32 research outputs found


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    Objective: One of the measures used to prevent malaria is the management of breeding sites. For preventive and ecologically profitable control, the use of bio-larvicides made from active plant extracts would be an asset for the control of malaria vectors, in particular Anopheles gambiae. Advances in pharmacognosy have revealed the benefits of several phytochemicals with very rich and varied therapeutic effects. Among the latter, oleanolic acid (OA) is quite remarkable because of its various and multiple properties, much of which is demonstrated with the leaves of Launaea taraxacifolia. Methods: After a liquid-liquid fractionation with different organic solvents of the hydro-methanolic extract of Launaea taraxacifolia, we obtained three fractions named Fhex (hexane fraction), FDCM (dichloromethane fraction) and FHM (hydro-methanolic fraction) which were tested on 3rd instar Anopheles gambiae larvae. Results: Fhex proved to be the most active with LC50 of 120.11 ppm and 69.50 ppm respectively in 24 and 48 hours of contact. We then developed a new method of Ultra-Violet High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC / UV) method and determined the quantity of oleanolic acid in the Fhex and FDCM fractions to be respectively 0.46% and 0.23% . Conclusion: Launaea taraxacifolia has a larvicidal potential due to the presence of oleanolic acid whose inhibitory effect against Anopheles gambiae larvae


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    Résumé : L’objectif de ce papier est d’analyser l’effet du marché obligataire des titres publics sur l’industrialisation en zone UEMOA. En nous appuyant sur un modèle linéaire pour les huit pays de l’UEMOA de 2005 à 2019. Nous avons utilisé la méthode des doubles moindres carrés avec variables instrumentales (DMC-VI/IV-2SLS). Elle établit une relation linéaire entre l’encours des titres publics et l’industrialisation en zone UEMOA. Le principal résultat obtenu suggère que l’encours des titres publics réduit le niveau d’industrialisation. Toutefois, des analyses spécifiques montrent que dans les sous-échantillons, l’effet négatif de l’encours des titres publics sur l’industrialisation est moins important pour les pays avec littoral comparativement au pays sans littoral. Classification JEL : E52- E58- H62- H63- H74 Mots-clés :Titres publics, marché obligataire, Industrialisation, dette publique, libéralisation financière Abstract : The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of the government bond market on industrialisation in the WAEMU zone. We use a linear model for the eight WAEMU countries from 2005 to 2019. We used the double least squares method with instrumental variables (DMC-VI/IV-2SLS). It establishes a linear relationship between outstanding government securities and industrialisation in the WAEMU zone. The main result obtained suggests that the outstanding amount of government securities reduces the level of industrialisation. However, specific analyses show that in the sub-samples, the negative effect of outstanding government securities on industrialisation is less significant for landlocked countries than for landlocked countries. Keywords : government securities, bond market, industrialisation, public debt, financial liberalisatio

    Effet de seuil de l’emprunt obligataire public sur la croissance économique dans les pays de l’UEMOA

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    L’objectif de ce papier est d’examiner l’effet non linéaire de l’émission des emprunts obligataires sur la croissance économique des pays de l’UEMOA au cours de la période 2000-2019. Plus spécifiquement il s’agit de déterminer le seuil d’emprunt obligataire à ne pas excéder afin que la politique budgétaire soit efficace pour créer et soutenir la croissance économique au sein de l’UEMOA. Pour atteindre l’objectif de cette étude, nous avons opté pour le modèle de régression de transition lisse en panel (PSTR) développé par González et al. (2005). Nous avons utilisé des données de panel trimestrielles couvrant les 08 pays de l’UEMOA de 2005 à 2019 Nos résultats montrent qu’il existe une relation non linéaire de l’effet des emprunts obligataires sur la croissance économiques dans la région. Une analyse approfondie suggère qu’une meilleure maitrise de la stabilité macroéconomique, une bonne gestion du stock de la dette extérieure et de dépenses gouvernementales et de l’efficacité du gouvernement permettrait d’améliorer l’effet de l’émission des emprunts obligataires sur la croissance économique des pays de l’UEMOA

    Synthesis of icosadeuterio-benzopinacol (benzopinacol-d20)

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    This work reports on synthesis of high yield (92%) of isosadeuteriobenzopinacol (benzopinacol-d20) via photo-reductive dimerization of benzophenone-d10. The latter compound was obtained using an improved method to achieve a material with high isotopic purity (99%). This material can be served for calibration of mass spectrometric assays. In this study, it was also observed that benzophenone-d10 reacts faster than its natural abundance counterpart. However, elucidating the origin of this phenomenon will require additional work. © 2020 Sami Publishing Company. All rights reserved

    Trypanocidal activity of a thioacyl-thiosemicarbazide derivative associating both immunostimulating thalidomide and anti-parasitic thiosemicarbazide pharmacophores

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    African trypanosomiasis remains a life-threatening disease and there is nowadays an urgent need for improved therapeutic agents for this pathology. In this context, in order to create novel anti-protozoa prototype containing both a trypanocidal thiosemicarbazide moiety and an immuno-potentiating thalidomide-like, a hybrid structure was designed on the basis of a convergent synthesis process, synthesized and assayed for its potential trypanocidal activity. Initial biological results are very promising. The structure of the target compound was ascertained on the basis of 13C-NMR, IR spectroscopy and semi-empirical AM1/PM3 quantum-mechanical calculations

    A concise synthesis of 2-(1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-methoxynaphthalen-4-yl) ethanamine, a key intermediate in the elaboration compound library of agomelatine analogs

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    Agomelatine, a melatonin-like antidepressant drug based on a naphthalene scaffold, has received consid erable attention these last twenty years. This drug molecu le undergoes important liver first pass effect and suffers therefore of a short plasma half-life. In an effort to circum vent this drawback, we designed an approch based on the use of a tetraline scaffold to replace the original naphthalene template. Using a concise synthetic method involving a three-step approach and starting a commercially available tetralone precursor,we successfully designed a tetraline scaffold, a pivotal template which could be further elaborated into a compound library of agomelatine analogs. Further work is now under progress along this lin

    Distribution en gros et délivrance des médicaments à base de plantes à travers le circuit pharmaceutique du Burkina Faso

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    OBJECTIF : Dans le but d’améliorer la contribution des médicaments issus de la pharmacopée traditionnelle aux soins de santé, des pays africains comme le Burkina Faso ont adopté depuis plusieurs années des politiques et des réglementations organisant leur distribution. Ce travail a pour objectif d’analyser la situation de la vente en gros et au détail des médicaments à base de plantes par les établissements pharmaceutiques officiels. MÉTHODE : Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective qui a concerné tous les 18 grossistes répartiteurs de médicaments et les 115 officines pharmaceutiques privées de la ville de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). L’étude a consisté en une collecte des données de vente des médicaments à base de plantes de 2013 à 2016 et des interviews des pharmaciens responsables des établissements enquêtés. RÉSULTATS : Toutes les officines enquêtées s’approvisionnent chez les grossistes répartiteurs nationaux, mais onze d’entre elles le font directement chez des fabricants ou des fournisseurs non grossistes. Seulement 40 % (44/111) des médicaments à base de plantes distribués par les grossistes et les officines pharmaceutiques avaient des AMM valides. Aussi, bien que les taux moyens de croissance des ventes annuelles par les grossistes et les officines pharmaceutiques privés, respectivement 23,67 % et 11,94 %, soient importants, les chiffres d’affaires réalisés à partir de leur vente restent faibles. CONCLUSION : L’accompagnement des producteurs locaux par un financement approprié et la promotion adéquate des médicaments à base de plantes sont encore nécessaires pour booster la part du marché national des médicaments à base de plantes.[Wholesale distribution and delivery of plant-based medicinal products through the pharmaceutical system of Burkina Faso] OBJECTIVE: In order to improve the contribution of medicines from traditional pharmacopoeia to health care, African countries like Burkina Faso have adopted for several years, policies and regulations organizing their distribution. This study aims to analyze the situation of the wholesale and retail sale of herbal medicines imported by the official pharmaceutical facilities. METHOD: This is a retrospective study involving all 18 drug wholesalers and 115 pharmacies in the city of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). It consisted of a collection of sales data of herbal medicines from 2013 to 2016 and interviews of the pharmacists responsible for the facilities surveyed. RESULTS: All the pharmacies surveyed obtain their supplies from national wholesalers, but eleven of them do so directly from manufacturers or non-wholesalers. Only 40% (44/111) of herbal medicines distributed by wholesalers and pharmacies had valid marketing authorizations. Also, although the average growth rates of annual sales by wholesalers and private pharmacies, respectively 23.67% and 11.94%, are significant, the turnover generated from their sale remains low. CONCLUSION: Supporting local producers with appropriate funding and adequate promotion of herbal medicines is still needed to boost the share of the national herbal medicines market

    Synthesis and Antiepileptic Activity Assessment of 5-Benzoyloxindole, a Novel Phenytoinergic Template

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    Based on a rational approach using merely bioisosterism as euristic tool, we designed and tested a short series of congeners of 6-benzoyl-2(3H)-benzoxazolone as phenytoinergic lead. Among them, 5-benzoyloxindole showed an impressive activity in the Maximal Electroshock seizure test in mice at the same level of activity as phenytoin, carbamazepine and primidone, all these drugs nowadays considered worldwide as reference molecules, and only surpassed by ameltolide. Additional preliminary pharmacomodulations of this lead were unsuccessful. In view of its molecular concision and good druggability characteristics, 5-benzoyloxindole represents a valid platform for further medicinal chemistry elaborations