29 research outputs found

    Distinct lymphocyte antigens 6 (Ly6) family members Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6K and Ly6H drive tumorigenesis and clinical outcome.

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    Stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1) is used to isolate and characterize tumor initiating cell populations from tumors of various murine models [1]. Sca-1 induced disruption of TGF-β signaling is required in vivo tumorigenesis in breast cancer models [2, 3-5]. The role of human Ly6 gene family is only beginning to be appreciated in recent literature [6-9]. To study the significance of Ly6 gene family members, we have visualized one hundred thirty gene expression omnibus (GEO) dataset using Oncomine (Invitrogen) and Georgetown Database of Cancer (G-DOC). This analysis showed that four different members Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6H or Ly6K have increased gene expressed in bladder, brain and CNS, breast, colorectal, cervical, ovarian, lung, head and neck, pancreatic and prostate cancer than their normal counter part tissues. Increased expression of Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6H or Ly6K was observed in sub-set of cancer type. The increased expression of Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6H and Ly6K was found to be associated with poor outcome in ovarian, colorectal, gastric, breast, lung, bladder or brain and CNS as observed by KM plotter and PROGgeneV2 platform. The remarkable findings of increased expression of Ly6 family members and its positive correlation with poor outcome on patient survival in multiple cancer type indicate that Ly6 family members Ly6D, Ly6E, Ly6K and Ly6H will be an important targets in clinical practice as marker of poor prognosis and for developing novel therapeutics in multiple cancer type

    Radiation Induces Diffusible Feeder Cell Factor(s) That Cooperate with ROCK Inhibitor to Conditionally Reprogram and Immortalize Epithelial Cells

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    Both feeder cells and Rho kinase inhibition are required for the conditional reprogramming and immortalization of human epithelial cells. In the present study, we demonstrated that the Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632, significantly suppresses keratinocyte differentiation and extends life span in serum-containing medium but does not lead to immortalization in the absence of feeder cells. Using Transwell culture plates, we further demonstrated that physical contact between the feeder cells and keratinocytes is not required for inducing immortalization and, more importantly, that irradiation of the feeder cells is required for this induction. Consistent with these experiments, conditioned medium was shown to induce and maintain conditionally immortalized cells, which was accompanied by increased telomerase expression. The activity of conditioned medium directly correlated with radiation-induced apoptosis of the feeder cells. Thus, the induction of conditionally reprogrammed cells is mediated by a combination of Y-27632 and a diffusible factor (or factors) released by apoptotic feeder cells

    Outbreak of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 in Nepal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The 2009 flu pandemic is a global outbreak of a new strain of H1N1 influenza virus. Pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 has posed a serious public health challenge world-wide. Nepal has started Laboratory diagnosis of Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 from mid June 2009 though active screening of febrile travellers with respiratory symptoms was started from April 27, 2009.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of 609 collected samples, 302 (49.6%) were Universal Influenza A positive. Among the influenza A positive samples, 172(28.3%) were positive for Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 and 130 (21.3%) were Seasonal influenza A. Most of the pandemic cases (53%) were found among young people with ≤ 20 years. Case Fatality Ratio for Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 in Nepal was 1.74%. Upon Molecular characterization, all the isolated pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 virus found in Nepal were antigenically and genetically related to the novel influenza A/CALIFORNIA/07/2009-LIKE (H1N1)v type.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Pandemic 2009 influenza virus found in Nepal were antigenically and genetically related to the novel A/CALIFORNIA/07/2009-LIKE (H1N1)v type.</p

    Geeta Raghav 1.pmd

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    ABSTRACT Nine kitoanils obtained by condensation of primary amines with thiophene glyoxal were used as precursors for the synthesis of thiazolidinones by their cyclocondensation with thioglycolic acid. The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by elemental analysis, molecular weight determination, IR and 1 H NMR spectral measurements. Antibacterial and antifungal properties were studied in vitro against four bacteria and two fungi by using ampicillin and grislofulvin reference drugs respectively

    Cell Migration Is Regulated by Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Endocytosis▿ †

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    Cell migration requires spatial and temporal processes that detect and transfer extracellular stimuli into intracellular signals. The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor is a cell surface receptor on fibroblasts that regulates proliferation and chemotaxis in response to PDGF. How the PDGF signal is transmitted accurately through the receptor into cells is an unresolved question. Here, we report a new intracellular signaling pathway by which DOCK4, a Rac1 guanine exchange factor, and Dynamin regulate cell migration by PDGF receptor endocytosis. We showed by a series of biochemical and microscopy techniques that Grb2 serves as an adaptor protein in the formation of a ternary complex between the PDGF receptor, DOCK4, and Dynamin, which is formed at the leading edge of cells. We found that this ternary complex regulates PDGF-dependent cell migration by promoting PDGF receptor endocytosis and Rac1 activation at the cell membrane. This study revealed a new mechanism by which cell migration is regulated by PDGF receptor endocytosis

    Investigating the Genetic Circuitry of Mastermind in Drosophila, a Notch Signal Effector

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    Notch signaling regulates multiple developmental processes and is implicated in various human diseases. Through use of the Notch transcriptional co-activator mastermind, we conducted a screen for Notch signal modifiers using the Exelixis collection of insertional mutations, which affects ∼50% of the Drosophila genome, recovering 160 genes never before associated with Notch, extending the previous roster of genes that interact functionally with the Notch pathway and mastermind. As the molecular identity for most recovered genes is known, gene ontology (GO) analysis was applied, grouping genes according to functional classifications. We identify novel Notch-associated GO categories, uncover nodes of integration between Notch and other signaling pathways, and unveil groups of modifiers that suggest the existence of Notch-independent mastermind functions, including a conserved ability to regulate Wnt signaling