265 research outputs found

    Multidimensional scaling analysis for investigating relations between milk yield and fertility parameters

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    Milk yield and fertility traits in dairy cattle and their relationship with the influencing factors were investigated using multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS) in this study. The study focused on the relationship between lactation length, 305-day milk yield, actual milk yield and peak remaining days from milk yield characteristics, and service period, dry period, insemination per conception and calving interval from fertility traits, as well as the influencing factors such as calving age, lactation number, birth season, and birth year. When the MDS results were examined, it was discovered that all the traits had close Euclidean distances from each other, save for the birth season and birth year. As a result of MDS analysis, R2 and Stress Coefficient were calculated as 88.4% and 0.099, respectively. Consequently, the selection direction was tried to be identified by determining the milk yield and fertility traits and the relationship between these traits and the influencing factors through the MDS analysis and it was concluded that the MDS method could be employed in this field © 2022,Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. All rights reserved

    Determination of the most appropriate site selection of wind power plants based Geographic Information System and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making approach in Develi, Turkey

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    Wind power has major benefits including providing for an increasing energy demand while tackling climate change problems. Detailed planning processes such as technical, social, environmental, various agents, and political concerns are essential for the development of wind energy projects. The objective of the present study is to develop a visualization that combines Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and implementation for Kayseri, Develi in Turkey as a case study. For the analyzes, CORINE CLC 2000 and other data sources were employed for data acquisition to unlock fragmented and hidden onshore data resources and to facilitate investment in sustainable coastal and inland activities. Several factors were determined in the wind power plant installations such as wind potential, roads, water sources, and these factors were analyzed based on their buffer zones. After detailed analyses, sites near the Havadan (7.87 MW) and Kulpak (9.22 MW) villages were found to be the most suitable locations for the installation of a potential onshore wind farm. The method suggested in this study can be used to analyze the suitability of any region at the regional level for onshore wind power plant and the results of the study can be used to develop based on public perception, renewable energy policies, energy political rules

    A biological perspective on interpreting interaction effect

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    Factorial experiments are commonly employed in agricultural research as in other branches of applied sciences. In these experiments, inferences related to the interaction are essential. However, many researchers are still unable to analyze this type of experiment and interpret the results in the correct way. This is because researchers focus on interpreting the main effects although there is a significant interaction effect. Of course, meaningful main effects can exist even in the presence of an interaction, especially if interactions do not affect the main effects. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand thoroughly in which situations only the interaction effect(s), in which cases only the main effect(s), and in which cases the interpretation of the main effects will be meaningful although the interaction effect is significant. In this study, evaluating factorial experiments has been discussed in detail, especially in studies related to animal science. It has also been focused on the importance of considering both statistical and practical significance while interpreting the statistical analysis results

    Evaluating performance and determining optimum sample size for regression tree and automatic linear modeling

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    This study was carried out for two purposes: comparing performances of Regression Tree and Automatic Linear Modeling and determining optimum sample size for these methods under different experimental conditions. A comprehensive Monte Carlo Simulation Study was designed for these purposes. Results of simulation study showed that percentage of explained variation estimates of both Regression Tree and Automatic Linear Modeling was influenced by sample size, number of variables, and structure of variance covariance matrix. Automatic Linear Modeling had higher performance than Regression Tree under all experimental conditions. It was concluded that the Regression Tree required much larger samples to make stable estimates when comparing to Automatic Linear Modeling

    Genetic parameters and genetic trend of some yield traits of Holstein Friesian cattle population in Tropical Region (Teke)

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    This study was conducted to determine the milk yield and reproduction characteristics, genetic trend, and breeding values of Holstein cattle reared in Teke region (Antalya, Burdur, Denizli, and Isparta provinces) of Turkey. In this study, 9844 lactation and reproductive records of Holstein Friesian dairy cattle for the period of 2010 to 2017 were used. For this purpose, variance components and the heritability were calculated based on calving interval (CI) and number of inseminations per conception (NIC) from fertility characteristics and lactation length (LL), 305-day milk yield (305 DMY), and dry period (DP). It was determined that CI, NIC, LL, 305 DMY, and DP were 0.11, 0.10, 0.11, 0.33, and 0.01, respectively. The genetic trend of 305 DMY was 111.5 kg/year. The average breeding value was negative between 2005 and 2009 and positive between 2010 and 2015. In conclusion, the fact that especially 305 DMY heritability was generally higher in this study than the values reported by other studies conducted in Turkey and the genetic trend for 305 DMY was positive and high indicates that breeding value of Holstein cattle in the Teke region is high. Therefore, it can be recommended to continue the pedigree breeding of Holstein cattle in this region, keep pedigree and yield records meticulously, estimate breeding values for selecting animals with superior yield characteristics and using them in future generations, and include current biotechnological methods in breeding program to increase the efficiency in selection. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V

    Çileklerde kurşuni küf (Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr.) hastalığıyla biyolojik mücadelede antagonistleri yaymada vektör olarak bal arıları (Apis mellifera L.)’nın kullanımı*

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    Bal arıları (Apis mellifera L.) çok önemli ürünleri (bal, bal mumu, arı sütü, propolis ve polen) ve tozlaşmaya sağladıkları katkılar ile büyük bir ekonomik öneme sahiptir. Bal arıları farklı bitki türlerinin çiçekleri arasında bakteri ve fungal sporların taşınmasında da rol oynamaktadır. Mikrobiyal biyolojik mücadele etmenlerinin (fungus, bakteri ve virus) kovandan çiçeklere taşınmasında, bal arılarının taşıma yeteneğinin kullanılması bir entomovektör teknolojisi olarak bilinmektedir. Mikrobiyal biyolojik mücadele etmenlerinin çiçeklere taşınmasında bal arılarının kullanımıyla ilgili olarak son zamanlarda yayınlanmış birçok çalışma mevcuttur. Birçok bitki patojeni bitkiye çiçekten penetrasyon gerçekleştirmekte ve bu yolla da tohumlar enfekte olabilmektedir. Çiçekler üzerinde antagonistik mikroorganizma sporlarının bulunması, olası patojenlere karşı başarılı bir mücadeleye temel oluşturabilir. Bal arılarının, antagonistik mikroorganizmaları çiçeklere yaymalarıyla bitki enfeksiyonları azalabilmektedir. Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. (teleomorf; Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel), tüm dünya yüzeyine yayılmış ve 200’den fazla ekonomik öneme sahip bitkide büyük kayıplara yol açabilen, hasat öncesi ve sonrasında görülebilen bir bitki patojenidir. Çilek (Fragariae x ananassa) bitkisine B. cinerea’nın giriş yollarından bir tanesi de çiçeklerdir. B. cinerea ile biyolojik mücadele uygulamaları, 1950’li yıllardan beri fungisitlere karşı umut verici bir alternatif olarak düşünülmüştür. Trichoderma ve Clonostachys türleri B. cinerea’nın biyolojik mücadelesinde en fazla çalışılan fungal biyolojik mücadele etmenleridir. Bu çalışmada, çileklerde kurşuni küf hastalığının biyolojik mücadelesinde entomovektör teknolojisinin kullanıldığı çalışmaların sonuçları özetlenmiştir. Ayrıca, entomovektör teknolojisinin Türkiye’deki ilk uygulaması olan BICOPOLL projesi hakkında da bilgi verilecektir

    Milk Yield And Reproductive Traits Of Holstein Cattle Population İn Turkey

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    Çalışmada Türkiye’de yetiştirilen Siyah Alaca sığırların süt ve döl verim kayıtları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla Türkiye Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Merkez Birliği’ne bağlı işletmelere ait 1992-2012 yıllarının ait verileri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, 10 ilden seçilen 194408 laktasyon kaydı değerlendirilmiş olup 305 gün süt verimi (305 GSV), laktasyon süresi (LS), kuruda kalma süresi (KKS) ve buzağılama aralığı (BA) özelliklerine ait parametreler ve doğum yılı, laktasyon sırası, buzağılama ayı, il ve buzağılama yaşının bu özelliklere etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada 305 GSV, LS, KKS ve BA özellekliklerine ait ortalamalar sırasıyla 6010±3,480, 364,33±0,184, 61,78±0,067 ve 416,59±0,270 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, doğum yılı, laktasyon sırası, buzağılama ayı, il ve buzağılama yaşının 305 GSV, LS, KKS ve BA üzerine etkisi istatistik olarak önemli bulunurken (p0,05). Turkey Holstein Friesian dairy cattle population 305 GSV was increased to the years (p <0.01) and LS, KKS and BA were found to be not similar for years. These parameters could be used as selection criteria and to increase the success of the selection in breeding studies

    Traditional and New Types of Passive Flow Control Techniques to Pave the Way for High Maneuverability and Low Structural Weight for UAVs and MAVs

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    Prevailing utilization of airfoils in the design of micro air vehicles and wind turbines causes to gain attention in terms of determination of flow characterization on these flight vehicles operating at low Reynolds numbers. Thus, these vehicles require flow control techniques to reduce flow phenomena such as boundary layer separation or laminar separation bubble (LSB) affecting aerodynamic performance negatively. This chapter presents a detailed review of traditional passive control techniques for flight vehicle applications operating at low Reynolds numbers. In addition to the traditional methods, a new concept of the pre-stall controller by means of roughness material, flexibility and partial flexibility is highlighted with experimental and numerical results. Results indicate that passive flow control methods can dramatically increase the aerodynamic performance of the aforementioned vehicles by controlling the LSB occurring in the pre-stall region. The control of the LSB with new concept pre-stall control techniques provides lift increment and drag reduction by utilizing significantly less matter consumption and low energy. In particular, new types of these methods presented for the first time by the chapter’s authors have enormously influenced the progress of separation and LSB, resulting in postponing of the stall and enhancing the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine applications