249 research outputs found

    MoPS: A Modular Protection Scheme for Long-Term Storage

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    Current trends in technology, such as cloud computing, allow outsourcing the storage, backup, and archiving of data. This provides efficiency and flexibility, but also poses new risks for data security. It in particular became crucial to develop protection schemes that ensure security even in the long-term, i.e. beyond the lifetime of keys, certificates, and cryptographic primitives. However, all current solutions fail to provide optimal performance for different application scenarios. Thus, in this work, we present MoPS, a modular protection scheme to ensure authenticity and integrity for data stored over long periods of time. MoPS does not come with any requirements regarding the storage architecture and can therefore be used together with existing archiving or storage systems. It supports a set of techniques which can be plugged together, combined, and migrated in order to create customized solutions that fulfill the requirements of different application scenarios in the best possible way. As a proof of concept we implemented MoPS and provide performance measurements. Furthermore, our implementation provides additional features, such as guidance for non-expert users and export functionalities for external verifiers.Comment: Original Publication (in the same form): ASIACCS 201

    Resolving Conflicts in Highly Reactive Teams

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    In distributed cooperation frameworks for completely autonomous agents, conflicts between the involved agents can occur due to inconsistent data available to the agents. In highly dynamic domains, such as RoboCup, it is often neccessary to accept a certain level of conflicts in order to decrease reaction time of single agents, instead of relying on error-free, but extensive communication. However, this may lead to situations in which unresolved conflicts linger and cause cooperation to break down completely. In our cooperation framework, ALICA, we designed and implemented a simple but effective approach to detect these cases and resolve them quickly through a bully algorithm

    The Web Service Challenge - A review on Semantic Web Service Composition

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    Every year, contesters submit contributions to the Web Service Challenge (WSC) in order to determine which service composition system is the most efficient one. In this challenge, semantic composition tasks must be solved and the results delivered by the composers are checked for correctness. The time needed for the composition process is another important competition criterion. After we had participated with great success in the 2006 and 2007 WSC, we were asked to manage the Web Service Challenge 2008. In this paper, we present the challenge task, the challenge rules, the document format used, and the results of this competition. We provide a summary over the past challenges and give first previews on the future developments planned for the Web Service Challenges to come

    QoS-based Self-Management for Business Processes

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    Business processes are commonly implemented as compositions of Web Services, using the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) as an orchestration specification. Business processes do not only require an appropriate setup but also need to be monitored throughout their runtime, especially when Quality-of-service (QoS) constraints have to be met. Monitoring results may be used for the automated reconfiguration and optimization of business processes. We show how we achieve self-management based on QoS constraints within our system. The BPRules Language that we set up can be used to improve the QoS behavior of business processes by triggering appropriate management actions on the process. Also we propose a service selection strategy for the dynamic selection and replacement of services within business processes

    Self-Management – Potentiale, Probleme, Perspektiven

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Gordon Moores Gesetz vom exponentiellen Wachstum der Transistordichte pro Quadrat-Zoll hat seit 1965 die IT-Industrie geprägt. Mit der damit einhergehenden Explosion der Rechnerleistung wurde die Software immer leistungsfähiger, und man ist dazu übergegangen, Rechnersysteme zu vernetzen und Anwendungen zu verteilen. Eine Folge dieser Entwicklungen ist die rapide zunehmende Komplexität der modernen Informationstechnologie. 40 Jahre nach Moores Entdeckung droht eben diese Tatsache, dem bisherigen exponentiellen Wachstum natürliche Grenzen zu setzen. Moderne, vernetzte Rechnersysteme, wie sie in der Industrie weit verbreitet sind, sind schon heute zu komplex als dass sie auf manuellem Wege, d.h., durch menschliche Administratoren, in einem optimalen Betriebszustand gehalten werden können. Die Folgen sind eine unzureichende Ausnutzung vorhandener Ressourcen, wiederkehrende Fehlerzustände und Lücken in der Absicherung gegen mutwillige Angriffe auf die System-Integrität. Dies führt zu erheblichen finanziellen Mehraufwendungen bzw. Verlusten. Ein permanent überfordertes Administrationspersonal, trägt durch eigene Fehler ein Übriges bei.Schenkt man den jüngst aufkeimenden Initiativen von IT-Giganten wie IBM, Microsoft und Sun Glauben, so heißt die Lösung dieser Misere automatisiertes Management. Vernetzte Rechnersysteme sollen sich auf lange Sicht selbst verwalten. Man erhofft sich hiervon ein effektiveres Management und eine Freistellung von Personal, welches sich dann um wichtigere Aufgaben kümmern kann.In diesem Beitrag beleuchten wir den aktuellen Stand und die Perspektiven im Bereich des Self-Managements. Des Weiteren diskutieren wir offene Fragen, welche auf dem Weg zu selbstverwaltenden Systemen zu lösen sind

    VENUS meets SEMAT : How do they compare?

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    SEMAT (Software Engineering Methods And Theory) is an initiative to define a generic foundation for software engineering as a rigorous discipline. The so-called SEMAT kernel provides a thinking framework for software engineers that is not constrained to certain methods and processes but aims to encompass all kinds of proven principles and best practices. Our own interdisciplinary VENUS development method is designed to achieve similar generality and compatibility objectives, although the chosen application domain in VENUS has a much narrower scope. In this paper we compare the VENUS development method with SEMAT. The main contributions are positioning the VENUS development concepts within the SEMAT conceptual framework, and investigating whether SEMAT is an appropriate framework for dealing with inherently interdisciplinary development processes. In the end we present suggestions for the improvement of both approaches.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    VENUS meets SEMAT : How do they compare?

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    SEMAT (Software Engineering Methods And Theory) is an initiative to define a generic foundation for software engineering as a rigorous discipline. The so-called SEMAT kernel provides a thinking framework for software engineers that is not constrained to certain methods and processes but aims to encompass all kinds of proven principles and best practices. Our own interdisciplinary VENUS development method is designed to achieve similar generality and compatibility objectives, although the chosen application domain in VENUS has a much narrower scope. In this paper we compare the VENUS development method with SEMAT. The main contributions are positioning the VENUS development concepts within the SEMAT conceptual framework, and investigating whether SEMAT is an appropriate framework for dealing with inherently interdisciplinary development processes. In the end we present suggestions for the improvement of both approaches.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Kommunikation zwischen autonomen Agenten

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Softwareagenten sind Programme, die einen Auftrag autonom und weitgehend selbständig ausführen. Man spricht von mobilen Agenten, wenn diese Programme selbstbestimmt ihre Ausführungsumgebung in einem Netzwerk wechseln können. Die Mobilität der Software impliziert ein neues Programmierparadigma für verteilte Systeme, das die bekannten Interaktionskonzepte herkömmlicher Verteilungsplattformen erweitert. Anwendungen mit mobilen Agenten finden sich in ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen, wie Netz- und Systemmanagement, elektronische Marktplätze und Logistik

    Different Approaches to Semantic Web Service Composition

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