18 research outputs found

    El Gran Bajo de los Huesos, su tect贸nica en relaci贸n con la morfolog铆a: Chubut, Argentina

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    El 谩rea de trabajo se ubica en el N E de la provincia del Chubut. Dentro de la misma se han analizado dos secciones; una continental formada por mesetas, depresiones y acantilados y otra sub谩cuea hasta una profundidad cercana a los 50m. Para realizar la interpretaci贸n estructural de las mismas, se aplic贸 una metodolog铆a que abarc贸 desde los relevamientos morfol贸gicos y estratigr谩ficos de campo hasta los an谩lisis de fotograf铆as a茅reas. Con la informaci贸n altibatim茅trica se confeccionaron bloques de diagramas que permitieron relacionar las morfolog铆as superficiales con las posibles estructuras profundas que les dieron origen. Se determin贸 que las geoformas continentales, positivas y negativas, se hallan controladas por fallas que siguen tres orientaciones principales correspondientes a los modelos morfol贸gicos de escarpas y l铆neas de falla. La morfolog铆a sub谩cuea se relaciona con un estilo estructural denominado de bloques fallados con desplazamientos de los mismos.The area under study is situated at the NE of Chubut Province. Two sections were analyzed in it; a continental one formed by plateaus, depressions and cliffs and a subaqueous one down to near 50 m depth. In order to carry out its structural interpretation, a methodology containing morphological and stratigraphical survey and aereal photography analysis was applied. Diagram blocks were made with alti-bathymetric information which allowed to relate superficial mhorphologies with the possible deep structures that originated them. It was determined that positive and negative continental geoforms are controlled by fractures following thee principal orientations corresponding to the morphological models of scarps and faults. Subaqueous morphology is related to a structural style called of fault blocks with displacemente.Asociaci贸n Argentina de Geof铆sicos y Geodesta

    Presencia y evoluci贸n de grandes bloques en la costa de Punta Colorada, golfo San Mat铆as, Argentina

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    En la costa occidental del golfo San Mat铆as se se帽ala la presencia de grandes bloques rocosos producidos por importantes efectos erosivos. Se evaluaron las caracter铆sticas de los bloques (dimensiones, volumen, orientaci贸n y buzamiento) por medio de dos perfiles paralelos a la costa realizados a diferentes niveles topogr谩ficos. Se reconoce que la plataforma de abrasi贸n, formada por rocas calc谩reas de la Formaci贸n Arroyo Verde, presenta dos secciones bien diferenciadas. En la secci贸n superior (distal), la acci贸n de olas es, en la actualidad, pr谩cticamente inexistente. All铆, s贸lo se aprecian remanentes de un antiguo proceso erosivo Holoceno, evidenciado en la disposici贸n imbricada o err谩tica de bloques de menores dimensiones. En la inferior (frontal), el efecto marino actual erosiona el material que integra la plataforma de abrasi贸n a trav茅s de diaclasas y disgrega una arenisca rojiza (Paleoceno) lo que indica un nuevo pulso de avance marino. Las geoformas resultantes ser铆an el producto de las distintas oscilaciones del nivel del mar ocurridas desde el Terciario medio.The west littoral of San Matias Gulf is characterized by large rocky blocks suggesting significant erosive effects in the past. The features of the rocky blocks (dimensions, volume, direction and dip) were determined in two profiles located parallel to the coast at different topographical levels. It was recognized that the abrasion platform, formed by calcareous rocks (Arroyo Verde Formation), shows two well differentiated sections. In the upper section, wave action is practically absent, although the existence of smaller erratic or imbricated blocks suggest a previous (Holocene) erosive process. In the lower one, the present marine action erodes the abrasion plattform through joints and disintegrate a conglomeratic sandstone (Paleocene) that indicates a new marine pulse. The resulting morphology of the cliffs is the result of different oscillations of sea level happened since the Middle Tertiary.Asociaci贸n Argentina de Geof铆sicos y Geodesta

    Concreciones y rodados org谩nicos presentes en el Golfo San Jos茅, Chubut, Argentina

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    Los trabajos referidos a la significaci贸n de concreciones y rodados de g茅nesis org谩nica tienen escasa difusi贸n en nuestro pa铆s. El presente estudio permite inferir condiciones paleoambientales desarrolladas en los dep贸sitos de origen de estas estructuras y durante su posterior evoluci贸n. Estos elementos fueron hallados en sedimentos de edad cuaternaria en el golfo San Jos茅, Chubut, Argentina. Corresponden a dos tipos gen茅ticos: estructuras de precipitaci贸n (concreciones) y estructuras org谩nicas rodadas (colonias de briozoarios removidas). Ambas estructuras fueron generadas en el tercio superior de la Formaci贸n Puerto Madryn (Mioceno marino), durante una facies regresiva litoral. Posteriormente fueron transportadas por acci贸n fluvial durante el Cuaternario. Debido a su bajo 铆ndice de abrasi贸n se puede inferir que el per铆odo de transporte fue corto y de r谩pida depositaci贸n. Este proceso habr铆a sido sincr贸nico con la sedimentaci贸n continental acaecida durante el Cuaternario.Works about the meaning of concretions and pebbles of organic origin have limited diffusion in our country. This study allows to infer paleoenvironmental conditions developed in the original deposits of these structures and during their later evolutionary history. These elements were found in Quaternary sediments in the San Jos茅 Gulf, Chubut, Argentina. They correspond to two different genetic types: precipitation structures (concretions) and organic pebbles (removed briozoary colonies). Both were generated in the upper third of the Puerto Madryn Formation (marine Miocene), during a regressive littoral facies. They were later transported by fluvial action during the Quaternary. Due to its low abrasion we can infer that its transport extended over a short period and had a rapid deposition. This process would have been synchronous with the Quaternary continental sedimentation.Asociaci贸n Argentina de Geof铆sicos y Geodesta

    Democratization and Constitutional Crises in Presidential Regimes

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    This article explores the impact of democratization on the resolution of executive-legislative crises in Latin American presidential regimes. The author studies 27 episodes in which the executive branch closed the legislature or the legislature removed the chief executive from office between 1950 and 2000. It is hypothesized that the democratization of Latin American presidential systems has hindered the ability of presidents to challenge the legislature and encouraged the emergence of congressional supremacy (i.e., the capacity of congress to impeach the president if a serious conflict emerges). Three causal mechanisms account for this outcome: (a) a lower likelihood of military intervention, (b) the elimination of constitutional tools used by authoritarian presidents to dissolve congress, and (c) greater stability in the constitutional environment. After discussing the limitations of conventional maximum likelihood tests, the author assesses this hypothesis using a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative model