215 research outputs found
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Effect of corrosive media on crack growth of model glasses and commercial silicate glasses
The crack growth on silicate glasses of the systems x Na2O - (100-x) SiO2, x Na2O - 11 Αl2O3 - (89-x) SiO2, x Na2O - 11 B2O3 - (89-x) SiO2, x Na2O - 7 CaO - (93-x) SiO2 and x Na2O - 17 CaO - (83-x) SiO2 as well as on two commercial glasses (soda-lime-silica and sodium borosilicate glass) in water, acids and bases has been studied. In alkali oxide containing silicate glasses the crack-growth mechanism is based on a stress-stimulated splitting of siloxane bridges due to attack of both hydroxide ions (dominant in NaOH) and molecular water (dominant in LiOH). Real network dissolution with a rate like the crack-growth velocity (occurring in hydrofluoric acid or in water on extremely leachable glasses) leads to a plateau-like region of the crack growth. The threshold of crack growth in alkali-containing glasses is caused by alkali leaching forming a surface-near glass layer with modified mechanical properties within the cracks. Therefore, this threshold is enhanced with increasing pH value of the medium. The two commercial multicomponent glasses behave in a similar way like the investigated model glasses. The crack-growth curves indicate that the failure risk decreases in the order base, water, acid as well as with increasing concentrations of base or acid
The German labor market during the Great Recession: Shocks and institutions
This paper analyzes Germany's unusual labor market experience during the Great Recession. We estimate a general equilibrium model with a detailed labor market block for post-unification Germany. This allows us to disentangle the role of institutions (short-time work, government spending rules) and shocks (aggregate, labor market, and policy shocks) and to perform counterfactual exercises. We identify positive labor market performance shocks (likely caused by labor market reforms) as the key driver for the "German labor market miracle" during the Great Recession
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Correlation between multistage crack growth and time-dependent strength in commercial silicate glasses Part 2. Influence of surface treatment
The influence of surface treatment on the fatigue behaviour of commercial glasses is investigated; especially as to whether or not the fatigue behaviour of glass specimens with well-defined surface damage can be predicted from macroscopic crack growth data by means of the fracture mechanical model, if the specimens are submitted to corrosive or heat treatment after the damage has been applied but before the fracture test was performed. The results show that the correlation between macroscopic crack growth and fatigue behaviour of such specimens is only of restricted validity. Differences become obvious in the range of the long-term strength (which is of special practical interest) as the relative fatigue limit and the slope n1 in region 1 are increased. This means that the tendency to fatigue is reduced through the additional treatment
Neuabgrenzung forschungsintensiver Industrien und Güter: NIW/ISI/ZEW-Listen 2012
Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden neue Listen forschungsintensiver Industrien auf Basis der aktuell gültigen Wirtschaftszweig- (NACE Rev. 2 bzw. WZ 2008) und Außenhandelsklassifikation (SITC Rev. 4) vorgelegt, die die NIW/ISI-Listen aus dem Jahr 2006 ersetzen. Sie basieren auf den im internationalen Querschnitt für die Produktion getätigten sektoralen FuE-Aufwendungen der Wirtschaft in den Jahren 2008 und 2009. Hierbei können lediglich hochaggregierte, zumeist zweistellige Wirtschaftszweige betrachtet werden. Die Schwelle zur Abgrenzung forschungsintensiver Industrien liegt bezogen auf die hochentwickelten Industrieländer bei 3%, die Schwelle zur Spitzentechnik bei 9 %. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Listen zählen die Chemie und die Elektroindustrie in globaler Perspektive aktuell nicht zu den forschungsintensiven Branchen, weil die FuE-Intensität für die Gesamtbranche hinter dem Industriedurchschnitt zurückbleibt. Auf Basis der groben internationalen Liste wurden ergänzt um zusätzliche Informationen und Datenquellen drei- und vierstellige Listen forschungsintensiver Industrien für differenzierte Analysen des forschungsintensiven Sektors in Deutschland erarbeitet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass der Kreis der berücksichtigten Industrien nach der Neubewertung insgesamt etwas enger geworden ist. In quantitativer Hinsicht macht sich dies insbesondere im Bereich der Hochwertigen Technik bemerkbar, während die Spitzentechnik ihr relatives Strukturgewicht innerhalb des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes in Deutschland gehalten hat. Auch erste Berechnungen zum Außenhandel zeigen, dass das Spitzentechnologiesegment nach der neuen Abgrenzung bei insgesamt geringerem Handelsvolumen an forschungsintensiven Gütern aus deutscher Sicht ein etwas größeres Gewicht einnimmt.This study presents the new lists of research-intensive industries on the basis of the current classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) as well as foreign trade (SITC Rev. 4), which replace the older NIW/ISI-Lists from the year 2006. The new lists are based on the sectoral business enterprise R&D expenditures for production on the international scale in the years 2008 and 2009 (cross-section). Hereby, only highly aggregated economic sectors, mostly at the 2-digit level, are considered. For the definition of research-intensive industries, a threshold of 3% of R&D expenditure on sales, the threshold for the leading-edge technologies lies at 9%. Unlike in previous lists, the chemical and electrical industries do currently not count to the most research-intensive industries in a global perspective, as the R&D intensity for these sectors as a whole lags behind the industry average. Based on the more coarse-grained international list (2-digit level), new lists of research-intensive industries for Germany at the 3- and 4-digit level were developed, which allow more sophisticated analyzes of research-intensive sectors within the German economy. These 3- and 4-digit lists for Germany build on additional sources of information and data. It turns out that the group of industries that is taken into account in the new lists after the reevaluation has become slightly narrower. In quantitative terms, this becomes especially noticeable in the area of high-level technologies, while the leading-edge technologies have kept their relative structural weight within the manufacturing sector in Germany. In addition, first calculations on foreign trade show that the leading-technology segment occupies a slightly larger weight from a German perspective according to the new definition, although the overall trading volume of research-intensive goods has decreased
Re-definition of research-intensive industries and goods: NIW/ISI/ZEW-Lists 2012
This study presents the new lists of research-intensive industries on the basis of the current classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) as well as foreign trade (SITC Rev. 4), which replace the older NIW/ISI-Lists from the year 2006. The new lists are based on the sectoral business enterprise R&D expenditures for production on the international scale in the years 2008 and 2009 (cross-section). Hereby, only highly aggregated economic sectors, mostly at the 2-digit level, are considered. For the definition of research-intensive industries, a threshold of 3% of R&D expenditure on sales, the threshold for the leading-edge technologies lies at 9%. Unlike in previous lists, the chemical and electrical industries do currently not count to the most research-intensive industries in a global perspective, as the R&D intensity for these sectors as a whole lags behind the industry average. Based on the more coarse-grained international list (2-digit level), new lists of research-intensive industries for Germany at the 3- and 4-digit level were developed, which allow more sophisticated analyzes of research-intensive sectors within the German economy. These 3- and 4-digit lists for Germany build on additional sources of information and data. It turns out that the group of industries that is taken into account in the new lists after the reevaluation has become slightly narrower. In quantitative terms, this becomes especially noticeable in the area of high-level technologies, while the leading-edge technologies have kept their relative structural weight within the manufacturing sector in Germany. In addition, first calculations on foreign trade show that the leading-technology segment occupies a slightly larger weight from a German perspective according to the new definition, although the overall trading volume of research-intensive goods has decreased.Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden neue Listen forschungsintensiver Industrien auf Basis der aktuell gültigen Wirtschaftszweig- (NACE Rev. 2 bzw. WZ 2008) und Außenhandelsklassifikation (SITC Rev. 4) vorgelegt, die die NIW/ISI-Listen aus dem Jahr 2006 ersetzen. Sie basieren auf den im internationalen Querschnitt für die Produktion getätigten sektoralen FuE-Aufwendungen der Wirtschaft in den Jahren 2008 und 2009. Hierbei können lediglich hochaggregierte, zumeist zweistellige Wirtschaftszweige betrachtet werden. Die Schwelle zur Abgrenzung forschungsintensiver Industrien liegt bezogen auf die hochentwickelten Industrieländer bei 3%, die Schwelle zur Spitzentechnik bei 9 %. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Listen zählen die Chemie und die Elektroindustrie in globaler Perspektive aktuell nicht zu den forschungsintensiven Branchen, weil die FuE-Intensität für die Gesamtbranche hinter dem Industriedurchschnitt zurückbleibt. Auf Basis der groben internationalen Liste wurden ergänzt um zusätzliche Informationen und Datenquellen drei- und vierstellige Listen forschungsintensiver Industrien für differenzierte Analysen des forschungsintensiven Sektors in Deutschland erarbeitet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass der Kreis der berücksichtigten Industrien nach der Neubewertung insgesamt etwas enger geworden ist. In quantitativer Hinsicht macht sich dies insbesondere im Bereich der Hochwertigen Technik bemerkbar, während die Spitzentechnik ihr relatives Strukturgewicht innerhalb des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes in Deutschland gehalten hat. Auch erste Berechnungen zum Außenhandel zeigen, dass das Spitzentechnologiesegment nach der neuen Abgrenzung bei insgesamt geringerem Handelsvolumen an forschungsintensiven Gütern aus deutscher Sicht ein etwas größeres Gewicht einnimmt
Bildung und Qualifikation als Grundlage der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands 2017
Im Rahmen der Indikatorikstudien zum Themenfeld Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) in Staat und Wirtschaft wird in diesem Jahr eine Kurzstudie vorgelegt, in der ausgewählte Kernindikatoren aktualisiert und analysiert werden. Im Fokus stehen dabei zum einen Indikatoren zur Position Deutschlands im internationalen FuE-Wettbewerb, zum anderen Kennzahlen zur sektoralen und regionalen Verteilung der FuE-Kapazitäten in Deutschland
Identifying revealed comparative advantages in an EU regional context
[Introduction ...] Overall, this report is structured as follows: the next chapter (2) briefly outlines the relevance of regional trade indicators for determining the competitiveness of a region. In chapter 3, the methodology for the calculation of regional trade performance indicators is introduced, and the elementary results are described. Chapter 4 presents an econometric analysis relating key regional characteristics to international success of local industries. Based upon the regional distribution of comparative advantages, chapter 5 reports the results of ten regional case studies. Finally, chapter 6 summarises the results and provides policy implications.Prepared for: European Commission - Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME
Design and Implementation of Hierarchical Digital Twins in Industrial Production Environments
The increasing requirements for industrial production environments due to customer expectations, the implementation of batch size 1, and further automation of production processes are confronting companies with new challenges. In particular, the emergence of cyber-physical systems is influencing and complicating manufacturing processes by capturing an increasing amount of information within production facilities. Digital twins are an interdisciplinary technology that may solve these issues because they serve to monitor, control, and optimize cyber-physical systems by creating a digital representation of real-world objects. Existing concepts for digital twins usually consider specific and independent objects. This is of limited use for production environments due to a multitude of different machines and associated sensor types. Therefore, we propose a requirements catalog, concept, and prototypical implementation for the hierarchical structuring of digital twins in this paper
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