191 research outputs found

    Vischpropaganda in de scholen

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    An atypical case of proventricular dilatation in a Red-and-green Macaw (Ara Chloropterus)

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    A Red-and-green Macaw (Ara chloropterus) was presented with regurgitation and passage of undigested seeds in the feces. Radiographic examination revealed dilatation of the proventriculus. Contrast radiography was performed and revealed that the proventricular dilatation and associated clinical signs resulted from circumferential thickening of the proventricular wall leading to severe narrowing of the lumen of the proventriculus. Testing for parrot bornavirus (PaBV) was negative. After the initiation of antimicrobial treatment because of suspected bacterial overgrowth, all clinical signs resolved two weeks after the start of the treatment, and radiographs taken four months after initial presentation revealed a normal appearance and size of the proventriculus. In the present case, bacterial proventriculitis associated with hyperplasia of the proventricular wall was put forward as a final but presumptive diagnosis highlighting the need to differentiate bacterial proventriculitis from other causes of proventricular dilatation in macaws

    An atypical case of proventricular dilatation disease in a red-and-green macaw (Ara chloropterus)

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    A Red-and-green Macaw (Ara chloropterus) was presented with regurgitation and passage of undigested seeds in the feces. Radiographic examination revealed dilatation of the proventriculus. Contrast radiography was performed and revealed that the proventricular dilatation and associated clinical signs resulted from circumferential thickening of the proventricular wall leading to severe narrowing of the lumen of the proventriculus. Testing for parrot bornavirus (PaBV) was negative. After the initiation of antimicrobial treatment because of suspected bacterial overgrowth, all clinical signs resolved two weeks after the start of the treatment, and radiographs taken four months after initial presentation revealed a normal appearance and size of the proventriculus. In the present case, bacterial proventriculitis associated with hyperplasia of the proventricular wall was put forward as a final but presumptive diagnosis highlighting the need to differentiate bacterial proventriculitis from other causes of proventricular dilatation in macaws

    Osteosynthese van een mid-diafysaire femurfractuur met behulp van type I 'tie-in-fixator' bij een kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)

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    In this case report, the successful management of a traumatic fracture of the femur in a kookaburra using a type I tie-in-fixator (TIF) is described. A domesticated, five-month-old kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) suffered trauma due to interspecies aggression. Clinical and radiographic examination showed a closed, multiple transverse, spiral femoral fracture, located in the mid-diaphysis. Reduction of the fracture was managed using a type I TIF, combining an intra-medullar (IM) pin in combination with an external skeletal fixator. Postoperative radiographs confirmed an optimal reduction of the fracture and a correct placement of the type I TIF. Recovery was uneventful and correct positioning and normal functioning of the leg were observed immediately following surgery. One week postoperatively, the bird removed the external fixation but this did not interfere with the acquired stability and positioning of the affected leg. Two weeks after the surgery, radiographs confirmed a good healing of the fracture as callus development and bridging of the cortices were present. Based on the clinical and radiographic findings, it was decided to remove the IM pin. During a three-month follow-up period, the kookaburra showed full recovery

    Post-WWII Modernism with a glaze: A comparison between Antwerp and Lisbon

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    Post World War II European modern housing often exhibited a Corbusian influence, but Le Corbusier was not embraced to the same extent everywhere, as noticed during exchanges between the University of Lisbon and the University of Antwerp in the ambit of the COST-Action 18137 on MCMH. While Belgium has several 1950s social housing projects, strongly indebted in its Unité d’habitation in Marseilles, Portugal does not. There, social housing architecture remained rather conservative, even though Corbusian features manifested themselves in some middle-class mass housing projects, such as the complex on Avenida Estados Unidos da América in Lisbon (1954-1966) designed by Lucínio Cruz, Alberto Ayres de Sousa and Mário Oliveira. While the housing blocks are on pilotis, they also have notable Art-Deco elements. In Belgium, free-standing modernist housing on pilotis with Art-Deco features also appears, such as the housing project at the Jan De Voslei in Antwerp designed by Jos Smolderen (1952-1967). These Modernist/Art-Deco hybrids have never been explored in depth because they are considered not radical enough. However, these cases shed light on how (older) architects mediated between traditional architecture and Modernism, between their own preferences and those of the state or housing company. They illuminate the political, social, and urban context in which these buildings were created. This paper explains why the principles Belgian architects applied to social housing were closer to Lisbon’s middle-class housing than their similar buildings for low-income housing. Based on cross-referencing archival material, legislation, on-site observations, and a study of the political, urban and social context, this paper posits a re-reading of Le Corbusier’s legacy in middle-class housing in Lisbon versus Antwerp

    Modernist High-Rises in Postwar Antwerp. Two Answers to the same Question

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    As recent international scholarship has shown, the Modern Movement was not as coherent as authors such as Sigfried Giedion or Nikolaus Pevsner have claimed. Post-war modernism in particular has many faces. Although architects produced similar housing typologies that are presented in collective works of social housing within the same category, the architects could still take different positions. By means of a comparative analysis of two radical modernist high-rise housing projects in Antwerp, this article demonstrates how the focus of the design of similar projects could still differ considerably. Designed by Renaat Braem, the Kiel housing estate (1953) in the south of Antwerp will be compared with Hugo Van Kuyck’s Luchtbal housing estate (1954-1962) in the city’s north. Although both complexes are social housing blocks raised on pilotis, they differ in size, concept, architectural quality and degree of detailing, but also in ideology and utopian content. Both architects shared a fascination for Le Corbusier’s Ville Radieuse and for the Athens Charter (1933), and held a belief in progress and the need for a new idiom. At the same time, however, they have different ways of dealing with modernity. I will employ the analytical framework developed by architectural historian Sarah Williams Goldhagen (2000) to shed light on the architects’ different positions on the social and political axes.Como se processava o debate disciplinar sobre a cidade, que informava a grande expansão urbana em Portugal, antes e depois da revolução de Abril de 1974? De que modo se discutiam a arquitectura e o espaço urbano, quando a falta de habitação era um problema premente, e na Europa se questionava já a cidade produzida no pós guerra? As questões expostas estabelecem o quadro de desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa realizada a partir das duas publicações especializadas de grande divulgação no país na época abordada, as revistas Arquitectura e Binário, incidindo sobre o modo como se processavam o debate, a teorização e a exposição de ideias, que neste texto é sinteticamente apresentada. A temática abordada é entendida como relevante pela sua relação com a prática da transformação da cidade portuguesa, mais do que pela definição de um corpo coerente ou estruturado de ideias, pela organização de diferentes linhas de pensamento ou pela inovação das abordagens. Importa por isso entender o que e como se debatia ou se apresentavam ideias, isto é, como se definia o contexto no qual se desenvolvia o projecto, se desenhava o espaço urbano e o edifício. O momento novo do pós-revolução, em particular, em que toda a organização da sociedade era questionada e todas as possibilidades pareciam em aberto, inteiras e limpas, constituía um recomeço também para os arquitectos, empenhados em criar o suporte físico para a nova época e a nova sociedade. As reflexões, ideias, modelos ou teorias de que se socorriam para fundamentar o desenho, ante a urgência do momento e a premência de resposta ditadas pelo espírito do tempo, tinham já que estar formadas, sendo, em parte, fruto do contexto de discussão disciplinar aqui abordado