148 research outputs found

    Segregated Runge–Kutta time integration of convection-stabilized mixed finite element schemes for wall-unresolved LES of incompressible flows

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    In this work, we develop a high-performance numerical framework for the large eddy simulation (LES) of incompressible flows. The spatial discretization of the nonlinear system is carried out using mixed finite element (FE) schemes supplemented with symmetric projection stabilization of the convective term and a penalty term for the divergence constraint. These additional terms introduced at the discrete level have been proved to act as implicit LES models. In order to perform meaningful wall-unresolved simulations, we consider a weak imposition of the boundary conditions using a Nitsche’s-type scheme, where the tangential component penalty term is designed to act as a wall law. Next, segregated Runge–Kutta (SRK) schemes (recently proposed by the authors for laminar flow problems) are applied to the LES simulation of turbulent flows. By the introduction of a penalty term on the trace of the acceleration, these methods exhibit excellent stability properties for both implicit and explicit treatment of the convective terms. SRK schemes are excellent for large-scale simulations, since they reduce the computational cost of the linear system solves by splitting velocity and pressure computations at the time integration level, leading to two uncoupled systems. The pressure system is a Darcy-type problem that can easily be preconditioned using a traditional block-preconditioning scheme that only requires a Poisson solver. At the end, only coercive systems have to be solved, which can be effectively preconditioned by multilevel domain decomposition schemes, which are both optimal and scalable. The framework is applied to the Taylor–Green and turbulent channel flow benchmarks in order to prove the accuracy of the convection-stabilized mixed FEs as LES models and SRK time integrators. The scalability of the preconditioning techniques (in space only) has also been proven for one step of the SRK scheme for the Taylor–Green flow using uniform meshes. Moreover, a turbulent flow around a NACA profile is solved to show the applicability of the proposed algorithms for a realistic problem.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    L'hospital de Vilallonga de Ter

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    Entre els reculls histories de Mn. Julia Pascual ¡ Pagèes, Rector de Vilallonga de Ter, existeix aquest curiòs document vinculat amb la història dels hospitals de Catalunya. Vilallonga de Ter és un municipi del Ripolles, Camprodón. Actualment té 500 habitants i en el 1860 en tenia 1216. El document, incloses les clàusules de testament per la fundació del centre està escrit en català antic..

    Hospital-Sanatori de l'Esperit Sant

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    La fundació de l'Hospital-Sanatori de l'Esperit Sant data de I'any 1917. Inicialment fou un sanatori antituberculós i d'aquesta especialitat és la institució més antiga de Catalunya

    Decidiendo juntos ganaremos efectividad

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    Notes per a la història de l'Hospital de Camprodon

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    Hospital-Sanatori de l'Esperit Sant

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    L'Hospital de Vilallonga de Ter

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    Les reformes han de buscar el benefici per al ciutadà

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    Les reformes han de buscar el benefici per al ciutadà

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    Les accions endegades i proposades per a fer front a les reduccions del pressupost sanitari imposat per la crisi econòmica estan orientades a buscar estalvis i fonts de finançament addicional per seguir fent el mateix. Entenem que la sostenibilitat passa per obrir un debat social que afavoreixi una reforma en profunditat que ens porti a un sistema sanitari centrat en la persona i no en la malaltia

    A favor de la libre elección de hospital

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    Entre la obcecación de unos por introducir recortes y la de otros por evitarlos van pasando los días de la crisis. Seguramente, no somos los únicos en pensar que estamos desaprovechando otra gran oportunidad para mejorar nuestro sistema sanitario. Se trata de un modelo que no ha variado sustancialmente desde los años ochenta y que hoy no atiende adecuadamente las nuevas necesidades y expectativas de los ciudadanos. No solo hemos envejecido y padecemos más enfermedades crónicas, sino que también estamos mejor informados. Deseamos ser más autónomos. Las nuevas tecnologías nos ayudan a conectarnos y a participar de forma más directa en las decisiones políticas que nos afectan. El movimiento 15M es la parte más activa de un sector amplio de la población que aspira a vivir en una sociedad mejor. ..
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