17 research outputs found

    Update on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) – revised recommendations of the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Part II: Attack therapy and long-term management

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    Center for Community and Regional Research Report

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    Supported by the Center for Community and Regional Research, University of Minnesota, Duluth, through a grant from the Center for Urban and Regional Affair

    Concurrent Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T-Cell Lymphoma and B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2 Pediatric Patients

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    Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma is a cutaneous lymphoma characterized by CD8+ T-cell infiltrate in the subcutis that is rare in children. Acute lymphoblastic lymphoma is the most common pediatric malignancy and often presents with fevers and pancytopenia. Herein, we report 2 pediatric patients presenting with subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma and B-cell acute lymphoblastic lymphoma, distinct hematologic malignancies arising from different lymphoid lineages, with no identifiable germline cancer predisposition