13 research outputs found

    Türkiye'de yabancıların saglık hizmetlerine erisimi üzerine kapsamlı bir çalısma: Kısıtlar ve fırsatların araştırılması

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    Bu araştırma, Türkiye’de bulunuş nedenleri üzerinden grupladığı yabancıların sağlık hizmetlerine erişim süreçlerini incelemiştir. Son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar, Türkiye’ye yönelen yabancıların sayısında ciddi bir artış olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Ülkede bulunan yabancılar oldukça heterojen bir yapı arz etmektedirler ve sağlık hizmetlerine erişim Türkiye’de bulundukları süre içinde en temel ihtiyaçlarından biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Türkiye’deki yabancıların sağlık hizmetlerine erişimleri konusuna, çok az sayıda araştırma, yabancıların yasal statüleri (düzenli/düzensiz olmaları) ve/veya sağlık sigortaları çerçevesinde çok dar bir bakış açısı ile değinmektedir. Sağlık Bakanlığı’nın 2011 yılında oluşturduğu ‘uluslararası hasta’ kavramsallaştırması karmaşa sebep olmakta, sağlık turizmi için Türkiye’de bulunan sağlık turistlerini ve ülkede tatillerini geçirirken tedavi olan turistleri kapsamaktadır. Bu tanımın dışında kalan yabancı uyruklu hastalar takip edilmemekte, bu hastaların sağlık hizmetlerine erişim süreçleri hakkında bilgi toplanmamaktadır. Türkiye’deki yabancıları, Türkiye’de bulunuş nedenleri ve göç süreçlerinin üzerinden altı başlık altında (öğrenciler, emekliler, gelin ve damatlar, düzenli çalışanlar, düzensiz göçmenler ve sığınmacılar) toplayan bu keşfedici araştırmanın kapsamı, oldukça heterojen bir yapı arz eden Türkiye’deki yabancıların sağlık hizmetlerine erişim süreçlerinde tabi oldukları farklı yasal prosedürlerin bütüncül bir şekilde araştırılarak ortaya konmasını, bu süreçlerde karşılaştıkları ana problemlerin belirlenmesini, Türkiye’de var olan ‘uluslararası hasta’ kavramsallaştırmasının tartışılmasını, sağlık sisteminin yabancılarla ilgili kültürel anlayış ve kodlarını ortaya çıkarılmasını ve bütün bunların sonucunda yabancılara sağlık hizmeti sunumunda kısıtların ve fırsatların tartışılmasını içermektedir. Araştırma nitel yöntemlerden faydalanmış, veriler 149 yetişkin birey ile yaklaşık 1,5 saat süren yüz yüze yapılacak derinlemesine görüşmelerden elde edilmiştir. Kartopu örnekleme tekniği ile seçilen katılımcılardan, Türkiye’de bulunan yabancı grupları ve bu yabancı gruplara sağlık hizmeti sağlayanları temsil edecek şekilde amaçlı örneklem oluşturulmuştur. Ayrıca Sağlık Bakanlığı’nda ilgili uzmanlarla görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Toplanan veriler MAXQDA nitel veri analizi programı ile kodlanarak analiz edilmiştir.This study categorized foreigners according to their reasons of stay in Turkey and examined their access to health services in the country. Recent studies reveal that there is a serious increase in the number of foreign visitors / migrants in Turkey. The foreigners’ community in the country is highly heterogeneous and their access to health services is one of their basic needs during their stay. Yet, foreigners’ access to health services in Turkey is an underresearched issue. Except a few studies, which examine it within a very narrow framework such as foreigners’/migrants’ legal statuses in the country (whether they are regular or irregular) or their social insurances, studies have not focused on this issue. In addition, Ministry of Health’s “international patient” conceptualization, which was introduced in 2011, is confusing as it seems to include only medical tourists and tourists, who need treatment during their stay in the country. Foreign patients who are not covered by this definition are not monitored and information about their access to health services is not collected. The scope of this exploratory research, which categorizes foreigners /migrants into six groups according to the reasons of their stay in the country (students, retirees, brides and grooms, regular workers, irregular migrants and asylum seekers), includes the examination of foreigners’ access to health services in the country. The study examined different legal procedures that apply to the foreign patients; revealed the main problems they face during their access to health services, discussed the concept of 'international patient' in Turkey and tried to understand the cultural codes about foreigners in the health system. As a result of all of these discussions, it aimed to present a thorough discussion on the constraints and opportunities in the provision of health care services to foreigners in Turkey. The research employed qualitative research methods, the data were collected through 1,5 hour face-to-face in-depth interviews with 149 participants. The participants were selected via snowball sampling procedure, which enabled the study to build a purposive sample to represent the foreign/migrant groups and health service providers to these groups in the country. In addition, interviews with relevant experts within the Ministry of Health were conducted. The data were analyzed by the MAXQDA qualitative data analysis software

    Early-responding civil society and a late coming state: Findings from Turkey during the pandemic

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    By building on available literature and interview notes with the NGOs working mainly on refugees and irregular migrants, this study examines the experiences of civil society in Turkey in the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the main findings is that NGOs responded quite early and with agility to the sufferings of people before the state entered into the field and implemented its own rules and methods to deal with the crisis. The study also reveals that the pandemic affected the focus of the NGOs, their services, finances, and working methods in the field. The organizations we examined adapted to a new online working environment which increased demand for their services and aggravated difficulties in assuring clients access to needed healthcare services. The study finds that relations with the local and central governments remain difficult, and during the pandemic, the NGOs were compelled to act very cautiously. While suffering from their society's political polarization, they report that xenophobia continues to rise and has been worsened by the impact of the pandemic

    Responding to irregular migration: High potential of local governments in Turkey

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    WOS: 000432001300006This study examines local governments' growing presence in irregular migration management, and discusses how autonomous local responses challenge centralist approaches to the management of this migration. By building on the relevant legal framework, secondary literature and interview notes, the study focuses its attention on irregular migration in Turkey, and uncovers the potential of two local government units - district municipalities and muhtarlks - in the response to irregular migration. The study discusses the enablers and the main constraints on these local government units in responding to, and therefore involving themselves in, the management of the phenomenon. As discussed in the study, the main impediment appears to be the country's highly centralized state structure, while there also exist several enablers, such as Turkish Townsmen Law (Hemehri Hukuku), the trust relationship with their inhabitants, and their experience of liminality in handling irregular matters and providing social aid to vulnerable, fragile and low-income residents

    The political economy of non-western migration regimes: Central Asian migrant workers in Russia and Turkey

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    Building on a multi-sited transnational ethnography of Central Asian migrant workers in Moscow and Istanbul, legal ethnographers Urinboyev and Eraliev compare Russian and Turkish migration regimes by focusing on Central Asian migrants' experiences of agency, struggles, alliances, negotiations and interactions in arenas including migrants' inter-nal lifeworlds and social networks, migrant labor markets, documentation and legalization practices, shadow econo-mies and street institutions. The book relies on field studies in Moscow, Russia and Istanbul, Turkey, where data were collected through observations, informal interviews, focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews

    Suriyeliler’in Türkiye’ye zorunlu göçüne dair paradoksal algılar: İstanbul muhtarları örneği

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    As one of Syria’s neighbors, Turkey has become a refuge for more than 3.5 million forced Syrian migrants. Though many of them are living in Turkey’s border cities, in or around the refugee camps, many others have already dispersed to other cities. Among these cities, Istanbul has the largest Syrian community. Drawing on a qualitative field work in Istanbul’s neighborhoods, this study explores the Syrian migration to Istanbul and reports the attitudes towards this movement of the local neighborhood and village headmen, known as muhtars in the Turkish local administrative system. As the study shows, their attitudes towards forced Syrian migrants are paradoxical, marked both by feelings of disturbance, worry and uneasiness, and at the same time welcome and support. The study concludes by discussing historical and cultural reasons for these paradoxical attitudes by relating them to the understanding of hospitality in Turkish society to show how socio-psychological explanations of attitude formation towards Syria’s forced migrants seem more appropriate.Suriye’ye komşu ülkelerden biri olan Türkiye, yerinden edilmiş üç buçuk milyonu aşkın Suriyeli’ye sığınak oldu. Sınır kentlerinde bulunan mülteci kamplarında ve bu kampların çevresinde yoğun olarak yaşayan Suriyeliler İstanbul başta olmak üzere ülkenin pek çok büyük kentine de dağılmış haldeler. İstanbul’un mahallelerinde, Türkiye’nin bürokratik örgütlenmesi içinde yerel yönetim sisteminin en alt kademesinde bulunan mahalle yöneticisi muhtarlar nezdinde gerçekleştirilen bir saha çalışmasına dayanan bu makale, İstanbul’daki Suriyeli göçüne yakından bakarken söz konusu yerel yöneticilerin bu göç hareketi karşısındaki tutumlarını incelemektedir. Çalışma, muhtarların Suriyeli göçüne ilişkin tutumlarının çelişkili nitelikte olduğu ve özellikle, endişe, huzursuzluk, misafirperverlik ve destek gibi birbiriyle çelişkili sayılabilecek unsurlar çerçevesinde şekillendiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Söz konusu çelişkili tutumun tarihsel ve kültürel sebeplerini Türkiye toplumunun misafirperverlik anlayışıyla ilişkilendirerek tartışan çalışma, tutum oluşumuna yönelik yazında yer alan sosyo-psikolojik açıklamaların yerinden edilmiş Suriyelilere yönelik tutumları değerlendirmek için daha uygun olduğu sonucuna ulaşmıştır

    Neden yürürlüğe konmadı? Geçici koruma yönetmeliği ve Avrupa Birliği’nde geçici korumanın gizemi

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    Following the conflicts in former Yugoslavia, temporary protection was introduced as a crucial element of the European Union’s (EU) response to refugee crises. The EU even adopted a directive, the Temporary Protection Directive, regarding its implementation. However, despite several refugee crises, it was not activated. Building on a comprehensive analysis of official documents of European institutions and the available secondary literature, this article investigates the main reasons behind its inactivation. It reveals that the real concerns of EU Member States lay in the measures promoting a balance of efforts to provide temporary protection. In other words, Member States’ concerns over responsibility and burden sharing cast a shadow over temporary protection in the EU. The article concludes that the Directive’s inactivation indicates a crisis of fundamental principles in European integration.Geçici koruma, Yugoslavya’daki çatışmaların ardından Avrupa Birliği’nin (AB) mülteci krizleri karşısında yürürlüğe koyacağı uygulamaların en önemli unsuru olarak ilan edildi. AB, uygulanmasına ilişkin bir ‘Geçici Koruma Yönergesi’ bile kabul etti. Ancak, bu zamana kadar yaşanan birkaç mülteci krizine rağmen, bu yönerge yürürlüğe konmadı. Avrupa kurumlarının resmi belgelerinin ve mevcut ikincil literatürün kapsamlı bir analizini temel alan bu makale, bu yönergenin yürürlüğe konmamasının ardındaki temel nedenleri araştırmaktadır. Makaleye göre, AB üye devletlerinin gerçek kaygıları, geçici koruma sağlama çabalarının dengesini destekleyen tedbirler konusunda yoğunlaşmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle, AB’de geçici koruma, üye devletlerin sorumluluk ve bütçe paylaşımı konusundaki endişelerinin gölgesi altında kalmaktadır. Makale, yönergenin yürürlüğe konmamasının Avrupa bütünleşmesinde bir temel ilkeler krizini gösterdiğini belirterek son bulmaktadır

    An asset or liability: Turkey's potential in availing EU global actorness

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    By focusing on the question of actorness first, this chapter builds on the textual analysis of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) sections of European Commission Progress Reports on Turkey and it examines Turkish perspectives on European Union (EU) actorness by presenting a thorough discussion on Turkey's alignment with EU's CFSP. As the analysis reveals, contradictory to the asymmetrical relationship between the EU and Turkey, Turkey's alignment with the Union's foreign policy remained only selective, meaning that Turkey was deliberately not aligning with all common positions, sanctions and statements. In this respect, the analysis sketches a link between Turkey's alignment to CFSP and EU actorness, and it argues the reasons for low level of alignment in Turkey. Lastly, it is highlighted in this chapter that Turkey could have played a critical role in strengthening and projecting a common foreign policy through which the EU would exercise regional and global actorness

    Politics of real estate internationalization: Contested liberalization in Turkey

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    This study explores the slow progress of liberalization of real estate internationalization (REI) in Turkey. Drawing on insights from cultural political economy (CPE), it builds on a qualitative analysis of parliamentary deliberations and argues that real estate acquisition by foreigners in Turkey was highly contentious because of the struggle between competing imaginaries on liberalization, with the neoliberal-transformative imaginaries of the ANAP, the AKP, and their affiliates in the tourism and construction sectors on one side and the national-defensive imaginaries of opposition parties and the bureaucratic elite on the other. By forming a coalition with the Constitutional Court, opposition parties were successful in preventing the adoption of neoliberal-transformative imaginaries for almost thirty years. This policy area could be liberalized only after the 2010 referendum, which allowed the government to restructure the composition of the Court, leading to executive aggrandizement.Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu (TUBITAK

    1970’li yıllardaki sendikal mücadelede DİSK’in yeri ve önemi

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2015.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Öztürk, Mert İbrahim