20 research outputs found

    Evidence that the T cell antigen receptor may not be involved in cytotoxicity mediated by gamma/delta and alpha/beta thymic cell lines.

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    After culture in IL-2, thymocytes expressing either TCR-alpha/beta or -gamma/delta acquired the ability to lyse hematopoietic and solid tumor cell targets without deliberate immunization or apparent restriction by the MHC. Moreover, TCR-alpha/beta- and TCR-gamma/delta-bearing thymic cell lines demonstrated an essentially identical spectrum of cytolysis against several tumor cell targets. Cytotoxicity was not inhibited by antibodies against CD3 or CD2 and modulation of the CD3/TCR complex also failed to affect cytotoxicity. Thus, non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity can be mediated by thymocytes with either TCR-alpha/beta or TCR-gamma/delta, but the TCR may not be responsible for target recognition

    Development of a dso-market on flexibility services

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    BACKGROUND: Several of the currently used anticancer drugs may variably affect thyroid function, with impairment ranging from modified total but not free concentration of thyroid hormones to overt thyroid disease. SUMMARY: Cytotoxic agents seem to alter thyroid function in a relatively small proportion of adult patients. Anticancer hormone drugs may mainly alter serum levels of thyroid hormone-binding proteins without clinically relevant thyroid dysfunction. Old immunomodulating drugs, such as interferon-α and interleukin-2, are known to induce variably high incidence of autoimmune thyroid dysfunction. Newer immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as anti-CTLA4 monoclonal antibodies, are responsible for a relatively low incidence of thyroiditis and may induce secondary hypothyroidism resulting from hypophysitis. Central hypothyroidism is a well-recognized side effect of bexarotene. Despite their inherent selectivity, tyrosine kinase inhibitors may cause high rates of thyroid dysfunction. Notably, thyroid toxicity seems to be restricted to tyrosine kinase inhibitors targeting key kinase-receptors in angiogenic pathways, but not other kinase-receptors (e.g., epidermal growth factor receptors family or c-KIT). In addition, a number of these agents may also increase the levothyroxine requirement in thyroidectomized patients. CONCLUSIONS: The pathophysiology of thyroid toxicity induced by many anticancer agents is not fully clarified and for others it remains speculative. Thyroid dysfunction induced by anticancer agents is generally manageable and dose reduction or discontinuation of these agents is not required. The prognostic relevance of thyroid autoimmunity, overt and subclinical hypothyroidism induced by anticancer drugs, the value of thyroid hormone replacement in individuals with abnormal thyrotropin following anticancer systemic therapy, and the correct timing of replacement therapy in cancer patients need to be defined more accurately in well-powered prospective clinical trials