879 research outputs found

    Deriving the respiratory sinus arrhythmia from the heartbeat time series using Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) is a well-known phenomenon whose characteristics are of great clinical relevance in pathophysiologic investigations. In particular, respiration is a powerful modulator of HRV contributing to the oscillations at highest frequency. Like almost all natural phenomena, HRV is the result of many nonlinearly interacting processes; therefore any linear analysis has the potential risk of underestimating, or even missing, a great amount of information content. Recently the technique of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) has been proposed as a new tool for the analysis of nonlinear and nonstationary data. We applied EMD analysis to decompose the heartbeat intervals series, derived from one electrocardiographic (ECG) signal of 13 subjects, into their components in order to identify the modes associated with breathing. After each decomposition the mode showing the highest frequency and the corresponding respiratory signal were Hilbert transformed and the instantaneous phases extracted were then compared. The results obtained indicate a synchronization of order 1:1 between the two series proving the existence of phase and frequency coupling between the component associated with breathing and the respiratory signal itself in all subjects.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Will be published on "Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

    A systematic review of a polyvagal perspective on embodied contemplative practices as promoters of cardiorespiratory coupling and traumatic stress recovery for ptsd and ocd: Research methodologies and state of the art

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    Baseline respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) has been proposed as a transdiagnostic biomarker of stress vulnerability across psychopathologies, and a reliable association between PTSD, OCD and lower resting RSA was found. Contemplative practices have been linked to the activation of the vagus as well as to an increased RSA that, according to the polyvagal theory, reflects the activation of the ventral vagal complex (VVC) and may promote PTSD and OCD recovery. PubMed and Scopus databases were selected to conduct a search following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 guidelines, and A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews-2 (AMSTAR-2) was used to appraise the methodological quality for this systematic review. Six articles met the inclusion criteria (one cross-sectional study, one study with pre-post measurements, two cohort studies and two RCT studies). Mindfulness-related interventions promoted parasympathetic activity, an increased vagal tone and improvements in PTSD and OCD symptoms. According to the polyvagal theory, mindfulness-related and compassion-related meditations would be conceptualized as neural exercises expanding the capacity of the ventral vagal complex to regulate the present state and to promote resilience. Clinical and methodological issues are discussed

    More targets, more pathways and more clues for mutant p53.

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    Mutations in the transcription factor p53 are among the most common genetic alterations in human cancer, and missense p53 mutations in cancer cells can lead to aggressive phenotypes. So far, only few studies investigated transcriptional reprogramming under mutant p53 expression as a means to identify deregulated targets and pathways. A review of the literature was carried out focusing on mutant p53-dependent transcriptome changes with the aims of (i) verifying whether different p53 mutations can be equivalent for their effects, or whether there is a mutation-specific transcriptional reprogramming of target genes, (ii) understanding what is the main mechanism at the basis of upregulation or downregulation of gene expression under the p53 mutant background, (iii) identifying novel candidate target genes of WT and/or mutant p53 and (iv) defining cellular pathways affected by the mutant p53-dependent gene expression reprogramming. Nearly 600 genes were consistently found upregulated or downregulated upon ectopic expression of mutant p53, regardless of the specific p53 mutation studied. Promoter analysis and the use of ChIP-seq data indicate that, for most genes, the expression changes could be ascribed to a loss both of WT p53 transcriptional activation and repressor functions. Pathway analysis indicated changes in the metabolism/catabolism of amino acids such as aspartate, glutamate, arginine and proline. Novel p53 candidate target genes were also identified, including ARID3B, ARNT2, CLMN, FADS1, FTH1, KPNA2, LPHN2, PARD6B, PDE4C, PIAS2, PRPF40A, PYGL and RHOBTB2, involved in the metabolism, xenobiotic responses and cell differentiation

    Evaluation of a microarray for genotyping polymorphisms related to xenobiotic metabolism and DNA repair

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    We present an oligonucleotide microarray ("MetaboChip") based on the arrayed primer extension (APEX) technique, allowing genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes of interest fo..

    Scaling and intermittency of brain events as a manifestation of consciousness

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    We discuss the critical brain hypothesis and its relationship with intermittent renewal processes displaying power-law decay in the distribution of waiting times between two consecutive renewal events. In particular, studies on complex systems in a "critical" condition show that macroscopic variables, integrating the activities of many individual functional units, undergo fluctuations with an intermittent serial structure characterized by avalanches with inverse-power-law (scale-free) distribution densities of sizes and inter-event times. This condition, which is denoted as "fractal intermittency", was found in the electroencephalograms of subjects observed during a resting state wake condition. It remained unsolved whether fractal intermittency correlates with the stream of consciousness or with a non-task-driven default mode activity, also present in non-conscious states, like deep sleep. After reviewing a method of scaling analysis of intermittent systems based of event-driven random walks, we show that during deep sleep fractal intermittency breaks down, and re-establishes during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, with essentially the same anomalous scaling of the pre-sleep wake condition. From the comparison of the pre-sleep wake, deep sleep and REM conditions we argue that the scaling features of intermittent brain events are related to the level of consciousness and, consequently, could be exploited as a possible indicator of consciousness in clinical applications

    Emilio Sereni e la cartografia. Un incontro mancato?

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    The originality of Emilio Sereni's new use of pictorial images in his most known work, have drawn the attention of many scholars. Regardless of positive or negative opinions, an underestimated evaluation of the countless types of sources used by the author for his argumentation about italian rural landscapes, has occurred. In particular, this work analyses the approach of Sereni towards historic and thematic cartography

    Fra visibile e invisibile: il paesaggio nelle fonti cartografico-storiche

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    This work, which summarises the results of prolonged archival research, deals with the role that historical cartography can have in a territorialist perspective. The works carried out by French topographers in Piedmont and Liguria, between the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth century, exemplifies the capabilities of displaying territorial phenomena of these figures and therefore their current ‘value in use’. Heirs of the Enlightenment’s advances in astronomy, mathematics and geometry, from a topographic point of view they are indeed witnesses of the pictorial paradigm of imitation of nature. During the nineteenth century, the growing trend towards standardisation, objectiveness and abstraction, would have defined the almost complete disappearance of landscape from maps
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