640 research outputs found

    Sharing Positive Affective States Amongst Rodents

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    Group living is thought to benefit from the ability to empathize with others. Much attention has been paid to empathy for the pain of others as an inhibitor of aggression. Empathizing with the positive affect of others has received less attention although it could promote helping by making it vicariously rewarding. Here, we review this latter, nascent literature to show that three components of the ability to empathize with positive emotions are already present in rodents, namely, the ability to perceive, share, and prefer actions that promote positive emotional states of conspecifics. While it has often been argued that empathy evolved as a motivation to care for others, we argue that these tendencies may have selfish benefits that could have stabilized their evolution: approaching others in a positive state can provide information about the source of valuable resources; becoming calmer and optimistic around animals in a calm or positive mood can help adapt to the socially sensed safety level in the environment; and preferring actions also benefiting others can optimize foraging, reduce aggression, and trigger reciprocity. Together, these findings illustrate an emerging field shedding light on the emotional world of rodents and on the biology and evolution of our ability to cooperate in groups.</p

    Emotional contagion and prosocial behavior in rodents

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    Empathy is critical to adjusting our behavior to the state of others. The past decade dramatically deepened our understanding of the biological origin of this capacity. We now understand that rodents robustly show emotional contagion for the distress of others via neural structures homologous to those involved in human empathy. Their propensity to approach others in distress strengthens this effect. Although rodents can also learn to favor behaviors that benefit others via structures overlapping with those of emotional contagion, they do so less reliably and more selectively. Together, this suggests evolution selected mechanisms for emotional contagion to prepare animals for dangers by using others as sentinels. Such shared emotions additionally can, under certain circumstances, promote prosocial behavior

    Uso de séries temporais no estudo do mercado de trigo.

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    Existem diversas metodologias com base em dados de séries temporais aplicáveis a estudos de modelos de previsão. Com o intuito de analisar a evolução do mercado de trigo foram utilizados dois desses modelos, Arima e Espaço de Estados, para previsão das séries: produção, consumo e importação de trigo do Brasil. As séries observadas compreendem o período 1972- 2008 e as previsões se estendem até 2018. Taxas de crescimento também foram calculadas para as séries analisadas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as projeções da produção e da importação foram as que melhor se ajustaram aos dados. As estimativas indicam perspectivas de crescimento para a produção, o consumo e a importação de trigo. A maior taxa de crescimento foi encontrada para a produção. Conclui-se que o Brasil não conseguirá se tornar auto-suficiente na produção de trigo, mantendo sua dependência em relação aos mercados exportadores, uma vez que o consumo continuará aumentando

    Design, Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of (Cyclopentadienone)iron Complexes Containing a Stereogenic Plane and a Stereogenic Axis

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    Herein, we report the synthesis and characterization of several chiral (cyclopentadienone)iron complexes (CICs) featuring either two (R)-BINOL-derived stereoaxes or a combination of one (R)-BINOL-derived stereoaxis and a stereogenic plane. The stereoplane-containing CICs were obtained as epimer mixtures, which were separated by flash column chromatography and assigned an absolute configuration based on XRD analysis, NMR and order of elution. The library was tested in the asymmetric hydrogenation of ketones showing good catalytic activity and a moderate stereoselectivity which, notably, is mostly imparted by the stereogenic plane. Indeed, the two epimers of each CIC possessing a stereoplane show opposite and equally strong stereochemical preference.Winning plane: chiral (cyclopentadienone)iron complexes (CICs) featuring a combination of an (R)-BINOL-derived stereoaxis and a stereogenic plane were synthesized in diastereoisomerically pure form, characterized and tested in the asymmetric hydrogenation of ketones. The new CICs showed good catalytic activity and, remarkably, the stereoplane epimers displayed similar and opposite stereochemical preference