97 research outputs found

    Ising model with a boundary magnetic field - an example of a boundary flow

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    In hep-th/0312197 a nonperturbative proof of the g-theorem of Affleck and Ludwig was put forward. In this paper we illustrate how the proof of hep-th/0312197 works on the example of the 2D Ising model at criticality perturbed by a boundary magnetic field. For this model we present explicit computations of all the quantities entering the proof including various contact terms. A free massless boson with a boundary mass term is considered as a warm-up example.Comment: 1+20 pages, Latex, 2 eps figures; v2: references adde

    Perturbation theories for the S=1/2 spin ladder with four-spin ring exchange

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    The isotropic S=1/2 antiferromagnetic spin ladder with additional four-spin ring exchange is studied perturbatively in the strong coupling regime with the help of cluster expansion technique, and by means of bosonization in the weak coupling limit. It is found that a sufficiently large strength of ring exchange leads to a second-order phase transition, and the shape of the boundary in the vicinity of the known exact transition point is obtained. The critical exponent for the gap is found to be η1\eta\simeq1, in agreement both with exact results available for the dimer line and with the bosonization analysis. The phase emerging for high values of the ring exchange is argued to be gapped and spontaneously dimerized. The results for the transition line from strong coupling and from weak coupling match with each other naturally.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, some minor changes in text and reference

    Dilogarithm Identities in Conformal Field Theory and Group Homology

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    Recently, Rogers' dilogarithm identities have attracted much attention in the setting of conformal field theory as well as lattice model calculations. One of the connecting threads is an identity of Richmond-Szekeres that appeared in the computation of central charges in conformal field theory. We show that the Richmond-Szekeres identity and its extension by Kirillov-Reshetikhin can be interpreted as a lift of a generator of the third integral homology of a finite cyclic subgroup sitting inside the projective special linear group of all 2×22 \times 2 real matrices viewed as a {\it discrete} group. This connection allows us to clarify a few of the assertions and conjectures stated in the work of Nahm-Recknagel-Terhoven concerning the role of algebraic KK-theory and Thurston's program on hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Specifically, it is not related to hyperbolic 3-manifolds as suggested but is more appropriately related to the group manifold of the universal covering group of the projective special linear group of all 2×22 \times 2 real matrices viewed as a topological group. This also resolves the weaker version of the conjecture as formulated by Kirillov. We end with the summary of a number of open conjectures on the mathematical side.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures not include

    Singularities of bi-Hamiltonian systems

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    We study the relationship between singularities of bi-Hamiltonian systems and algebraic properties of compatible Poisson brackets. As the main tool, we introduce the notion of linearization of a Poisson pencil. From the algebraic viewpoint, a linearized Poisson pencil can be understood as a Lie algebra with a fixed 2-cocycle. In terms of such linearizations, we give a criterion for non-degeneracy of singular points of bi-Hamiltonian systems and describe their types

    Phase diagram and critical properties in the Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the so-called Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and nonzero chemical potential with three quark flavours. Chiral and deconfinement phase transitions are discussed, and the relevant order-like parameters are analyzed. The results are compared with simple thermodynamic expectations and lattice data. A special attention is payed to the critical end point: as the strength of the flavour-mixing interaction becomes weaker, the critical end point moves to low temperatures and can even disappear.Comment: Talk given at the 9th International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum - QCHS IX, Madrid, Spain, 30 August - September 201

    Wick type deformation quantization of Fedosov manifolds

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    A coordinate-free definition for Wick-type symbols is given for symplectic manifolds by means of the Fedosov procedure. The main ingredient of this approach is a bilinear symmetric form defined on the complexified tangent bundle of the symplectic manifold and subject to some set of algebraic and differential conditions. It is precisely the structure which describes a deviation of the Wick-type star-product from the Weyl one in the first order in the deformation parameter. The geometry of the symplectic manifolds equipped by such a bilinear form is explored and a certain analogue of the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem is presented. The 2-form is explicitly identified which cohomological class coincides with the Fedosov class of the Wick-type star-product. For the particular case of K\"ahler manifold this class is shown to be proportional to the Chern class of a complex manifold. We also show that the symbol construction admits canonical superextension, which can be thought of as the Wick-type deformation of the exterior algebra of differential forms on the base (even) manifold. Possible applications of the deformed superalgebra to the noncommutative field theory and strings are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Series study of the One-dimensional S-T Spin-Orbital Model

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    We use perturbative series expansions about a staggered dimerized ground state to compute the ground state energy, triplet excitation spectra and spectral weight for a one-dimensional model in which each site has an S=\case 1/2 spin Si{\bf S}_i and a pseudospin Ti{\bf T}_i, representing a doubly degenerate orbital. An explicit dimerization is introduced to allow study of the confinement of spinon excitations. The elementary triplet represents a bound state of two spinons, and is stable over much of the Brillouine zone. A special line is found in the gapped spin-liquid phase, on which the triplet excitation is dispersionless. The formation of triplet bound states is also investigated.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Solution of generalized fractional reaction-diffusion equations

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    This paper deals with the investigation of a closed form solution of a generalized fractional reaction-diffusion equation. The solution of the proposed problem is developed in a compact form in terms of the H-function by the application of direct and inverse Laplace and Fourier transforms. Fractional order moments and the asymptotic expansion of the solution are also obtained.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, corrected typo

    Magnetic fields in supernova remnants and pulsar-wind nebulae

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    We review the observations of supernova remnants (SNRs) and pulsar-wind nebulae (PWNe) that give information on the strength and orientation of magnetic fields. Radio polarimetry gives the degree of order of magnetic fields, and the orientation of the ordered component. Many young shell supernova remnants show evidence for synchrotron X-ray emission. The spatial analysis of this emission suggests that magnetic fields are amplified by one to two orders of magnitude in strong shocks. Detection of several remnants in TeV gamma rays implies a lower limit on the magnetic-field strength (or a measurement, if the emission process is inverse-Compton upscattering of cosmic microwave background photons). Upper limits to GeV emission similarly provide lower limits on magnetic-field strengths. In the historical shell remnants, lower limits on B range from 25 to 1000 microGauss. Two remnants show variability of synchrotron X-ray emission with a timescale of years. If this timescale is the electron-acceleration or radiative loss timescale, magnetic fields of order 1 mG are also implied. In pulsar-wind nebulae, equipartition arguments and dynamical modeling can be used to infer magnetic-field strengths anywhere from about 5 microGauss to 1 mG. Polarized fractions are considerably higher than in SNRs, ranging to 50 or 60% in some cases; magnetic-field geometries often suggest a toroidal structure around the pulsar, but this is not universal. Viewing-angle effects undoubtedly play a role. MHD models of radio emission in shell SNRs show that different orientations of upstream magnetic field, and different assumptions about electron acceleration, predict different radio morphology. In the remnant of SN 1006, such comparisons imply a magnetic-field orientation connecting the bright limbs, with a non-negligible gradient of its strength across the remnant.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures; to be published in SpSciRev. Minor wording change in Abstrac

    High-Order Coupled Cluster Method (CCM) Calculations for Quantum Magnets with Valence-Bond Ground States

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    In this article, we prove that exact representations of dimer and plaquette valence-bond ket ground states for quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets may be formed via the usual coupled cluster method (CCM) from independent-spin product (e.g. N\'eel) model states. We show that we are able to provide good results for both the ground-state energy and the sublattice magnetization for dimer and plaquette valence-bond phases within the CCM. As a first example, we investigate the spin-half J1J_1--J2J_2 model for the linear chain, and we show that we are able to reproduce exactly the dimerized ground (ket) state at J2/J1=0.5J_2/J_1=0.5. The dimerized phase is stable over a range of values for J2/J1J_2/J_1 around 0.5. We present evidence of symmetry breaking by considering the ket- and bra-state correlation coefficients as a function of J2/J1J_2/J_1. We then consider the Shastry-Sutherland model and demonstrate that the CCM can span the correct ground states in both the N\'eel and the dimerized phases. Finally, we consider a spin-half system with nearest-neighbor bonds for an underlying lattice corresponding to the magnetic material CaV4_4O9_9 (CAVO). We show that we are able to provide excellent results for the ground-state energy in each of the plaquette-ordered, N\'eel-ordered, and dimerized regimes of this model. The exact plaquette and dimer ground states are reproduced by the CCM ket state in their relevant limits.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures, 2 table