6 research outputs found

    Cuidando de paciente com câncer de mama e osteonecrose mandibular induzida por bisfostonato: relato de experiência Cuidando de pacientes con cáncer de mama y osteonecrosis mandibular inducida por bisfosfonatos: relato de experiencia Providing care for patients with breast cancer and mandible ostheonecrosis induced by bisphosphonates: an experience report

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever as ações desenvolvidas pela enfermeira junto a uma paciente com câncer de mama e metástase óssea que apresentou necrose mandibular induzida pelo uso de bisfosfonato. RESULTADOS: As intervenções de enfermagem incluíram o ensino e reforço das orientações sobre higiene oral, destacando a escovação adequada, bochechos com solução antisséptica sem álcool, bem como sobre o controle da dor. CONCLUSÃO: Destaca-se a importância da atuação multiprofissional e da consulta de enfermagem no seguimento dessas pacientes para detecção precoce e controle dessa complicação.<br>OBJETIVO: Describir las acciones de enfermería implementadas por la enfermera a una paciente con cáncer con metástasis ósea que presentó necrosis mandibular inducida por el uso de bisfosfonatos. RESULTADOS: Las intervenciones de enfermería incluyeron la enseñanza y el refuerzo de las orientaciones sobre la higiene oral, dando destaque al adecuado cepillado de los dientes, gárgaras con solución antiséptica sin alcohol y al control del dolor. CONCLUSIÓN: Es destacada el importancia de la actuación multiprofesional y de la consulta de enfermería en el seguimiento de esas pacientes, visando la detección temprana y el control de esa complicación.<br>OBJECTIVE: To describe a nurse experience in providing care for a patient with cancer of the breast and bone metastasis who presented mandibular ostheonecrosis induced by the use of bisphosphonates. RESULTS: Nursing interventions included the re-enforcement of the guidelines for oral hygiene, highlighting the appropriate teeth-brushing technique, gargling with antiseptic solution without alcohol, as approach to pain management. CONCLUSION: There is a need for multidisciplinary and nursing consultations for early detection and control of potential complications

    Fractal Analysis of Periapical Bone from Lossy Compressed Radiographs: A Comparison of Two Lossy Compression Methods

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    WOS: 000296882500005PubMed ID: 21465294The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of two lossy image compression methods on fractal dimension (FD) calculation. Ten periapical images of the posterior teeth with no restorations or previous root canal therapy were obtained using storage phosphor plates and were saved in TIF format. Then, all images were compressed with lossy JPEG and JPEG2000 compression methods at five compression levels, i.e., 90, 70, 50, 30, and 10. Compressed file sizes from all images and compression ratios were calculated. On each image, two regions of interest (ROIs) containing healthy trabecular bone in the posterior periapical area were selected. The FD of each ROI on the original and compressed images was calculated using differential box counting method. Both image compression and analysis were performed by a public domain software. Altogether, the FD of 220 ROIs was calculated. FDs were compared using ANOVA and Dunnett tests. The FD decreased gradually with compression level. A statistically significant decrease of the FD values was found for JPEG 10, JPEG2000 10, and JPEG2000 30 compression levels (p < 0.05). At comparable file sizes, the JPEG induced a smaller FD difference. In conclusion, lossy compressed images with appropriate compression level may be used for FD calculation

    Reproducibility of pixel values for two photostimulable phosphor plates in consecutive standardized scannings Reprodutibilidade dos valores de "pixels" de duas placas de fósforo fotoestimuláveis em leituras padronizadas consecutivas

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    The objective of the present study was to determine the reproducibility of the pixel values obtained with the Digora system (Soredex, Finland). Exposures were standardized, with variation in exposure and scanning time of two photostimulable phosphor plates containing a stepwedge image. The smallest variation in pixel values ranged from 50 to 75%, with the widest variations being observed in less dense steps. A significant difference in pixel values was observed in terms of X-ray exposure and scanning times and between the two plates themselves (ANOVA, p < 0.01). Using the present methodology, the reproducibility of pixel values was not satisfactory for the tested white photostimulable plates. This wide variation in digitalization might be influenced by the amount of X-rays that sensitized the plates. It may be important to establish the reproducibility of the pixel values in quantitative studies using digital image.<br>O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a reprodutibilidade dos valores de "pixels" obtidos com o sistema Digora (Soredex, Finlândia). As exposições foram padronizadas, com variação no tempo de exposição e leitura de duas placas de fósforo fotoestimuláveis contendo a imagem de um penetrômetro. A menor variação nos valores de "pixels" foi de 50 a 75%, sendo as maiores variações oriundas nas faixas mais claras. Uma diferença significante nos valores de "pixels" foi observada em relação ao tempo de exposição e leitura das placas e entre as duas placas (ANOVA, p < 0,01). Utilizando a presente metodologia, a reprodutibilidade dos valores de "pixels" das placas testadas do sistema Digora não foi satisfatória. Essa grande variação na digitalização pode ter sido influenciada pela quantidade de Raios X que sensibilizou as placas. Isso pode ser importante para estabelecer a reprodutibilidade dos valores de "pixels" em estudos quantitativos usando imagem digital