260 research outputs found

    Dietary bioactive lipid compounds rich in menthol alter Interactions among members of ruminal microbiota in sheep

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of two practically relevant doses of menthol-rich plant bioactive lipid compounds (PBLC) on fermentation, microbial community composition, and their interactions in sheep rumen. Twenty-four growing Suffolk sheep were divided into three treatments and were fed hay ad libitum plus 600 g/d of concentrate containing no PBLC (Control) or PBLC at low dose (80 mg/d; PBLC-L) or high dose (160 mg/d; PBLC-H). After 4 weeks on the diets, samples of ruminal digesta were collected and analyzed for short-chain fatty acid (SCFA), ammonia, and microbiota; microbiota being analyzed in the solid and the liquid digesta fractions separately. Ruminal SCFA and ammonia concentrations were not affected by the PBLC treatments. The microbiota in the solid fraction was more diverse than that in the liquid fraction, and the relative abundance of most taxa differed between these two fractions. In the solid fraction, phylogenetic diversity increased linearly with increased PBLC doses, whereas evenness (lowest in PBLC-L) and Simpson diversity index (greatest in PBLC-H) changed quadratically. In the liquid fraction, however, the PBLC supplementation did not affect any of the microbial diversity measurements. Among phyla, Chloroflexi (highest in PBLC-L) and unclassified_bacteria (lowest in PBLC-L) were altered quadratically by PBLC. Lachnospiraceae, Bacteroidaceae (increased linearly), BS11 (increased in PBLC-L), Christensenellaceae (decreased in PBLC treatments), and Porphyromonadaceae (increased in PBLC treatments) were affected at the family level. Among genera, Butyrivibrio increased linearly in the solid fraction, YRC22 increased linearly in the liquid fraction, whereas Paludibacter increased and BF311 increased linearly with increasing doses of PBLC in both fractions. The PBLC treatments also lowered methanogens within the classes Thermoplasmata and Euryarchaeota. Correlation network analysis revealed positive and negative correlations among many microbial taxa. Differential network analysis showed that PBLC supplementation changed the correlation between some microbial taxa and SCFA. The majority of the predicted functional features were different between the solid and the liquid digesta fractions, whereas the PBLC treatments altered few of the predicted functional gene categories. Overall, dietary PBLC treatments had little influence on the ruminal fermentation and microbiota but affected the associations among some microbial taxa and SCFA

    Potentiation of Glycine-Gated NR1/NR3A NMDA Receptors Relieves Ca2+-Dependent Outward Rectification

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    Glycine has diverse functions within the mammalian central nervous system. It inhibits postsynaptic neurons via strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors (GlyRs) and enhances neuronal excitation through co-activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Classical Ca2+-permeable NMDA receptors are composed of glycine-binding NR1 and glutamate-binding NR2 subunits, and hence require both glutamate and glycine for efficient activation. In contrast, recombinant receptors composed of NR1 and the glycine binding NR3A and/or NR3B subunits lack glutamate binding sites and can be activated by glycine alone. Therefore these receptors are also named “excitatory glycine receptors”. Co-application of antagonists of the NR1 glycine-binding site or of the divalent cation Zn2+ markedly enhances the glycine responses of these receptors. To gain further insight into the properties of these glycine-gated NMDA receptors, we investigated their current-voltage (I–V) dependence. Whole-cell current-voltage relations of glycine currents recorded from NR1/NR3B and NR1/NR3A/NR3B expressing oocytes were found to be linear under our recording conditions. In contrast, NR1/NR3A receptors displayed a strong outwardly rectifying I–V relation. Interestingly, the voltage-dependent inward current block was abolished in the presence of NR1 antagonists, Zn2+ or a combination of both. Further analysis revealed that Ca2+ (1.8 mM) present in our recording solutions was responsible for the voltage-dependent inhibition of ion flux through NR1/NR3A receptors. Since physiological concentrations of the divalent cation Mg2+ did not affect the I–V dependence, our data suggest that relief of the voltage-dependent Ca2+ block of NR1/NR3A receptors by Zn2+ may be important for the regulation of excitatory glycinergic transmission, according to the Mg2+-block of conventional NR1/NR2 NMDA receptors

    Dietary supplementation of menthol-rich bioactive lipid compounds alters circadian eating behaviour of sheep

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    Background: Plant bioactive lipid compounds (PBLC), commonly known as essential oils, are increasingly evaluated as feed additives in ruminants due to beneficial effects on animal performance and health; however, there is no study evaluating circadian eating behaviour in ruminants. Altered eating behaviour may be implicated in changes of feed intake in ruminants. Therefore, the present study investigated the influence of menthol-rich PBLC on circadian eating behaviour in 24 growing sheep that were equally divided into three treatments, control (without PBLC), a lower dose (80 mg/d) or a higher dose (160 mg/d) of PBLC. Daily doses of PBLC were supplied with 600 g/d of concentrates fed in three equal portions at 07:00, 11:00 and 15:00 h for 4 weeks, whereas, meadow hay was fed ad libitum. Results: The eating behaviour recorded by an automatic transponder-operated feeding system revealed that daily eating time and feeder visits increased with increasing doses of PBLC. The circadian distribution of eating time and feeder visits (with 1-h resolution) was influenced by the treatment. Eating time during concentrate-offering hours and between concentrate-offering hours increased or tended to increase linearly with greater concentrations of PBLC. Feeder visits did not change significantly during concentrate-offering hours, but were greater in the PBLC groups compared with the control between concentrate-feeding hours. Average length of the longest meals (5th percentile) decreased due to PBLC feeding. Daily feed intake was greater in the PBLC groups than the control. Conclusions: Menthol-rich PBLC in the applied dose range stimulate circadian eating behaviour, which cannot only be attributed to their presence during concentrate feeding hours, but persist during post-concentrate feeding hours

    Effects of dietary menthol-rich bioactive lipid compounds on zootechnical traits, blood variables and gastrointestinal function in growing sheep

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    Background The present study aimed at investigating the influence of 90% menthol-containing plant bioactive lipid compounds (PBLC, essential oils) on growth performance, blood haematological and biochemical profile, and nutrient absorption in sheep. Twenty-four growing Suffolk sheep were allotted into three dietary treatments: Control (without PBLC), lower dose of PBLC (PBLC-L; 80 mg/d) and higher dose of PBLC (PBLC-H; 160 mg/d). Sheep in all groups were fed meadow hay ad libitum plus 600 g/d of concentrate pellets for 28 d. Results Average daily gain was not affected by treatment. Feeding of PBLC increased hay and total feed intake per kg body weight (P < 0.05). Counts of total leucocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes were not different among treatments. However, neutrophil count decreased (P < 0.05) in PBLC-H with a similar trend in PBLC-L (P < 0.10). Concentrations of glucose, bilirubin, triglycerides, cholesterol, urea and magnesium in serum were not different among sheep fed different doses of PBLC. However, serum calcium concentration tended to increase in PBLC-H (P < 0.10) and serum concentrations of aspartate & asparagine (P < 0.01) and glutamate & glutamine (P < 0.05) increased linearly with increasing PBLC dose. In ruminal epithelia isolated from the rumen after killing, baseline conductance (Gt; P < 0.05) and short-circuit current (Isc; P < 0.01) increased in both PBLC groups. Ruminal uptakes of glucose and methionine in the presence of Na+ were not affected by the dietary PBLC supplementation. In the absence of Na+, however, glucose and methionine uptakes increased (P < 0.05) in PBLC-H. In the jejunum, Isc tended to increase in PBLC-H (P < 0.10), but baseline Gt was not affected. Intestinal uptakes of glucose and methionine were not influenced by PBLC in the presence or absence of Na+. Conclusion The results suggest that menthol-rich PBLC increase feed intake, and passive ion and nutrient transport, the latter specifically in the rumen. They also increased serum concentrations of urea precursor amino acids and tended to increase serum calcium concentrations. Future studies will have to show whether some of these findings might be commonly linked to a stimulation of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in the gastrointestinal tract