149 research outputs found

    The need for religious-spiritual support services for elderly people in the covid-19 process

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    “Yaşlılık” konusu, sosyal bilimlerin başlıca araştırma konuları arasındaki yerini almıştır. İnsanlığın hızlı yaşlanma süreci, birçok ülkenin başlıca sorunları arasında yerini alırken, Türkiye’yi de oldukça endişelendiren sorunların başında geldiği görülmektedir. Özellikle içerisinde yaşanılan bu Covid-19 sürecinin yaşlı bireylere yönelik endişeleri daha da artırdığı gözlemlenmiştir. Yaşlı bireylerin sosyal sorunları, Pandemiye yönelik kısıtlamalar, yaşlı bireylerin sürdürülebilir yaşam şartlarını zorlaştırmış, dini-manevi destek ihtiyaçlarını daha da arttırmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; dünya genelinde artış gösteren yaşlı nüfusun mikro, mezzo ve makro düzeyde toplumsal bir sorun olarak algılatılmasının, dini-manevi gereksinimlerinin göz ardı ediliyor olmasının evrensel temel insan hak bildirileri, anayasa ve yasalar anlamında oldukça yanlış bir tutum olduğuna dikkat çekmektir. Bu bağlamda Covid-19 sürecinde yaşanan hassas durumlar dikkate alınarak, sosyal hizmet disiplini dâhilinde yaşlı bireylere sunulması gereken hizmetlerin dini-manevi destek hizmetleri çerçevesinde sunulmasının gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktır. Covid-19 sürecinin bütün insanlar için geçici bir süreç olduğu ve yeniden “Normal Yaşam”a dönülebileceği umutlarının korunmaya çalışıldığı görülmektedir. Bu süreçte yaşlı bireylerin dini-manevi perspektifte ele alınan psikolojik sorunlarının “Etkinlik (Aktivite)”, “Rol Bırakma” ve “İlişki Kesme” teorileri çerçevesinde dezavantajlara dönüştürülmemesi oldukça önem arz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda, holistik bir yaklaşım olarak yaşlı bireylerin bütün sosyal ilişkilerinde kendi kendilerine yetebilme ve rollerini bırakmama yönünde dini-manevi destek hizmetlerinin daha etkin sunulmasının gerekliliği oldukça önem arz eden eklektik bir yaklaşım olarak görülmektedir.The topic of “ageing” has taken its place among the main research topics of social sciences. While the rapid aging process of humanity has taken its place among the main problems of many countries, it dec seen that social aging is one of the problems that are very worrying for Turkey. In particular, it has been observed that this Covid-19 process experienced in it further increases the concerns of elderly people. Social problems of elderly people, restrictions on the pandemic have made it difficult for elderly people to have sustainable living conditions, further increasing the requirements for their religious and spiritual support needs. The aim of this study is to draw attention to the fact that the perception of the elderly population, which is increasing worldwide, as a social problem at micro, mezzo and macro levels, and ignoring their religious-spiritual needs is a very wrong attitude in terms of universal basic human rights, constitution and laws. In this context, taking into account the sensitive situations experienced during the Covid-19 process, it is emphasized that the services that should be provided to elderly people within the discipline of social work should be provided within the framework of value-based “religious and spiritual support services”. It seems that the Covid-19 process is a temporary process for all people and hopes are being tried to maintain that they can return to a “Normal Life”again. In this process, it is very important that the psychological problems of elderly people which are considered from a religious and spiritual perspective, are not turned into disadvantages within the framework of the theories of “Effectiveness”, “Role-Playing” and “Relationship Break-up”. In this context, as a holistic approach, the necessity of providing religious and spiritual support services more effectively in order to be self-sufficient and not to give up their roles in all social relations of elderly people is seen as an eclectic approach that is very important


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    In this study, it was aimed to examine the problems that the pre-service mathematics teachers posed about the square root expressions. 35 pre-service teachers studying in the third grade of the middle school mathematics teaching department of a state university participated in this study in which the case study method was used. Each pre-service teacher was asked to pose 2 free problems related to the square root expressions. The collected data were analyzed according to the framework created by the researcher in line with the literature. Accordingly, the problems that the pre-service mathematics teachers posed were examined in terms of mathematically, data quality, grammar and expression, instructions and amount of data in the problems, solvability and overall assessment (availability). As a result, it was seen that pre-service teachers generally set up problems involving daily life, more than half of the problems they set up were solvable, but there were also problems that could not be solved due to logic errors, conceptual errors and lack of mathematical instructions.  In addition, although there were errors in terms of language and expression in the problems, the majority of the pre-service teachers used language and expression at an adequate level.Neste estudo, objetivou-se examinar os problemas que os futuros professores de matemática colocaram sobre as expressões de raiz quadrada. Participaram deste estudo 35 futuros professores do terceiro ano do departamento de ensino de matemática do ensino fundamental de uma universidade estadual, no qual foi utilizado o método de estudo de caso. Cada professor em formação foi solicitado a propor 2 problemas livres relacionados às expressões de raiz quadrada. Os dados coletados foram analisados conforme referencial criado pela pesquisadora em consonância com a literatura. Assim, os problemas que os futuros professores de matemática colocaram foram examinados em termos matemáticos, qualidade dos dados, gramática e expressão, instruções e quantidade de dados nos problemas, solubilidade e avaliação global (disponibilidade). Como resultado, viu-se que os futuros professores geralmente montavam problemas envolvendo o cotidiano, mais da metade dos problemas que eles armavam eram solucionáveis, mas também havia problemas que não podiam ser resolvidos por erros de lógica, erros conceituais e falta de instruções matemáticas. Além disso, embora houvesse erros em termos de linguagem e expressão nos problemas, a maioria dos futuros professores utilizou a linguagem e a expressão em um nível adequado

    An investigation on renewable energy education at the university level in Turkey

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    In the present study, to discover how teaching of renewable energy sources in Turkey is carried out at the university level, a questionnaire was developed and applied at different universities in Turkey. The analyses conducted on the data obtained from the questionnaire revealed that education about geothermal, solar and wind energy is given at master’s level, other renewable energy sources are taught at the undergraduate level within the curriculum of some engineering courses. The teaching performed about renewable energy sources is in Turkish and at encyclopedic level. As preparing and obtaining the required materials are costly, some problems are encountered in the teaching of renewable sources. In Turkish universities, no degree about renewable energy sources is granted. Hence, the country must make use of the people having engineering degree to capitalize on its renewable energy sources. As there is no program specializing on providing training about the renewable energy sources, it seems to be difficult to find experts about this issue. The current state of renewable energy sources education seems to be inadequate and it should be expanded and strengthened

    Examining Schools’ Distributed Instructional Leadership Capacity: Comparison of Elementary and Secondary Schools

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    The purpose of this study is to elucidate the fundamental differences between elementary and secondary schools in distributed instructional leadership practices by comparing results determined by the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) survey. The data set used in this study was derived from the 2011-1013 CALL survey: a 360-degree, on-line, formative assessment and feedback system for K-12 school leadership. A total number of 4311 voluntary teachers, school administrators and other school staff participated in this study. The analysis included three integral steps. First, descriptive statistics were carried out to explain how distributed instructional leadership was rated on the CALL survey. Second, an independent-samples t-test was employed to compare the mean scores of elementary and secondary schools on the CALL survey. Third, ratios of elementary and secondary school staff in the top scoring 20 percentile and bottom scoring 20 percentile were compared to each other. The results suggested that all five distributed-instructional leadership domains which were addressed in the CALL had very close mean scores, indicating that none of the broad leadership areas was being ignored and elementary and secondary schools differ only in terms of the leadership practices related to monitoring teaching and learning

    The Atrial Fibrillation in Turkey: Epidemiologic Registry (AFTER)

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    Background: AFTER (Atrial Fibrillation in Turkey: Epidemiologic Registry) is a prospective,multicenter study designed with the aim of describing the prevalence and epidemiology ofAF practice in Turkey. This study aims to evaluate stroke risk in non-valvular atrial fi brillation(AF) and anticoagulant drug utilization within conformity to AF guidelines.Methods: Patients were recruited in 17 referral hospitals refl ecting all the population of7 geographical regions of Turkey. 2242 consecutive patients who had been admitted with AFon ECG were included in the study. 1745 of these patients, who had non-valvular AF, wereincluded in the statistical evaluation. Stroke risk was evaluated with the CHA2DS2-VASc score.Results: The average age of participants was determined to be 69.2 ± 11.5 years (56%female). Persistent-permanent AF was found to be the most common type of non-valvularAF (78%). The most common comorbid disorder was hypertension (73%). It was found thatoral anticoagulant therapy was used by 40% of all patients, 37% of whom had effective INR(2.0–3.0). Upon multivariate analysis, age was found to be the only independent predictorof stroke among the variables’ effects on thromboembolic events that created CHA2DS2-VAScabbreviations (OR 1.026, p < 0.001).Conclusions: These results suggest that stroke risk scores should be thoroughly heededbased on guidelines, and that anticoagulation must be applied according to their guidance

    Mediolateral Postural Sway Velocity as a Possible Indicator of Ground Reaction Force-Derived 180⁰ Turn Performance in Male Soccer Players: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The main aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between ground reaction force (GRF) derived postural sway and 180° turn performance in soccer players on the axis of dominant and non-dominant legs. Twenty-seven male soccer players (mean age 22.45 ± 2.7 years) from the same league level agreed to participate in the study. The participants underwent GRF-derived postural sway and 180⁰ turn tests using a force plate in separate sessions, with at least 24-hour intervals between sessions. Postural sway was assessed in anteroposterior and mediolateral directions during a single-leg stance, while the 180° turn performance was evaluated through GRF-derived turn time and turn sway. The correlation, multiple regression, and group differences were computed to test study hypotheses. Positive correlations were observed between postural sway measures and 180⁰ turn time for dominant and non-dominant legs (r-range from 0.384 to 0.550). No measure of postural sway was significantly related to the 180⁰ turn sway (p> 0.05). Multiple stepwise regression analysis indicated that mediolateral sway velocity explained 30% and 17% of the variance of 180⁰ turn time for dominant and non-dominant legs, respectively. No statistical inter-limb differences were noted for 180⁰ turn and postural sway parameters. The results suggest that improving single-leg postural performance may enhance male soccer players' 180° turn performance. Therefore, unilateral stability in the mediolateral direction should be considered a potential indicator of change of direction-based performances

    Coherent detection of hidden spin-lattice coupling in a van der Waals antiferromagnet

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    Strong interactions between different degrees of freedom lead to exotic phases of matter with complex order parameters and emergent collective excitations. Conventional techniques, such as scattering and transport, probe the amplitudes of these excitations, but they are typically insensitive to phase. Therefore, novel methods with phase sensitivity are required to understand ground states with phase modulations and interactions that couple to the phase of collective modes. Here, by performing phase-resolved coherent phonon spectroscopy (CPS), we reveal a hidden spin-lattice coupling in a vdW antiferromagnet FePS3_{3} that eluded other phase-insensitive conventional probes, such as Raman and X-ray scattering. With comparative analysis and analytical calculations, we directly show that the magnetic order in FePS3_{3} selectively couples to the trigonal distortions through partially filled t2g_{2g} orbitals. This magnetoelastic coupling is linear in magnetic order and lattice parameters, rendering these distortions inaccessible to inelastic scattering techniques. Our results not only capture the elusive spin-lattice coupling in FePS3_3, but also establish phase-resolved CPS as a tool to investigate hidden interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Nasopharynx evaluation in children of unilateral cleft palate patients and normal with cone beam computed tomography

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the morphological characteristics of the nasopharynx in unilateral Cleft lip/palate (CL/P) children and non-cleft children using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). METHODS: A retrospective study consisted of 54 patients, of which 27 patients were unilateral CL/P, remaining 27 patients have no CL/P. Eustachian tubes orifice (ET), Rosenmuller fossa (RF) depth, presence of pharyngeal bursa (PB), the distance of posterior nasal spine (PNS)-pharynx posterior wall were quantitatively evaluated. RESULTS: The main effect of the CL/P groups was found to be effective on RF depth-right (p < 0.001) and RF depth-left (p < 0.001). The interaction effect of gender and CL/P groups was not influential on measurements. The cleft-side main effect was found to be effective on RF depth-left (p < 0.001) and RF depth-right (p  =  0002). There was no statistically significant relationship between CL/P groups and the presence of bursa pharyngea. CONCLUSIONS: Because it is the most common site of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), the anatomy of the nasopharynx should be well known in the early diagnosis of NPC

    The comparison of systemic inflammatory response markers and Doppler ultrasound parameters between pregnancies with intrahepatic cholestasis and control cases

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    Objective: This study aims to detect a relationship between inflammatory markers, ductus venosus (DV) pulsatility index (PI), middle cerebral artery (MCA) PI, and umbilical artery (UA) systole to diastole ratio (S/D) and PI between pregnancies with intrahepatic cholestasis and control cases. Methods: This prospective study included 82 cases having intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) and 80 gestational age-matched healthy control cases. The Doppler measurements (DV PI, MCA PI, and UA S/D and PI), inflammatory markers (neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio [NLR], platelet to lymphocyte ratio [PLR], mean platelet volume [MPV], and red blood cell distribution width [RDW]), and fetal and maternal outcomes were compared. Results: Patients with ICP had increased PLR value (p=0.019) and decreased lymphocyte count (p=0.004) compared to control cases. Also, there was a positive correlation between PLR value and the presence of ICP (χ2=5.774, p=0.016). There were no significant differences between ICP and control groups concerning NLR, RDW, MPV, and UA PI values. We found higher UA S/D, and DV PI values and lower MCA PI values in pregnancies with ICP compared to controls (p<0.001, p=0.026, and p=0.003, respectively). Conclusion: In ICP cases, the PLR value was significantly increased than the controls, but the NLR, RDW, MPV, and UA PI values were found to be similar to control cases. The UA S/D, and DV PI values were increased, and MCA PI was significantly decreased in the ICP group compared to healthy pregnancies. However, we could not demonstrate the benefit of Doppler measurements in predicting neonatal outcomes in ICP cases