213 research outputs found

    A Letter from the BSR President

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    Welcome to the BSR Annual Meeting 2018

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    The Belgian society of radiology: the future has (finally) begun

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    On the occasion of the last Royal Belgian Radiological Society Annual Meeting, on November 16th, 2013, the Belgianradiological community has lived a historical moment. The Belgian Society of Radiology( BSR) was founded as a merger of the National Union of Radiologists (NUR), the Consilium Radiologicum Belgicum and the Royal Belgian Radiological Society (RBRS). This merger was the successful culmination of a long process in which diverse opinions were reconciled, common objectives were formulated, converging statutes were approved and legal barriers overcome. Sixteen new Board Members have been elected on the same occasion for a mandate of three years

    Role of imaging in the diagnosis and management of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome in adults

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    Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome is an X-linked recessive androgen receptor disorder characterized by a female phenotype with an XY karyotype. Individuals affected by this syndrome have normal female external genitalia but agenesis of the Müllerian duct derivatives, that is, absence of the Fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and the proximal part of the vagina, with presence of endoabdominal, labial, or inguinal testes. The estimated prevalence is between 1 and 5 in 100,000 genetic males. Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome can be diagnosed as a result of mismatch between the prenatal sex prediction and the phenotype at birth, can be detected by chance, or remain undetected until investigations for primary amenorrhea. Imaging can be important both to diagnose the pathology and to localize gonads prior to surgical treatment. In this paper, we present three cases of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome in adult women of 34, 22, and 38 years old

    Cavitary Lung Metastases in Prostate Cancer

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    Teaching Point: Adenocarcinomas very rarely cause cavitary lung metastases

    A Curriculum Model for Multidisciplinary Training of Midwife Sonographers in a Low Resource Setting

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    In many low-resource settings, less than 5% of pregnant women can access ultrasound during pregnancy. Thus, gestational age is often difficult to determine, multiple pregnancies are diagnosed late and foetal and pregnancy-related anomalies can go undetected. A pilot solution was designed beyond the traditional approach of increasing numbers of qualified radiologists, gynaecologists and sonographers. An innovative Human Resource for Health (HRH) task sharing, and maternal child health (MCH) workforce training and capacity building initiative was designed, involving development and testing of a curriculum to train midwife sonographers via a teleradiology innovation platform and a partnership between specialist radiologists, sonographers and midwives. The setting was a tertiary-level private university hospital in Nairobi with implementation in three outreach locations. Direct oversight, support and supervision of specialist radiologists and ultrasonographers effectively addressed issues of quality and safety across the 3-week training period and project implementation. Concepts from sociocultural learning theory informed an initial interactive e-learning module for each midwife at their respective site. Midwives were introduced to ultrasound equipment with a series of didactic and interactive lectures delivered by an expert sonographer at the tertiary hospital teaching site. Lectures were supported by hands-on practical experience, role modelling and mentoring over a four-week period. Assessments included both written examination and practical assessment with an exit examination requiring demonstration of competency in both written and practical format. Final confirmation of scanning accuracy was confirmed with post-delivery verification of results. The pilot was highly successful with an image interpretation accuracy of 99.63% for the midwives. Lessons from this initiative provides guidance in the curriculum development process along with a curriculum outline; pedagogical framework; teaching methods; assessment processes; credentialing; resourcing; and other considerations in scaling up the program. Importantly, the paper details processes for maintaining a high level of quality control and patient safety

    Giant Prostate Utricle Cyst

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