42 research outputs found

    A Typical Case Presentation with Spontaneous Visual Recovery in Patient Diagnosed with Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Due to Rare Point Mutation in MT-ND4 Gene (m.11253T>C) and Literature Review

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    Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is one of the most common inherited mitochondrial optic neuropathies, caused by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations. Three most common mutations, namely m.11778G>A, m.14484T>G and m.3460G>A, account for the majority of LHON cases. These mutations lead to mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I damage. Typically, LHON presents at the 15–35 years of age with male predominance. LHON is associated with severe, subacute, painless bilateral vision loss and account for one of the most common causes of legal blindness in young individuals. Spontaneous visual acuity recovery is rare and has been reported in patients harbouring m.14484T>C mutation. Up to date LHON treatment is limited. Idebenone has been approved by European Medicines Agency (EMA) to treat LHON. However better understanding of disease mechanisms and ongoing treatment trials are promising and brings hope for patients. In this article we report on a patient diagnosed with LHON harbouring rare m.11253T>C mutation in MT-ND4 gene, who experienced spontaneous visual recovery. In addition, we summarise clinical presentation, diagnostic features, and treatment

    Excitation Dynamics and Relaxation in a Molecular Heterodimer

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    The exciton dynamics in a molecular heterodimer is studied as a function of differences in excitation and reorganization energies, asymmetry in transition dipole moments and excited state lifetimes. The heterodimer is composed of two molecules modeled as two-level systems coupled by the resonance interaction. The system-bath coupling is taken into account as a modulating factor of the energy gap of the molecular excitation, while the relaxation to the ground state is treated phenomenologically. Comparison of the description of the excitation dynamics modeled using either the Redfield equations (secular and full forms) or the Hierarchical quantum master equation (HQME) is demonstrated and discussed. Possible role of the dimer as an excitation quenching center in photosynthesis self-regulation is discussed. It is concluded that the system-bath interaction rather than the excitonic effect determines the excitation quenching ability of such a dimer

    Automatic categorization of laryngeal images using the multiple feature sets

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    Comparison of automated and perceptual categorization of normal and pathological voices

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    Carrier Tunneling from Charge Transfer States in Organic Photovoltaic Cells

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    Charge transfer (CT) states play a key role in the functioning of organic solar cells; however, understanding the mechanism by which CT states dissociate efficiently into free charges remain a conceptual challenge. Here, the electric field dependent dynamics of charge generation in planar cyanine/fullerene photovoltaic cells is probed over a wide temperature range using time-resolved Stark effect experiments, transient absorption, and photocurrent measurements. Results indicate that dissociation of thermalized CT states is the rate-limiting step for all temperatures. The dissociation rate strongly depends on the field, but is temperature independent. The results also suggest that the yield of generated charges is temperature independent. Model electrostatic calculations illustrate that specific orientations of the cyanine crystal relative to C60 create a repulsive potential for an electron near the interface that is largely due to the quadrupole moment of the unit cell. In combination with the electron-hole coulomb attraction and the electric field-induced barrier lowering, a high-energy potential barrier forms with a narrow width of a few nanometers. It is proposed that charge separation occurs via a field-dependent electron tunneling mechanism through that barrier, which is temperature independent. The results support a thus far overlooked pathway for CT state dissociation via carrier tunneling

    Modeling of excitation dynamics in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes: exact versus perturbative approaches

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    We compare various theoretical approaches that are frequently used for modeling the excitation dynamics in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes. As an example, we calculate the dynamics in the major light-harvesting complex from higher plants using the standard Redfield theory, the coherent modified Redfield theory combined with the generalized Forster theory, and the scaled hierarchical equation of motion (HEOM). The modified Redfield and coherent modified Redfield theories predict unrealistically fast transfers between weakly coupled and isoenergetic sites due to the secular character of these approaches. This shortcoming can be excluded by the artificial breaking of exciton mixing between these sites and invoking a generalized Forster theory to calculate the transfers between them. A critical cutoff indicating which exciton couplings should be broken is dependent on the energy gap between the corresponding sites (and therefore can be different for different parts of the complex). An adequate determination of the strongly coupled compartments of the whole complex allows us to obtain a quantitatively correct description with the combined Redfield-Forster approach, resulting in kinetics not much different from the exact HEOM solution