126 research outputs found

    National-Cultural Autonomy and 'Neutralism': Vladimir Medem's Marxist Analysis of the National Question, 1903-1920.

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    This article examines the views of Vladimir Medem (1879-1923) —a major leader and theorist of the Jewish Labour Bund in Tsarist Russia and, after 1918, in independent Poland— on the ‘national question’, as he presented them in internal discussions within the Bund and in his theoretical works. It demonstrates that Medem’s goal was not just to outline a political program for the Bund but to establish the foundations for a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the nation from a social democratic perspective. Strongly opposed to nationalism in all its manifestations, Medem put forward, as an alternative to the nation-state (demanded by all nationalist movements), a model of a ‘state of nationalities’ in which citizenship would be nationally neutral and granted equally to the members of all nationalities. At the same time, Medem proposed that the state must take an active role in protecting national minorities by granting each of them a national-cultural autonomy with a limited jurisdiction over cultural matters (and only those matters). Medem’s analysis of the national question and the Bund’s program of national-cultural autonomy (like the similar views formulated by Austro-Marxist theorists Karl Renner and Otto Bauer) deserve special attention, I argue; as a form of ‘multiculturalism avant la lettre’, they may offer insights relevant to today’s increasingly diverse and multicultural societies

    Representations of sport in the revolutionary socialist press in Britain, 1988–2012

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    This paper considers how sport presents a dualism to those on the far left of the political spectrum. A long-standing, passionate debate has existed on the contradictory role played by sport, polarised between those who reject it as a bourgeois capitalist plague and those who argue for its reclamation and reformation. A case study is offered of a political party that has consistently used revolutionary Marxism as the basis for its activity and how this party, the largest in Britain, addresses sport in its publications. The study draws on empirical data to illustrate this debate by reporting findings from three socialist publications. When sport did feature it was often in relation to high profile sporting events with a critical tone adopted and typically focused on issues of commodification, exploitation and alienation of athletes and supporters. However, readers’ letters, printed in the same publications, revealed how this interpretation was not universally accepted, thus illustrating the contradictory nature of sport for those on the far left

    PKCα and PKCδ Regulate ADAM17-Mediated Ectodomain Shedding of Heparin Binding-EGF through Separate Pathways

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling is initiated by the release of EGFR-ligands from membrane-anchored precursors, a process termed ectodomain shedding. This proteolytic event, mainly executed by A Disintegrin And Metalloproteases (ADAMs), is regulated by a number of signal transduction pathways, most notably those involving protein kinase C (PKC). However, the molecular mechanisms of PKC-dependent ectodomain shedding of EGFR-ligands, including the involvement of specific PKC isoforms and possible functional redundancy, are poorly understood. To address this issue, we employed a cell-based system of PMA-induced PKC activation coupled with shedding of heparin binding (HB)-EGF. In agreement with previous studies, we demonstrated that PMA triggers a rapid ADAM17-mediated release of HB-EGF. However, PMA-treatment also results in a protease-independent loss of cell surface HB-EGF. We identified PKCα as the key participant in the activation of ADAM17 and suggest that it acts in parallel with a pathway linking PKCδ and ERK activity. While PKCα specifically regulated PMA-induced shedding, PKCδ and ERK influenced both constitutive and inducible shedding by apparently affecting the level of HB-EGF on the cell surface. Together, these findings indicate the existence of multiple modes of regulation controlling EGFR-ligand availability and subsequent EGFR signal transduction

    Creating a Historical Narrative for a Spiritual Nation: Simon Dubnow and the Politics of the Jewish Past

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    Simon Dubnow (1860–1941) was a towering intellectual figure in the history of East European Jewry in the half-century before the Second World War. His influence was manifested mostly in two areas: as the preeminent Jewish historian of his generation and as the main theorist of Jewish diaspora nationalism (Folkism) and intellectual leader of the Folkspartey in Russia (1907-1917). This article examines the relation between the two aspects of Dubnow’s career and legacy. As a historian, Dubnow developed a method for the study of Jewish history he called ‘historism’. Politically, Dubnow was an atypical nationalist, in that he did not demand territorial independence for his people but only the recognition of Jews as a nation with autonomous status within the states where they already lived. I show how Dubnow’s Jewish nationalism and his political views derived, to a large extent, from his historical theory and analysis, and in turn, how his historical interpretations were often informed by his ideological preconceptions. By analyzing and juxtaposing his historical and theoretical works, I argue that the writing of history was for Dubnow a means to achieve his more ambitious goal: to change the future of Jewish society and, by extension, the countries where the Jews lived.Simon Dubnow (1860–1941) a été une figure intellectuelle marquante de l’histoire de la communauté juive de l’Europe de l’Est dans la première moitié du vingtième siècle. Son influence s’est particulièrement fait sentir dans deux domaines. Il a d’abord été l’historien juif le plus important de sa génération. Il a ensuite été le principal théoricien du nationalisme de la diaspora juive et le leader intellectuel du Folkspartei en Russie (1907-1917). Cet article examine la relation entre ces deux aspects de sa carrière et de son héritage. Comme historien, Dubnow a développé une méthode pour étudier l’histoire juive, qu’il a appelée (en anglais) “historism”. Politiquement, il a promu un nationalisme atypique puisqu’il n’a jamais réclamé l’indépendance d’un territoire national pour son peuple, mais seulement la reconnaissance des Juifs comme formant une nation avec un statut autonome à sein des États où ils étaient déjà installés. Cet article explique comment le nationalisme juif de Dubnow et ses vues politiques dérivaient en grande partie de sa théorie et de son analyse historiques et, parallèlement, comment ses interprétations historiques ont souvent été influencées par ses préconceptions idéologiques. L’auteur soutient qu’en analysant et en juxtaposant les travaux historiques et théoriques de Dubnow, on peut voir comment l’écriture de l’histoire était pour lui un moyen d’atteindre un objectif plus ambitieux, celui de modifier l’avenir de la société juive et, par extension, celui des pays où ils vivaient

    Burgundy Wool Coat with Laser Cut Details

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    The Burgundy Wool Coat with Laser Cut Details was designed for the mass market Fall/Winter 2017. Inspired by travel and an active lifestyle, practicality is a focus. The coat features deep front pockets for easy access to items, hidden zipper and welt pockets for security of belongings, a versatile zip-off hood and a center front two-way separating zipper. This functional, unique coat has modern and innovative elements. The pockets and hood are laser cut with an original plaid design, which is also quilted for added durability and aesthetics. Buttoned tabs on the sleeves and three toggles on the bust are interesting nods to tradition. This modernized version of a classic duffel coat is made of 100% wool with a polyester lining in colors based on current trends. The lightweight design is perfect for fall, while the slightly boxy silhouette can be worn over warm layers for winter.</p