11 research outputs found

    Cell-free DNA from nail clippings as source of normal control for genomic studies in hematologic malignancies

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    Comprehensive genomic sequencing is becoming a critical component in the assessment of hematologic malignancies, with broad implications for patient management. In this context, unequivocally discriminating somatic from germline events is challenging but greatly facilitated by matched analysis of tumor:normal pairs. In contrast to solid tumors, conventional sources of normal control (peripheral blood, buccal swabs, saliva) could be highly involved by the neoplastic process, rendering them unsuitable. In this work we describe our real-world experience using cell free DNA (cfDNA) isolated from nail clippings as an alternate source of normal control, through the dedicated review of 2,610 tumor:nail pairs comprehensively sequenced by MSK-IMPACT-heme. Overall, we find nail cfDNA is a robust source of germline control for paired genomic studies. In a subset of patients, nail DNA may have tumor DNA contamination, reflecting unique attributes of the hematologic disease and transplant history. Contamination is generally low level, but significantly more common among patients with myeloid neoplasms (20.5%; 304/1482) compared to lymphoid diseases (5.4%; 61/1128) and particularly enriched in myeloproliferative neoplasms with marked myelofibrosis. When identified in patients with lymphoid and plasma-cell neoplasms, mutations commonly reflected a myeloid profile and correlated with a concurrent/evolving clonal myeloid neoplasm. For nails collected after allogeneic stem-cell transplantation, donor DNA was identified in 22% (11/50). In this cohort, an association with recent history of graft-vs-host disease was identified. These findings should be considered as a potential limitation for the use of nail as normal control but could also provide important diagnostic information regarding the disease process

    Clonal hematopoiesis is associated with risk of severe Covid-19.

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    Acquired somatic mutations in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (clonal hematopoiesis or CH) are associated with advanced age, increased risk of cardiovascular and malignant diseases, and decreased overall survival. These adverse sequelae may be mediated by altered inflammatory profiles observed in patients with CH. A pro-inflammatory immunologic profile is also associated with worse outcomes of certain infections, including SARS-CoV-2 and its associated disease Covid-19. Whether CH predisposes to severe Covid-19 or other infections is unknown. Among 525 individuals with Covid-19 from Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) and the Korean Clonal Hematopoiesis (KoCH) consortia, we show that CH is associated with severe Covid-19 outcomes (OR = 1.85, 95%=1.15-2.99, p = 0.01), in particular CH characterized by non-cancer driver mutations (OR = 2.01, 95% CI = 1.15-3.50, p = 0.01). We further explore the relationship between CH and risk of other infections in 14,211 solid tumor patients at MSK. CH is significantly associated with risk of Clostridium Difficile (HR = 2.01, 95% CI: 1.22-3.30, p = 6×10-3) and Streptococcus/Enterococcus infections (HR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.15-2.13, p = 5×10-3). These findings suggest a relationship between CH and risk of severe infections that warrants further investigation

    Predicting tumour content of liquid biopsies from cell-free DNA

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    Background: Liquid biopsy is a minimally-invasive method of sampling bodily fluids, capable of revealing evidence of cancer. The distribution of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragment lengths has been shown to differ between healthy subjects and cancer patients, whereby the distributional shift correlates with the sample’s tumour content. These fragmentomic data have not yet been utilised to directly quantify the proportion of tumour-derived cfDNA in a liquid biopsy. Results: We used statistical learning to predict tumour content from Fourier and wavelet transforms of cfDNA length distributions in samples from 118 cancer patients. The model was validated on an independent dilution series of patient plasma. Conclusions: This proof of concept suggests that our fragmentomic methodology could be useful for predicting tumour content in liquid biopsies.ISSN:1471-210

    Predicting tumour content of liquid biopsies from cell-free DNA

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    Abstract Background Liquid biopsy is a minimally-invasive method of sampling bodily fluids, capable of revealing evidence of cancer. The distribution of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragment lengths has been shown to differ between healthy subjects and cancer patients, whereby the distributional shift correlates with the sample’s tumour content. These fragmentomic data have not yet been utilised to directly quantify the proportion of tumour-derived cfDNA in a liquid biopsy. Results We used statistical learning to predict tumour content from Fourier and wavelet transforms of cfDNA length distributions in samples from 118 cancer patients. The model was validated on an independent dilution series of patient plasma. Conclusions This proof of concept suggests that our fragmentomic methodology could be useful for predicting tumour content in liquid biopsies

    Drosophila models of pathogenic copy-number variant genes show global and non-neuronal defects during development.

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    While rare pathogenic copy-number variants (CNVs) are associated with both neuronal and non-neuronal phenotypes, functional studies evaluating these regions have focused on the molecular basis of neuronal defects. We report a systematic functional analysis of non-neuronal defects for homologs of 59 genes within ten pathogenic CNVs and 20 neurodevelopmental genes in Drosophila melanogaster. Using wing-specific knockdown of 136 RNA interference lines, we identified qualitative and quantitative phenotypes in 72/79 homologs, including 21 lines with severe wing defects and six lines with lethality. In fact, we found that 10/31 homologs of CNV genes also showed complete or partial lethality at larval or pupal stages with ubiquitous knockdown. Comparisons between eye and wing-specific knockdown of 37/45 homologs showed both neuronal and non-neuronal defects, but with no correlation in the severity of defects. We further observed disruptions in cell proliferation and apoptosis in larval wing discs for 23/27 homologs, and altered Wnt, Hedgehog and Notch signaling for 9/14 homologs, including AATF/Aatf, PPP4C/Pp4-19C, and KIF11/Klp61F. These findings were further supported by tissue-specific differences in expression patterns of human CNV genes, as well as connectivity of CNV genes to signaling pathway genes in brain, heart and kidney-specific networks. Our findings suggest that multiple genes within each CNV differentially affect both global and tissue-specific developmental processes within conserved pathways, and that their roles are not restricted to neuronal functions

    Extremely low-coverage whole genome sequencing in South Asians captures population genomics information

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    Abstract Background The cost of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) has decreased tremendously in recent years due to advances in next-generation sequencing technologies. Nevertheless, the cost of carrying out large-scale cohort studies using WGS is still daunting. Past simulation studies with coverage at ~2x have shown promise for using low coverage WGS in studies focused on variant discovery, association study replications, and population genomics characterization. However, the performance of low coverage WGS in populations with a complex history and no reference panel remains to be determined. Results South Indian populations are known to have a complex population structure and are an example of a major population group that lacks adequate reference panels. To test the performance of extremely low-coverage WGS (EXL-WGS) in populations with a complex history and to provide a reference resource for South Indian populations, we performed EXL-WGS on 185 South Indian individuals from eight populations to ~1.6x coverage. Using two variant discovery pipelines, SNPTools and GATK, we generated a consensus call set that has ~90% sensitivity for identifying common variants (minor allele frequency ≥ 10%). Imputation further improves the sensitivity of our call set. In addition, we obtained high-coverage for the whole mitochondrial genome to infer the maternal lineage evolutionary history of the Indian samples. Conclusions Overall, we demonstrate that EXL-WGS with imputation can be a valuable study design for variant discovery with a dramatically lower cost than standard WGS, even in populations with a complex history and without available reference data. In addition, the South Indian EXL-WGS data generated in this study will provide a valuable resource for future Indian genomic studies

    Enhanced specificity of clinical high-sensitivity tumor mutation profiling in cell-free DNA via paired normal sequencing using MSK-ACCESS

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    Liquid biopsies allow the non-invasive detection of somatic mutations from tumours. Here, the authors develop and test MSK-ACCESS, an NGS-based clinical assay for identifying low frequency mutations in 129 genes and describe how it benefits patients in the clinic