82 research outputs found

    Computational analysis of forebody tangential slot blowing on the high alpha research vehicle

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    Current and future fighter aircraft can maneuver in the high-angle-of-attack flight regime while flying at low subsonic and transonic freestream Mach numbers. However, at any flight speed, the ability of the vertical tails to generate yawing moment is limited in high-angle-of-attack flight. Thus, any system designed to provide the pilot with additional side force and yawing moment must work in both low subsonic and transonic flight. However, previous investigations of the effectiveness of forebody tangential slot blowing in generating the desired control forces and moments have been limited to the low subsonic freestream flow regime. In order to investigate the effectiveness of tangential slot blowing in transonic flight, a computational fluid dynamics analysis was carried out during the grant period. Computational solutions were obtained at three different freestream Mach numbers and at various jet mass flow ratios. All results were obtained using the isolated F/A-18 forebody grid geometry at 30.3 degrees angle of attack. One goal of the research was to determine the effect of freestream Mach number on the effectiveness of forebody tangential slot blowing in generating yawing moment. The second part of the research studied the force onset time lag associated with blowing. The time required for the yawing moment to reach a steady-state value from the onset of blowing may have an impact on the implementation of a pneumatic system on a flight vehicle

    Sensitivity Analysis of Launch Vehicle Debris Risk Model

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    As part of an analysis of the loss of crew risk associated with an ascent abort system for a manned launch vehicle, a model was developed to predict the impact risk of the debris resulting from an explosion of the launch vehicle on the crew module. The model consisted of a debris catalog describing the number, size and imparted velocity of each piece of debris, a method to compute the trajectories of the debris and a method to calculate the impact risk given the abort trajectory of the crew module. The model provided a point estimate of the strike probability as a function of the debris catalog, the time of abort and the delay time between the abort and destruction of the launch vehicle. A study was conducted to determine the sensitivity of the strike probability to the various model input parameters and to develop a response surface model for use in the sensitivity analysis of the overall ascent abort risk model. The results of the sensitivity analysis and the response surface model are presented in this paper

    Hong Kong\u27s Failure to Extradite Edward Snowden: More Than Just a Technical Defect

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    As the Edward Snowden case takes legs and exhibits all the earmarks of official misconduct and scandal, the U.S. government continues efforts aimed at extraditing this whistleblower, characterizing him as a traitor and doing damage control in the NSA. Part of this strategy includes intimidating those sovereign states that refuse to coooperate in returning Snowden to face trial.Yet, the legal basis for these U.S. efforts is highly contentious. If Snowden had stayed in Hong Kong and fought extradition, in all likelihood he would have prevailed. Thus, the U.S. is left with not credible basis for complaint, and its retaliatory diplomatic measures against other states are without merit. This essay reviews Snowden\u27s defenses under the double criminality principle and the political offense exception according to Hong Kong law, applying the British incidence standard,and casts light on a self defeating U.S. Policy

    A Failure Propagation Modeling Method for Launch Vehicle Safety Assessment

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    A method has been developed with the objective of making the potentially intractable problem of launch vehicle failure propagation somewhat less intractable. The approach taken is to essentially decouple the potentially multi-stepped propagation process into a series of bi-component transition probabilities. These probabilities are then used within a simple Monte Carlo simulation process through which the more complex behavior evolves. The process is described using a simple model problem and some discussion of enhancements for real-world applications is included. The role of the model within a broader analysis process for assessing abort effectiveness from launch vehicle failure modes is also described

    Physics-based Entry, Descent and Landing Risk Model

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    A physics-based risk model was developed to assess the risk associated with thermal protection system failures during the entry, descent and landing phase of a manned spacecraft mission. In the model, entry trajectories were computed using a three-degree-of-freedom trajectory tool, the aerothermodynamic heating environment was computed using an engineering-level computational tool and the thermal response of the TPS material was modeled using a one-dimensional thermal response tool. The model was capable of modeling the effect of micrometeoroid and orbital debris impact damage on the TPS thermal response. A Monte Carlo analysis was used to determine the effects of uncertainties in the vehicle state at Entry Interface, aerothermodynamic heating and material properties on the performance of the TPS design. The failure criterion was set as a temperature limit at the bondline between the TPS and the underlying structure. Both direct computation and response surface approaches were used to compute the risk. The model was applied to a generic manned space capsule design. The effect of material property uncertainty and MMOD damage on risk of failure were analyzed. A comparison of the direct computation and response surface approach was undertaken

    Simulation Assisted Risk Assessment: Blast Overpressure Modeling

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    A probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) approach has been developed and applied to the risk analysis of capsule abort during ascent. The PRA is used to assist in the identification of modeling and simulation applications that can significantly impact the understanding of crew risk during this potentially dangerous maneuver. The PRA approach is also being used to identify the appropriate level of fidelity for the modeling of those critical failure modes. The Apollo launch escape system (LES) was chosen as a test problem for application of this approach. Failure modes that have been modeled and/or simulated to date include explosive overpressure-based failure, explosive fragment-based failure, land landing failures (range limits exceeded either near launch or Mode III trajectories ending on the African continent), capsule-booster re-contact during separation, and failure due to plume-induced instability. These failure modes have been investigated using analysis tools in a variety of technical disciplines at various levels of fidelity. The current paper focuses on the development and application of a blast overpressure model for the prediction of structural failure due to overpressure, including the application of high-fidelity analysis to predict near-field and headwinds effects

    Nanomechanical behavior of individual phases and size effect in WC-Co by means of high temperature nanoindentation and electron microscopy: A study from ambient to high temperature

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    The dependence of the hardness and deformation mechanism of individual phases in WC-Co on microstructural parameters such as grain size and orientation was investigated by nanoindentation and electron microscopy from ambient to high temperature. At room temperature, the binder phase only exhibits a hardness of about 10 GPa, whilst the hardness of WC grains were measured about 29-30 and 37 GPa for the prismatic and basal orientation, respectively. All WC orientations exhibited a similar decrease in hardness as the temperature increased. A broad range of WC prismatic grain areas (AWC-prismatic), from about 2 to 1000 µm2, were selected and subsequently indented to investigate any size effect. A slight decrease in the hardness of WC prismatic grains (HWC-prismatic) as a function of AWC-prismatic was observed. Damage mechanisms occurring in WC-Co during nanoindentation were investigated for the different grain orientation at various temperature. The damage was visualised using electron microscopy near the residual indent as well as focused ion beam sectioning across the indent. The three dimensional distribution of plastic deformation across multiple grains in the vicinity of an indent was examined using Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) and Electron Channelling Contrast Imaging (ECCI). The ECCI enabled the observation of crystal defects, especially dislocations, in th plastic zone. The dislocation density and spatial distribution in the deformed WC-Co were compared to that of an untested WC-Co to relate the quantity of defects as well as their origin to the state of stress in the material. The collected data represent useful guidance for manufacturer of hardmetals, provides important information underpinning an understanding of the relationship between WC-Co microstructure and mechanical properties, and also highlight the performance of WC-Co at operating temperatures. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Dynamic Simulation Probabalistic Risk Assessment Model for an Enceladus Sample Return Mission

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    Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, has geyser-like jets that spray plumes of material into orbit. These jets could enable a free-flying spacecraft to collect samples and return them to Earth for study to determine if they contain the building blocks of life. The Office of Planetary Protection at NASA requires containment of any unsterilized samples and prohibits destructive impact of the spacecraft upon return to Earth, with a sample release probability of less than 1 in 1,000,000 as a recommended goal. This paper describes a probabilistic risk assessment model that uses dynamic simulation techniques to capture the physics-based, time- and state-dependent interactions between the sample return system and the environment, which drive the risk of sample release. The dynamic approach uses a Monte Carlo-style simulation to integrate the many phases and sources of risk for a sample return mission. The model is used to assess the achievability of the planetary protection reliability goal. This is accomplished by performing sensitivity studies assessing the impact of modeling assumptions to identify where uncertainties drive the risk. These results, in turn, are used to examine the feasibility of meeting key design and performance parameters that are needed to achieve the reliability goal for a given architecture with existing technologies

    Analysis of Tangential Slot Blowing on F/A-18 Isolated Forebody

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    The generation of significant side forces and yawing moments on an F/A-18 fuselage through tangential slot blowing is analyzed using computational fluid dynamics. The effects of freestream Mach number, jet exit conditions, jet length, and jet location are studied. The effects of over- and underblowing on force and moment production are analyzed. Non-time-accurate solutions are obtained to determine the steady-state side forces, yawing moments, and surface pressure distributions generated by tangential slot blowing. Time-accurate solutions are obtained to study the force onset time lag of tangential slot blowing. Comparison with available experimental data from full-scale wind-tunnel and subscale wind-tunnel tests are made. This computational analysis complements the experimental results and provides a detailed understanding of the effects of tangential slot blowing on the flowfield about the isolated F/A-18 forebody. Additionally, it extends the slot-blowing database to transonic maneuvering Mach numbers

    An Integrated Reliability and Physics-Based Risk Modeling Approach for Assessing Human Spaceflight Systems

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    This paper presents an integrated reliability and physics-based risk modeling approach for assessing human spaceflight systems. The approach is demonstrated using an example, end-to-end risk assessment of a generic-crewed space transportation system during a reference mission to the International Space Station. The behavior of the system is modeled using analysis techniques from multiple disciplines in order to properly capture the dynamic time- and state- dependent consequences of failures encountered in different mission phases. We discuss how to combine traditional reliability analyses with Monte Carlo simulation methods and physics-based engineering models to produce loss-of- mission and loss-of-crew risk estimates supporting risk-based decision-making and requirement verification. This approach facilitates risk-informed design by providing more realistic representation of system failures and interactions; identifying key risk-driving sensitivities, dependencies, and assumptions; and tracking multiple figures of merit within a single, responsive assessment framework that can readily incorporate evolving design information throughout system development