chlorophyll content may be one of the indicators in the improvement of seed cotton yield in cotton under drought stress conditions
Flow Cytometric Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH) Assay Enables a Fast and Accurate Human Umblical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cell Assessment.
Colony-forming units of granulocytes/macrophages (CFU-GM) analysis is the most widely used method to determine the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) content of human umbilical cord blood (CB) for prediction of engraftment potential. The measurement of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity is a more recent method for HSC qualification. Our aim was to correlate phenotypic and functional assays to find the most predictive method.
In this study, flow cytometric quantitation of CD34+ cells and ALDH positivity along with CFU-GM capacity were assessed in fresh and post-thaw CB units.
Among 30 post-processing samples, for each CB unit the mean total number of nucleated cells (TNCs) was (93.8±30.1)x107, CD34+ cells were (3.85±2.55)x106, ALDH+ cells were (3.14±2.55)x106, and CFU-GM count was (2.64±1.96)x105. Among an additional 19 post-thaw samples the cell counts were as follows: TNCs, (32.79±17.27)x107; CD34+, (2.18±3.17)x106; ALDH+, (2.01±2.81)x106; CFU-GM, (0.74±0.92)x105. Our findings showed that in fresh samples TNCs, CD34+ cells, and ALDH correlated highly with counts of CFU-GM, CFU-erythroids/granulocytes-macrophages/megakaryocytic cells (GEMM), and burst forming units of erythroids (BFU-E) as follows: TNCs, r=0.47, r=0.35, r=0.41; CD34+, r=0.44, r=0.54, r=0.41; and ALDH, r=0.63, r=0.45, r=0.6, respectively. In terms of post-thaw samples, the correlations were as follows: TNCs, r=0.59, r=0.46, r=0.56; CD34+, r=0.67, r=0.48, r=0.61; and ALDH, r=0.61, r=0.67, r=0.67, for CFU-GM, CFU-GEMM, and BFU-E, respectively. All correlations were statistically significant.
In our experience, HSC assessment by ALDH activity yields the highest correlation with conventional analytical methods, particularly for post-thaw samples. Thus, this fast, inexpensive method has the potential to overcome the weaknesses of other techniques
Variability in Yield and Fiber Technological Properties of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
The aim of this study was to determine the variability in yield and fiber technological properties in advanced cotton lines developed through cotton breeding program of the Southeastern Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute (SAARI). The experiment was conducted in the SAARI�s experimental field according to Augmented Design (AD) with six replications. In the study, 66 advanced cotton breeding lines and 3 control varieties (�Stoneville 468�, �GW-Teks�, and �Fantom�) were used as plant materials. Variation levels of 69 genotypes in yield and fiber technological properties were measured. Minimum and maximum values were 3337.60-6644.20 kg ha-1 for seed cotton yield, 1277.10-2659.20 kg ha-1 for fiber yield, and 34.28-41.70% for ginning percentage. Statistical analysis indicated that great majority of the plants (47.82%) had values between 4990.90-5817.55 kg ha -1 for seed cotton yield and 53.62% had values between 1968.15-2313.68 kg ha -1 for fiber yield. It was determined that ginning percentage was more than 39.85% for the 10.14%, fiber length was more than 29.76 mm for the 18.84%, fiber strength was more than 31.78 g tex-1 for the 8.7%, and fiber uniformity was more than 86.55% for the 13.05% of the materials. It was also determined that 1.45% of the material was very thin and 13.04% of the material was above 6.59% for fiber elongation and for short fiber index of 46.38% of the material ranged from 6.90 to 7.63