37 research outputs found

    The Making of ADHD: A Comparative Content Analysis of Teachers’ and Doctors’ Worldviews

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    Little is known about how teachers and doctors make sense of ADHD. Drawing on a corpus of online accounts, we reconstructed their worldviews with a qualitative analysis. While both professional groups referred to a male troublemaker and to the German literary figure of the Fidgety Phil, they also expressed rival expert claims. Doctors represented the scientific authority in labeling and diagnosing ADHD, whereas teachers attached objective meaning to the medical judgement by pathologizing deviant behavior and justifying measures of control

    Networking of independent midwives in Switzerland

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    Background: In Switzerland, there are numerous families with children under three years of age with psychosocial disadvantages, which hinder children to get an optimal start into life and childhood. Independent midwives who provide home-based postpartum care offer uncomplicated and immediate access to early childhood support systems. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse the structures, the opportunities and the potential of the network activities of Swiss midwives. Method: An online survey was conducted with n=401 independent midwives in Switzerland (response rate was 29.1 %). Descriptive statistics was carried out using SPSS 24. Findings: Almost two thirds of the participating midwives were organised in mono-professional or inter-disciplinary networks. Networking midwives care significantly more frequently for socially disadvantaged families (on a regular base: 16.9 vs. 9.2 %) due to referrals from other professionals. Midwives engaged in interdisciplinary networks stated that they had developed a greater understanding for other professionals (76.6 vs. 42.6 %) and felt no longer the pressure of caring alone for their clients (57.3 vs. 41.8%). According to them, interdisciplinary collaboration promotes a focus on the child’s needs (53.2 vs. 45.5%) and a more comprehensive care of families with complex situations (69.4 vs. 46.4%). Conclusion: Engagement in some kind of network is a reality for most midwives. They considerably contribute to the care for psychosocially disadvantaged families, especially if they are part of an interdisciplinary network. Some of the existing networks have beneficial structures that strengthen the competence and relevance of midwives within an interdisciplinary team and make it noticeable for midwives and families. The most effective networks need to be identified. Midwives should also be actively encouraged to join networks

    Herausforderungen hebammengeleiteter Schwangerenvorsorge

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    Hebammengeleitete Versorgungsmodelle sind in der Schweiz zwar eher selten, gelten aber als zukunftsweisend, da sie erwiesenermassen mit vergleichbaren geburtshilflichen Outcomes, weniger Interventionen und einer höheren Zufriedenheit der Frauen einhergehen. Eine Masterarbeit der ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr Angewandte Wissenschaften zeigt, welche Herausforderungen neurechtlich qualifizierte Hebammenmit der Etablierung hebammengeleiteter Schwangerenvorsorge verbinden

    Betreuen auf Distanz wĂ€hrend des Lockdowns im FrĂŒhjahr 2020

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    Das Betreuen auf Distanz, das in der Hebammenarbeit ĂŒber lange Zeit keine besondere Aufmerksamkeit genoss, erhielt mit der COVID-19-Pandemie eine starke Beachtung. Eine Untersuchung der ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr angewandte Wissenschaften zeigt, welche konkreten Erfahrungen Hebammen damit wĂ€hrend des ersten Lockdowns gemacht haben, und welche ungelösten Probleme mit im Spiel sind

    Digitale Heilsversprechen in Gesundheitsberufen

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    Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, welche Heilsversprechen unter angehenden Gesundheitsfachpersonen bezüglich digitaler Medien vorherrschen und wodurch sie bedingt sind. Er stützt sich auf Daten einer Erhebung unter Bachelor-Studierenden einer Gesundheitshochschule in der Schweiz. Die Resultate zeigen, dass 59 % der Befragten die Vorteile digitaler Medien mit der Erbringung von Gesundheitsleistungen assoziieren und 41 % ihre Vorteile auf Seite der PatientInnen sehen. Aus der statistischen Analyse geht hervor, dass die Studierenden gehobener Herkunft und die Studierenden früher akademisierter Studienrichtungen die Vorteile digitaler Medien wesentlich häufiger mit der Dienstleistungserbringung als mit den PatientInnen verbinden. Dies scheint nicht nur anzuzeigen, dass in Gesundheitsberufen ein Zusammenhang zwischen den vorherrschenden sozialen Kräften und der Assoziation digitaler Medien mit der Dienstleistungserbringung besteht. Es dürfte auch darauf hin- weisen, dass die „Digitalisierung“ im Gesundheitssektor die herkunftsbedingte kulturelle Spaltung in Gesundheitsberufen befördert

    SchĂ€dlich fĂŒr Beziehungsaufbau oder wichtiger Draht zur Aussenwelt?

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    Das Smartphone ist fĂŒr viele im Alltag ein stĂ€ndiger Begleiter. Es ermöglicht schnellen Zugang zu Informationen, vereinfacht die Kontaktpflege mit Freunden und Familie und erleichtert durch unzĂ€hlige Anwendungen die Alltagsorganisation. Doch wie verĂ€ndert sich die Smartphone-Nutzung der Frauen, wenn sie MĂŒtter werden? Hebammen und Psychologinnen der ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr Angewandte Wissenschaften forschten nach und deckten Beratungsbedarf auf

    Smartphones in the nursery : parental smartphone use and parental sensitivity and responsiveness within parent–child interaction in early childhood (0–5 years): a scoping review

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    The omnipresence of smartphones has not stopped at the door to the nursery. It is especially important to better understand the impact of parental smartphone use on relationships at the beginning of children's lives. Babies and toddlers are essentially dependent on caregivers' sensitive and responsive behaviors within the context of the development of attachment patterns. Disturbances in parental sensitivity can have a negative impact on attachment-related interactional processes between parents and children and on child outcomes, such as self-regulatory capacity. The goal of this review is to compile existing research on the impact of parental mobile device use through technoference or absorption on parental sensitivity and responsiveness within parent-child interactions in the early years (0-5). We conducted a thorough search of the databases PsycInfo and PubMed, additionally consulting data sources such as Google Scholar and Google. In this review, we included 12 studies with a variety of methodical approaches. The research so far indicates that parental smartphone use may be associated with changes in parental sensitivity and responsiveness. Absorption in the device appears to contribute to this association more strongly than short interruptions of relating per se (technoference). However, to better understand these processes, more in-depth, longitudinal research is needed

    Midwives’ perception of advantages of health care at a distance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland

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    Objective: To explore midwives' perceptions of the advantages of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland. Design: Cross-sectional study based on an online survey using quantitative methods. Setting: Midwives working in Switzerland. Participants: Self-selected convenience sample of 630 members of the Swiss Federation of Midwives. Measurement Open questions on advantages of health care at a distance and workrelated characteristics were used in the online questionnaire. The information was coded and integrative content analysis was applied. Findings: A good half of the respondents associated telemedicine with either an advantage beyond the pandemic (“Reduced workload”, “Improved health care provision”, “Greater self-care of clients”), while the others saw a pandemic-related advantage (“Protection from COVID-19”, “Maintaining care/counseling in an exceptional situation”), or no advantage at all. Older, more experienced midwives were less likely to see an advantage beyond the pandemic. The motive “Reduced workload” was positively associated with professionals aged younger than 40 years and midwives with up to 14 years of professional experience, and “Protection from COVID-19” was more likely cited by midwives aged 50 and more and by midwives working solely in hospitals. Midwives who stated “Maintaining care” and “Improved health care provision” as motives to embrace telemedicine were more likely to experience health care at a distance as a positive treatment alternative. Key conclusion: Midwives’ perceptions of the advantages of health care at a distance vary substantially with age and years of professional experience, as well as workrelated characteristics. Further research is necessary to acquire a sound understanding of underlying reasons, including the sources of the general attitudes involved. Implication for practice: Understanding the differences in perceptions of health care at a distance is important in order to improve the work situation of midwives and the health care they provide to women and families. Different sensitivities represent an important source in the ongoing discussion about the future use of telemedicine in health care