2,518 research outputs found

    Quasiclassical Equations of Motion for Nonlinear Brownian Systems

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    Following the formalism of Gell-Mann and Hartle, phenomenological equations of motion are derived from the decoherence functional formalism of quantum mechanics, using a path-integral description. This is done explicitly for the case of a system interacting with a ``bath'' of harmonic oscillators whose individual motions are neglected. The results are compared to the equations derived from the purely classical theory. The case of linear interactions is treated exactly, and nonlinear interactions are compared using classical and quantum perturbation theory.Comment: 24 pages, CALT-68-1848 (RevTeX 2.0 macros

    Comparison of the extended linear sigma model and chiral perturbation theory

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    The pion-nucleon scattering amplitudes are calculated in tree approximation with the use of the extended linear sigma model (ELSM) as well as heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory (HBχ\chiPT), and the non-relativistic forms of the ELSM results are compared with those of HBχ\chiPT. We find that the amplitudes obtained in ELSM do not agree with those derived from the more fundamental effective approach, HBχ\chiPT.Comment: 7 page

    Orbifold Family Unification in SO(2N) Gauge Theory

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    We study the possibility of family unification on the basis of SO(2N) gauge theory on the five-dimensional space-time, M4×S1/Z2M^4\times S^1/Z_2. Several SO(10), SU(4)×SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(4) \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R or SU(5) multiplets come from a single bulk multiplet of SO(2N) after the orbifold breaking. Other multiplets including brane fields are necessary to compose three families of quarks and leptons.Comment: 28 page

    Unified model for network dynamics exhibiting nonextensive statistics

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    We introduce a dynamical network model which unifies a number of network families which are individually known to exhibit qq-exponential degree distributions. The present model dynamics incorporates static (non-growing) self-organizing networks, preferentially growing networks, and (preferentially) rewiring networks. Further, it exhibits a natural random graph limit. The proposed model generalizes network dynamics to rewiring and growth modes which depend on internal topology as well as on a metric imposed by the space they are embedded in. In all of the networks emerging from the presented model we find q-exponential degree distributions over a large parameter space. We comment on the parameter dependence of the corresponding entropic index q for the degree distributions, and on the behavior of the clustering coefficients and neighboring connectivity distributions.Comment: 11 pages 8 fig

    What is the discrete gauge symmetry of the R-parity violating MSSM?

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    The lack of experimental evidence for supersymmetry motivates R-parity violating realizations of the MSSM. Dropping R-parity, alternative symmetries have to be imposed in order to stabilize the proton. We determine the possible discrete R and non-R symmetries, which allow for renormalizable R-parity violating terms in the superpotential and which, at the effective level, are consistent with the constraints from nucleon decay. Assuming a gauge origin, we require the symmetry to be discrete gauge anomaly-free, allowing also for cancellation via the Green Schwarz mechanism. Furthermore, we demand lepton number violating neutrino mass terms either at the renormalizable or non-renormalizable level. In order to solve the mu problem, the discrete Z_N or Z_N^R symmetries have to forbid any bilinear superpotential operator at tree level. In the case of renormalizable baryon number violation the smallest possible symmetry satisfying all conditions is a unique hexality Z_6^R. In the case of renormalizable lepton number violation the smallest symmetries are two hexalities, one Z_6 and one Z_6^R.Comment: 25 pages, version to appear in PR

    Covariance and Time Regained in Canonical General Relativity

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    Canonical vacuum gravity is expressed in generally-covariant form in order that spacetime diffeomorphisms be represented within its equal-time phase space. In accordance with the principle of general covariance, the time mapping {\T}: {\yman} \to {\rman} and the space mapping {\X}: {\yman} \to {\xman} that define the Dirac-ADM foliation are incorporated into the framework of the Hilbert variational principle. The resulting canonical action encompasses all individual Dirac-ADM actions, corresponding to different choices of foliating vacuum spacetimes by spacelike hypersurfaces. In this framework, spacetime observables, namely, dynamical variables that are invariant under spacetime diffeomorphisms, are not necessarily invariant under the deformations of the mappings \T and \X, nor are they constants of the motion. Dirac observables form only a subset of spacetime observables that are invariant under the transformations of \T and \X and do not evolve in time. The conventional interpretation of the canonical theory, due to Bergmann and Dirac, can be recovered only by postulating that the transformations of the reference system ({\T},{\X}) have no measurable consequences. If this postulate is not deemed necessary, covariant canonical gravity admits no classical problem of time.Comment: 41 pages, no figure

    Hadronic structure aspects of K+π+l1++l2+K^+\to \pi^-+ l^{+}_1 + l^{+}_2 decays

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    As is known from previous studies the lepton number violating decays K+π+l1++l2+K^+\to \pi^- + l^{+}_1 + l^{+}_2 have good prospects to probe new physics beyond the Standard Model and provide valuable information on neutrino masses and mixing. We analyze these processes with an emphasis on their hadronic structure aspects applying relativistic constituent quark model. We conclude that the previously ignored contribution associated with the t-channel Majorana neutrino exchange is comparable with the s-channel one in a wide range of neutrino masses. We also estimated model independent absolute upper bounds on neutrino contribution to these decays.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Version to appear in PRD, normalization factor in Eq. (25) is correcte