31 research outputs found

    Prototype-based Interpretable Breast Cancer Prediction Models:Analysis and Challenges

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    Deep learning models have achieved high performance in medical applications, however, their adoption in clinical practice is hindered due to their black-box nature. Self-explainable models, like prototype-based models, can be especially beneficial as they are interpretable by design. However, if the learnt prototypes are of low quality then the prototype-based models are as good as black-box. Having high quality prototypes is a pre-requisite for a truly interpretable model. In this work, we propose a prototype evaluation framework for coherence (PEF-C) for quantitatively evaluating the quality of the prototypes based on domain knowledge. We show the use of PEF-C in the context of breast cancer prediction using mammography. Existing works on prototype-based models on breast cancer prediction using mammography have focused on improving the classification performance of prototype-based models compared to black-box models and have evaluated prototype quality through anecdotal evidence. We are the first to go beyond anecdotal evidence and evaluate the quality of the mammography prototypes systematically using our PEF-C. Specifically, we apply three state-of-the-art prototype-based models, ProtoPNet, BRAIxProtoPNet++ and PIP-Net on mammography images for breast cancer prediction and evaluate these models w.r.t. i) classification performance, and ii) quality of the prototypes, on three public datasets. Our results show that prototype-based models are competitive with black-box models in terms of classification performance, and achieve a higher score in detecting ROIs. However, the quality of the prototypes are not yet sufficient and can be improved in aspects of relevance, purity and learning a variety of prototypes. We call the XAI community to systematically evaluate the quality of the prototypes to check their true usability in high stake decisions and improve such models further

    Accurate and Reliable Classification of Unstructured Reports on Their Diagnostic Goal Using BERT Models

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    Understanding the diagnostic goal of medical reports is valuable information for understanding patient flows. This work focuses on extracting the reason for taking an MRI scan of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients using the attached free-form reports: Diagnosis, Progression or Monitoring. We investigate the performance of domain-dependent and general state-of-the-art language models and their alignment with domain expertise. To this end, eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques are used to acquire insight into the inner workings of the model, which are verified on their trustworthiness. The verified XAI explanations are then compared with explanations from a domain expert, to indirectly determine the reliability of the model. BERTje, a Dutch Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model, outperforms RobBERT and MedRoBERTa.nl in both accuracy and reliability. The latter model (MedRoBERTa.nl) is a domain-specific model, while BERTje is a generic model, showing that domain-specific models are not always superior. Our validation of BERTje in a small prospective study shows promising results for the potential uptake of the model in a practical setting.</p

    Interpreting and Correcting Medical Image Classification with PIP-Net

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    Part-prototype models are explainable-by-design image classifiers, and a promising alternative to black box AI. This paper explores the applicability and potential of interpretable machine learning, in particular PIP-Net, for automated diagnosis support on real-world medical imaging data. PIP-Net learns human-understandable prototypical image parts and we evaluate its accuracy and interpretability for fracture detection and skin cancer diagnosis. We find that PIP-Net's decision making process is in line with medical classification standards, while only provided with image-level class labels. Because of PIP-Net's unsupervised pretraining of prototypes, data quality problems such as undesired text in an X-ray or labelling errors can be easily identified. Additionally, we are the first to show that humans can manually correct the reasoning of PIP-Net by directly disabling undesired prototypes. We conclude that part-prototype models are promising for medical applications due to their interpretability and potential for advanced model debugging

    Interpreting and Correcting Medical Image Classification with PIP-Net

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    Part-prototype models are explainable-by-design image classifiers, and a promising alternative to black box AI. This paper explores the applicability and potential of interpretable machine learning, in particular PIP-Net, for automated diagnosis support on real-world medical imaging data. PIP-Net learns human-understandable prototypical image parts and we evaluate its accuracy and interpretability for fracture detection and skin cancer diagnosis. We find that PIP-Net’s decision making process is in line with medical classification standards, while only provided with image-level class labels. Because of PIP-Net’s unsupervised pretraining of prototypes, data quality problems such as undesired text in an X-ray or labelling errors can be easily identified. Additionally, we are the first to show that humans can manually correct the reasoning of PIP-Net by directly disabling undesired prototypes. We conclude that part-prototype models are promising for medical applications due to their interpretability and potential for advanced model debugging.</p

    Interpreting and Correcting Medical Image Classification with PIP-Net

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    Part-prototype models are explainable-by-design image classifiers, and a promising alternative to black box AI. This paper explores the applicability and potential of interpretable machine learning, in particular PIP-Net, for automated diagnosis support on real-world medical imaging data. PIP-Net learns human-understandable prototypical image parts and we evaluate its accuracy and interpretability for fracture detection and skin cancer diagnosis. We find that PIP-Net's decision making process is in line with medical classification standards, while only provided with image-level class labels. Because of PIP-Net's unsupervised pretraining of prototypes, data quality problems such as undesired text in an X-ray or labelling errors can be easily identified. Additionally, we are the first to show that humans can manually correct the reasoning of PIP-Net by directly disabling undesired prototypes. We conclude that part-prototype models are promising for medical applications due to their interpretability and potential for advanced model debugging

    Weakly Supervised Learning for Breast Cancer Prediction on Mammograms in Realistic Settings

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    Automatic methods for early detection of breast cancer on mammography can significantly decrease mortality. Broad uptake of those methods in hospitals is currently hindered because the methods have too many constraints. They assume annotations available for single images or even regions-of-interest (ROIs), and a fixed number of images per patient. Both assumptions do not hold in a general hospital setting. Relaxing those assumptions results in a weakly supervised learning setting, where labels are available per case, but not for individual images or ROIs. Not all images taken for a patient contain malignant regions and the malignant ROIs cover only a tiny part of an image, whereas most image regions represent benign tissue. In this work, we investigate a two-level multi-instance learning (MIL) approach for case-level breast cancer prediction on two public datasets (1.6k and 5k cases) and an in-house dataset of 21k cases. Observing that breast cancer is usually only present in one side, while images of both breasts are taken as a precaution, we propose a domain-specific MIL pooling variant. We show that two-level MIL can be applied in realistic clinical settings where only case labels, and a variable number of images per patient are available. Data in realistic settings scales with continuous patient intake, while manual annotation efforts do not. Hence, research should focus in particular on unsupervised ROI extraction, in order to improve breast cancer prediction for all patients.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 5 table