2 research outputs found

    Sphingolipid paracrine signaling impairs keratinocyte adhesion to promote melanoma invasion.

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    Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer due to its propensity to metastasize. It arises from melanocytes, which are attached to keratinocytes within the basal epidermis. Here, we hypothesize that, in addition to melanocyte-intrinsic modifications, dysregulation of keratinocyte functions could initiate early-stage melanoma cell invasion. We identified the lysolipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) as a tumor paracrine signal from melanoma cells that modifies the keratinocyte transcriptome and reduces their adhesive properties, leading to tumor invasion. Mechanistically, tumor cell-derived S1P reduced E-cadherin expression in keratinocytes via S1P receptor dependent Snail and Slug activation. All of these effects were blocked by S1P2/3 antagonists. Importantly, we showed that epidermal E-cadherin expression was inversely correlated with the expression of the S1P-producing enzyme in neighboring tumors and the Breslow thickness in patients with early-stage melanoma. These findings support the notion that E-cadherin loss in the epidermis initiates the metastatic cascade in melanoma

    A POLD3/BLM dependent pathway handles DSBs in transcribed chromatin upon excessive RNA:DNA hybrid accumulation.

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    Transcriptionally active loci are particularly prone to breakage and mounting evidence suggests that DNA Double-Strand Breaks arising in active genes are handled by a dedicated repair pathway, Transcription-Coupled DSB Repair (TC-DSBR), that entails R-loop accumulation and dissolution. Here, we uncover a function for the Bloom RecQ DNA helicase (BLM) in TC-DSBR in human cells. BLM is recruited in a transcription dependent-manner at DSBs where it fosters resection, RAD51 binding and accurate Homologous Recombination repair. However, in an R-loop dissolution-deficient background, we find that BLM promotes cell death. We report that upon excessive RNA:DNA hybrid accumulation, DNA synthesis is enhanced at DSBs, in a manner that depends on BLM and POLD3. Altogether our work unveils a role for BLM at DSBs in active chromatin, and highlights the toxic potential of RNA:DNA hybrids that accumulate at transcription-associated DSBs