48 research outputs found

    Combined DNA methylation and gene expression profiling in gastrointestinal stromal tumors reveals hypomethylation of SPP1 as an independent prognostic factor

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) have distinct gene expression patterns according to localization, genotype and aggressiveness. DNA methylation at CpG dinucleotides is an important mechanism for regulation of gene expression. We performed targeted DNA methylation analysis of 1.505 CpG loci in 807 cancer-related genes in a cohort of 76 GISTs, combined with genome-wide mRNA expression analysis in 22 GISTs, to identify signatures associated with clinicopathological parameters and prognosis. Principal component analysis revealed distinct DNA methylation patterns associated with anatomical localization, genotype, mitotic counts and clinical follow-up. Methylation of a single CpG dinucleotide in the non-CpG island promoter of SPP1 was significantly correlated with shorter disease-free survival. Hypomethylation of this CpG was an independent prognostic parameter in a multivariate analysis compared to anatomical localization, genotype, tumor size and mitotic counts in a cohort of 141 GISTs with clinical follow-up. The epigenetic regulation of SPP1 was confirmed in vitro, and the functional impact of SPP1 protein on tumorigenesis-related signaling pathways was demonstrated. In summary, SPP1 promoter methylation is a novel and independent prognostic parameter in GISTs, and might be helpful in estimating the aggressiveness of GISTs from the intermediate-risk category. © 2014 UICC

    Trastuzumab Mediated T-Cell Response against HER-2/Neu Overexpressing Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Depends on Intact Antigen Processing Machinery

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    BACKGROUND: Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is a highly aggressive disease with poor prognosis, which frequently exhibits HER-2 gene amplification. Trastuzumab, the humanized antibody against HER-2, has potent growth inhibitory effects on HER-2 overexpressing cancers. One effect of trastuzumab is that it causes HER-2 receptor internalization and degradation, enhancing presentation of HER-2 epitopes on MHC-Class I molecules. This enhances the ability of HER-2 specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) to recognize and kill cancer cells. Novel strategies targeting the HER-2 receptor either directly by trastuzumab and/or indirectly by inducing a CTL response against HER-2 epitopes with, for instance, DC immunotherapy and consequently combining these strategies might prove to be very effective. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study we report that trastuzumab has potent growth inhibitory effects on two HER-2 overexpressing EAC cell lines OE33 and OE19. However, we found that trastuzumab and HER-2 specific CTLs act synergistically in inducing tumor lysis in OE33 but not in OE19. We discovered that in OE19 this deficient response is due to a down-regulation of the Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing-2 (TAP-2). TAP-2 is an important member of the Antigen Processing Machinery (APM), and is one of the essential elements for loading antigens on MHC class I molecules. Importantly, we demonstrated that by inducing re-expression of TAP-2 in OE19 with INF-Îł treatment or by incubating the cells with INF-Îł producing CTLs, the specific anti HER-2 CTL tumor lysis response and synergistic effect with trastuzumab can be restored. CONCLUSION: An inefficient response of HER-2 overexpressing EAC to trastuzumab and/or DC immunotherapy can be due to a down-regulated TAP-2 expression and thus a deficient APM. Future studies combining trastuzumab with IFN-Îł and/or immune-therapies inducing potent anti HER-2 CTL responses could lead to an effective combinatorial strategy for successful treatment of HER-2 overexpressing but APM defective cancer

    TMEFF2 Is a PDGF-AA Binding Protein with Methylation-Associated Gene Silencing in Multiple Cancer Types Including Glioma

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    BACKGROUND: TMEFF2 is a protein containing a single EGF-like domain and two follistatin-like modules. The biological function of TMEFF2 remains unclear with conflicting reports suggesting both a positive and a negative association between TMEFF2 expression and human cancers. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we report that the extracellular domain of TMEFF2 interacts with PDGF-AA. This interaction requires the amino terminal region of the extracellular domain containing the follistatin modules and cannot be mediated by the EGF-like domain alone. Furthermore, the extracellular domain of TMEFF2 interferes with PDGF-AA-stimulated fibroblast proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. TMEFF2 expression is downregulated in human brain cancers and is negatively correlated with PDGF-AA expression. Suppressed expression of TMEFF2 is associated with its hypermethylation in several human tumor types, including glioblastoma and cancers of ovarian, rectal, colon and lung origins. Analysis of glioma subtypes indicates that TMEFF2 hypermethylation and decreased expression are associated with a subset of non-Proneural gliomas that do not display CpG island methylator phentoype. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data provide the first evidence that TMEFF2 can function to regulate PDGF signaling and that it is hypermethylated and downregulated in glioma and several other cancers, thereby suggesting an important role for this protein in the etiology of human cancers

    Multilayered epithelium in a rat model and human Barrett's esophagus: Similar expression patterns of transcription factors and differentiation markers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In rats, esophagogastroduodenal anastomosis (EGDA) without concomitant chemical carcinogen treatment leads to gastroesophageal reflux disease, multilayered epithelium (MLE, a presumed precursor in intestinal metaplasia), columnar-lined esophagus, dysplasia, and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Previously we have shown that columnar-lined esophagus in EGDA rats resembled human Barrett's esophagus (BE) in its morphology, mucin features and expression of differentiation markers (<it>Lab. Invest. 2004;84:753–765</it>). The purpose of this study was to compare the phenotype of rat MLE with human MLE, in order to gain insight into the nature of MLE and its potential role in the development of BE.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Serial sectioning was performed on tissue samples from 32 EGDA rats and 13 patients with established BE. Tissue sections were immunohistochemically stained for a variety of transcription factors and differentiation markers of esophageal squamous epithelium and intestinal columnar epithelium.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We detected MLE in 56.3% (18/32) of EGDA rats, and in all human samples. As expected, both rat and human squamous epithelium, but not intestinal metaplasia, expressed squamous transcription factors and differentiation markers (p63, Sox2, CK14 and CK4) in all cases. Both rat and human intestinal metaplasia, but not squamous epithelium, expressed intestinal transcription factors and differentiation markers (Cdx2, GATA4, HNF1α, villin and Muc2) in all cases. Rat MLE shared expression patterns of Sox2, CK4, Cdx2, GATA4, villin and Muc2 with human MLE. However, p63 and CK14 were expressed in a higher proportion of rat MLE compared to humans.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data indicate that rat MLE shares similar properties to human MLE in its expression pattern of these markers, not withstanding small differences, and support the concept that MLE may be a transitional stage in the metaplastic conversion of squamous to columnar epithelium in BE.</p

    Gene expression profiling for molecular distinction and characterization of laser captured primary lung cancers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined gene expression profiles of tumor cells from 29 untreated patients with lung cancer (10 adenocarcinomas (AC), 10 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), and 9 small cell lung cancer (SCLC)) in comparison to 5 samples of normal lung tissue (NT). The European and American methodological quality guidelines for microarray experiments were followed, including the stipulated use of laser capture microdissection for separation and purification of the lung cancer tumor cells from surrounding tissue.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on differentially expressed genes, different lung cancer samples could be distinguished from each other and from normal lung tissue using hierarchical clustering. Comparing AC, SCC and SCLC with NT, we found 205, 335 and 404 genes, respectively, that were at least 2-fold differentially expressed (estimated false discovery rate: < 2.6%). Different lung cancer subtypes had distinct molecular phenotypes, which also reflected their biological characteristics. Differentially expressed genes in human lung tumors which may be of relevance in the respective lung cancer subtypes were corroborated by quantitative real-time PCR.</p> <p>Genetic programming (GP) was performed to construct a classifier for distinguishing between AC, SCC, SCLC, and NT. Forty genes, that could be used to correctly classify the tumor or NT samples, have been identified. In addition, all samples from an independent test set of 13 further tumors (AC or SCC) were also correctly classified.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data from this research identified potential candidate genes which could be used as the basis for the development of diagnostic tools and lung tumor type-specific targeted therapies.</p

    HER-2/neu gene amplification in esophageal adenocarcinoma and its influence on survival

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    The original publication is available at the Annals website at www.springerlink.com/content/1534-4681.Background: HER-2/neu (c-erbB-2, HER2) gene amplification and protein overexpression have been associated with poor prognosis in several solid tumors, including breast and gastric cancer. Its incidence and significance in esophageal adenocarcinoma is unknown. Materials and Methods: Tissue microarrays were successfully constructed from 89 paraffin-embedded archival specimens of esophageal adenocarcinomas for HER2 gene amplification by silver-enhanced in situ hybridization (SISH). No patients had undergone neoadjuvant therapy. Protein overexpression was tested with immunohistochemistry (IHC) using automated immunostaining (Ventana Benchmark). Incidence of HER2 positivity, correlation to clinicopathological variables in esophageal cancer patients, and concordance between SISH and IHC were determined. Results: True HER2 gene amplification was detected in 14 esophageal cancer specimens (16%), and 92% of those with high-level HER2 amplification showed positive HER2 protein overexpression. No significant associations were found among gene amplification and clinicopathological factors. The 5-year survival rates were 57% for esophageal cancer patients with HER2 amplification compared with 32% without, but the difference in overall survival was not significant (P = .37). The correlation between SISH and IHC was statistically significant (P < .0001). Conclusion: While molecular targeting may be possible for approximately 16% of esophageal adenocarcinoma patients, HER2 oncogene amplification did not influence survival in this study.Sarah K. Thompson, Thomas R. Sullivan, Ruth Davies and Andrew R. Ruszkiewic

    Granularzelltumor - ein sehr seltener Tumor des Larynx

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    Hintergrund: Eine 32-jĂ€hrige Patientin mit seit zwei Monaten bestehender Heiserkeit wurde vom HNO-Arzt unter dem Verdacht einer Larynxpapillomatose ĂŒberwiesen. Laryngoskopisch zeigte sich am linken Processus vocalis eine runde, mehrhöckrige VerĂ€nderung, die bis an die Stimmlippe reichte.Material und Methoden: Im Rahmen einer Mikrolaryngoskopie stellte sich eine palpatorisch indurierte, oberflĂ€chlich kleinhöckrig verĂ€nderte Raumforderung am linken Processus vocalis von ca. 5 mm Durchmesser dar. Die VerĂ€nderung wurde mikrochirurgisch bis an den darunterliegenden Knorpel abgetragen. Es zeigten sich Infiltrationen in den Aryknorpel. Diese wurden bei noch unklarer DignitĂ€t belassen.Ergebnisse: Die histologische Aufarbeitung des OperationsprĂ€parates erbrachte Plattenepithel mit erheblicher Hyperkeratose und pseudoepitheliomatöser Hyperplasie, darunter Gruppen von großleibigen Zellen mit PAS-positivem Zytoplasma. Die Proliferation war weitgehend intraepithelial und auf die Basis beschrĂ€nkt. Es handelt sich um einen Granularzelltumor.Diskussion: Ein Granularzelltumor ist ein seltener Tumor, der erstmals 1926 von Abrikosoff beschrieben wurde. Der histologische Befund ist zwar fĂŒr den Pathologen charakteristisch, die histologische Aufarbeitung birgt jedoch bei nur oberflĂ€chlicher Biopsie die FehleinschĂ€tzung als einen malignen Tumor. Unter Pathologen ist der Tumor als typischer "pitfall" bekannt, da die erhebliche Hyperkeratose und pseudoepitheliomatöse Hyperplasie als Karzinom fehlinterpretiert werden kann. Das Entartungsrisiko wird mit 1-2% angegeben. Bei den insgesamt seltenen Manifestationen im Larynx sind - wie im beschriebenen Fall - meist das dorsale Stimmlippendrittel und die posteriore Glottis betroffen.Fazit: Ein Granularzelltumor ist ein seltener, benigner Tumor mit einem geringen Entartungsrisiko, der neben anderen PrĂ€dilektionsstellen auch im Larynx vorkommen kann. Die histologische Aufarbeitung birgt bei nur oberflĂ€chlicher Biopsie das Risiko einer FehleinschĂ€tzung als einen malignen Tumor, sodass bei entsprechendem Verdacht zumindest eine tiefe Biopsie entnommen werden sollte. Bei der grundsĂ€tzlich anzustrebenden vollstĂ€ndigen Abtragung mĂŒssen bei einer Lokalisation im Larynx daraus resultierende funktionelle Defizite (Heiserkeit, Aspiration) berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Wegen des geringen Risikos der malignen Entartung sind regelmĂ€ĂŸige Nachuntersuchungen erforderlich

    Dirofilaria immitis - eine seltene Differentialdiagnose eines Lungenrundherdes

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    Cystic lung light chain deposition disease - eine Fallbeschreibung

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