58 research outputs found

    Learning from Excellence: the 'Yaytix' programme

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    Background and aims: Learning from error can have a negative impact on the staff involved in the error ('second victim phenomenon'1). We created a project, based on the principles of the Learning from Excellence project,2 to learn from excellence and correct the imbalance of negative to positive feedback in the context of hospital practice. Methods and results: Using a questionnaire, we surveyed staff on existing feedback mechanisms and morale. We then introduced a system where staff recorded and commented on examples of excellence in practice. Recipients and their supervisors received copies of these reports and the feedback was analysed and discussed with senior staff (consultant, senior charge nurse, managers). We re-audited the staff two months after starting this project and noted improvements in staff morale and in positive reporting. Conclusions: This project has improved the process of giving and learning from positive feedback and had a significant impact on staff morale. We can also demonstrate an example of improved clinical practice (from feedback received) and will now attempt to measure clinical outcomes with a new prospective study. Finally, we hope to set up a regional programme of reporting excellence in South-East Scotland

    The Politics of Exhaustion and the Externalization of British Border Control. An Articulation of a Strategy Designed to Deter, Control and Exclude

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    In response to contemporary forms of human mobility, there has been a continued hardening of borders seeking to deter, control and exclude certain groups of people from entering nation states in Europe, North America and Australasia. Within this context, a disconcerting evolution of new and increasingly sophisticated forms of border control measures have emerged, which often play out within bilateral arrangements of “externalised” or “offshore” border controls. Drawing on extensive first‐hand field research among displaced people in Calais, Paris and Brussels in 2016–2019, this paper argues that the externalization of the British border to France is contingent upon a harmful strategy, which can be understood as the “politics of exhaustion.” This is a raft of (micro) practices and methods strategically aimed to deter, control and exclude certain groups of people on the move who have been profiled as “undesirable,” with a detrimental (un)intended impact on human lives

    SNAI1 expression and the mesenchymal phenotype: an immunohistochemical study performed on 46 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Abstract Background SNAI1 can initiate epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), leading to loss of epithelial characteristics and, in cancer, to invasion and metastasis. We hypothesized that SNAI1 reactivation occurs in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) where it might also be associated with focal adhesion kinase (FAK) expression and p63 loss. Methods Immunohistochemistry was performed on 46 tumors and 26 corresponding lymph node metastases. Full tissue sections were examined to account for rare and focal expression. Clinical outcome data were collected and analyzed. Results SNAI1-positivity (nuclear, ≄ 5% tumor cells) was observed in 10 tumors and 5 metastases (n = 12 patients). Individual SNAI1(+) tumor cells were seen in primary tumors of 30 patients. High level SNAI1 expression (>10% tumor cells) was rare, but significantly associated with poor outcome. Two cases displayed a sarcomatoid component as part of the primary tumor with SNAI1(+)/FAK(+)/E-cadherin(-)/p63(-) phenotype, but disparate phenotypes in corresponding metastases. All cases had variable SNAI1(+) stroma. A mesenchymal-like immunoprofile in primary tumors characterized by E-cadherin loss (n = 29, 63%) or high cytoplasmic FAK expression (n = 10, 22%) was associated with N(+) status and tumor recurrence/new primary, respectively. Conclusions SNAI1 is expressed, although at low levels, in a substantial proportion of OSCC. High levels of SNAI1 may herald a poor prognosis and circumscribed SNAI1 expression can indicate the presence of a sarcomatoid component. Absence of p63 in this context does not exclude squamous tumor origin. Additional EMT inducers may contribute to a mesenchymal-like phenotype and OSCC progression

    Mobilities of Knowledge: An Introduction

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    Mobilities of Knowledge examines how geographical mobility of people and (im)material things has impacted epistemic systems of knowledge in different historical and geographical contexts. In this chapter, the authors introduce concepts and debates in interdisciplinary research on spatial mobility and the production, dissemination, and transfer of knowledge. They suggest extending Urry’s (2007) typology of interdependent mobilities that constitute the space of flows and the space of places (Castells, 1996) from five to six dimensions through the consideration of mobile knowledges, concepts, and practices. Finally, they outline how the chapters of this volume help to identify generic as well as context-specific practices and processes of knowledge production, dissemination, and transfer and call for more empirical case studies to further the collective development of flexible conceptual understandings

    Correction: “The 5th edition of The World Health Organization Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours: Lymphoid Neoplasms” Leukemia. 2022 Jul;36(7):1720–1748

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    The Cup-to-disc Ratio Is Smaller in the Pseudotumor Cerebri Population Compared to Norms: Implications for Anterior Optic Neuropathies

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    A small cup:disc (C:D) ratio is a known "risk factor" for anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION), a disease characterized by disc edema. The small cup:disc ratio in AION may be related to the pathophysiology as a marker of a "crowded" optic nerve head with implications concerning blood supply. We hypothesized that an optic nerve with a small C:D ratio may bemore likely to swell from any cause, not just ischemia. We began to investigate this hypothesis by performing a chart review of pseudotumor cerebri (PTC) in order to discern if small C:D ratios were over-represented in this population

    Family Caregiver Knowledge, Patient Illness Characteristics, And Unplanned Hospital Admissions In Older Adults With Cancer

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    Purpose/Objectives: To explore factors related to unplanned hospital admissions and determine if one or more factors are predictive of unplanned hospital admissions for older adults with cancer. Design: A prospective longitudinal design and a retrospective chart review. Setting: Adult oncology outpatient infusion centers and inpatient units at Orlando Regional Medical Center in Florida. Sample: A convenience sample of 129 dyads of older adults with cancer and their family caregivers. Methods: Family caregiver demographic and side effect knowledge data were collected prospectively during interviews with family caregivers using a newly developed tool, the Nurse Assessment of Family Caregiver Knowledge and Action Tool. Patient demographic and clinical data were obtained through a retrospective chart review. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate data and examine relationships among variables. Main Research Variables: Patient illness characteristics; impaired function; side effects, such as infection, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea; family caregiver knowledge; and unplanned hospital admissions. Findings: Unplanned hospital admissions were more likely to occur when older adults had impaired function and side effects, such as infection, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Impaired function and family caregiver knowledge did not moderate the effects of these side effects on unplanned hospital admissions. Conclusions: Findings suggest that the presence of impaired function and side effects, such as infection, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, predict unplanned hospital admissions in older adults with cancer during the active treatment phase. Side effects may or may not be related to chemotherapy and may be related to preexisting comorbidities. Implications for Nursing: Nurses can conduct targeted assessments to identify older adults and their family caregivers who will need additional follow-up and support during the cancer treatment trajectory. Information gained from these assessments will assist nurses to provide practical and tailored strategies to reduce the risk for unplanned admissions

    Assisting cytopathology training in medically under-resourced countries: Defining the problems and establishing solutions

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    Cytology is able to deliver rapid accurate diagnoses with minimal equipment and laboratory infrastructure at minimal cost, and this is especially so for fine needle biopsy (FNB), which is a powerful diagnostic tool in medically resource-poor environments, where histopathology laboratories are small in number and poorly supported financially. The crucial element in the development of cytology services is to train a sufficient number of well trained cytopathologists and cytotechnologists to create a 'critical mass' of personnel who not only provide routine diagnostic services, but also can train an ever expanding number of pathologists, cytotechnologists, and health workers. A review of practical programs to train cytopathologists and cytotechnologists in their own countries will be presented, including a recent series of FNB and cytology tutorials run in sub Saharan Africa. The need for local cytopathology programs and the potential for both local and visiting cytopathologists to provide a faculty will be discussed, as well as a range of possible programs which can bring African pathologists and trainee pathologists to Western institutions for periods of their training. Ideally, the regional Societies of Cytology, including the recently formed West African Society of Cytology, will establish their own diagnostic protocols, training programs, syllabuses, examinations and accreditation and career pathways for both cytopathologists and cytotechnologists, and organize tutorials where they will invite overseas faculty to contribute. Crucially, these new societies will empower cytopathologists and cytotechnologists to approach health services and governments to state the need for cytology services as a cost-effective accurate diagnostic service that enhances patient care. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc
