30 research outputs found

    DRMs, Innovation and Creation

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    DRMs are intellectual property institutions. They transpose the empirical principle of copyright, which implicitly recognizes that specific ownership rules should be attached to non scientific creation, into the digital era. The legal protection of DRMs, a private means of enforcing content excludability, participates in the "privatization" of copyright protection. This, in turn, means that a proprietary software — governed by intellectual property rights, reinforced by public law — becomes the key to the vertical relations shaped by exclusive copyright. DRMs consequently represent a major stake in the competition to capture network effects in the content distribution vertical chaincopyright; distribution; DRMs; network effects

    DRMs, Innovation and Creation

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    DRMs are intellectual property institutions. They transpose the empirical principle of copyright, which implicitly recognizes that specific ownership rules should be attached to non scientific creation, into the digital era. The legal protection of DRMs, a private means of enforcing content excludability, participates in the "privatization" of copyright protection. This, in turn, means that a proprietary software — governed by intellectual property rights, reinforced by public law — becomes the key to the vertical relations shaped by exclusive copyright. DRMs consequently represent a major stake in the competition to capture network effects in the content distribution vertical chai

    Splendeurs et misères des DRMs dans la distribution de musique en ligne : une analyse économique

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    Digital Rights Management systems (DRMs) are private technological tools enabling the versioning of digital cultural goods and their protection against unauthorized copying. Their legal protection stands as the main evolution of copyright and author's right laws in the digital environment. This dissertation first recounts the economical, technological and legal history of DRMs and on-line music distribution, in France and in the United States, till January 2009. This historical presentation highlights the surprising evolution of DRMs. At first, DRMs were regarded as an inexpendable asset for on-line music distribution, but their relevance as protection tools, as versioning tools and as legal tools has been gradually questioned. Following three distinct analytical paths, we examine the economic rationale of the use of DRMs by record companies as a protection tool and as a versioning tool and the economic rationale of the choice of the legal protection of DRMs as the main evolution of copyright and author's right laws in the digital environment.Les Digital Rights Management systems (DRMs) sont des outils privés de protection contre les copies non autorisées et de versionnage des biens culturels numériques. Leur protection légale a constitué l'adaptation principale du copyright et du droit d'auteur dans l'environnement numérique. Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons tout d'abord de façon détaillée l'histoire économique, technologique et juridique des DRMs et de la distribution de musique en ligne aux Etats-Unis et en France, jusqu'au mois de janvier 2009. Cet historique nous permet de mettre en lumière l'évolution surprenante des DRMs dans la distribution de musique en ligne, portés aux nues avant d'être décriés, à la fois comme outils de protection contre la copie, comme outils de versionnage et comme outils juridiques. Nous examinons, selon trois démarches analytiques distinctes, la logique économique de l'utilisation par les maisons de disques des DRMs comme outils de protection contre la copie, puis comme outils de versionnage et, enfin, la logique économique du choix juridique de la protection légale des DRMs comme adaptation principale du copyright et du droit d'auteur dans l'environnement numérique

    Les DRMs : entre protection légale et protection technique des biens culturels à l'ère numérique

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    The protection offered by the exclusive copyright is based on two distinct and complementary pillars: legal protection and technical protection through private measures. Copyright law in the digital environment has modified the balance of this system by putting in place a legal protection of the technical measures of protection. What is the economic rationale behind this modification? What are the consequences on the organization of cultural industries? The article addresses these two questions. JEL code ? L51, L63, L86, L88, 034.